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The mission over Wright Patterson never existed and not one person in that control room wanted to discuss the day’s events, in fact they were intimidated into silence.

Rolling Thunder

Brooklyn Jnr and the other navy flyboys had become increasingly bored on the long voyage home but thankfully it was now drawing to a close. In a day or two, they would be able to set foot on dry land once again.

Brooklyn was still pining for Pamela and had become very despondent as his letters remained unanswered but he knew that Pam was on the road with other protesters. His mom had confirmed this to him in her last letter and she was sure that Pam would send her next address as soon as she knew it.

In hard times Brooklyn Jnr always looked for guidance from his father, he lay in his bunk and talked to the only picture he had of them together, his dads beaming smile always managed to brighten his day. Brooklyn smiled and chatted to his dad as much as he could and it always strengthened his resolve, he was going to be the best he could be and keep making his dad damn proud.

A news report flickered on the small television in the background, it was running a story about a power outage in the Dayton area and that the National Guard was being sent in as a calming presence. This was because the locals were becoming restless and some of the violent.

The reporter changed the story to more anti-war protesters in New York, the police had intervened and fired tear gas into the crowd, this had escalated the tension and five people had been injured.

Brooklyn paid no attention to the news broadcast and soon he fell asleep in his small bunk.


The National Guard was on route to Dayton Ohio, they had been briefed that the mission was classified above top secret and they all been forced to sign non-disclosure documents. They had been told that contact in Dayton had been lost, it was probably just a power outage but they had been no contact with local law enforcement and the Commander in charge had stressed to the men that they must be ready for anything.

The men of the National guard were fully kitted out with M-16’s assault rifles and were now riding in relative style as fourteen of them were stuffed into each single turboshaft engine Bell UH-1H Iroquois ‘Huey’ helicopter. The two pilots were busy chatting away to their fellow Huey pilots.

Ten of these Huey helicopters sped in low, just above the treetops at around 125 mph, they were spread out in a tight line. They were flying like they were in a live combat zone.

“Hey Stevie, you got any idea what is going on?”

“Not a clue bud, fucking adrenaline is pumping though!”

“Ye-ha all we need is some rock music and this would be a helluva party!”

Sergeant Phelps shook his head, “Will you guys shut it before I put my boot in your ass.”

The helicopters started to pick up altitude quickly.

“ETA four minutes.” The flight leader announced, “hold on back there.” He added.

The Huey’s rose to ten thousand feet, then leveled out. The pilots scoped out the area.

“Where is all the traffic?”

The second pilot shrugged, “Can’t see any movement, there is the odd plume of black smoke coming from the side of the road.”

“Strange, we will stay on mission.”

The Huey’s carried on towards Dayton in their tight string formation, the chopper pilots were well versed in this tactic after having a tour of Vietnam under their belts. They checked the instruments and their bearings.

“ETA three minutes.” The pilot said.

A deafening bang caught the pilot off guard, and then a streak of bright purple lightning crackled less than five foot from the cockpit. The air temperature rose slightly.

“Shit!” The co-pilot shouted, “Were we due a thunderstorm?”

“No!.. The weather report was clear.”

Turbulence rocked the Huey’s and the pilots struggled to stay in formation as further claps of thunder rocked the air stability. The third Huey in the formation housed a national news reporter and his cameraman. The film crew was present on the orders of the men in black. The cameraman was filming through the open side door.

Another flash of powerful lightning raced skywards, like a homing missile it streaked towards the formation of American helicopters. The second chopper in the formation was hit full on its right-hand side, the pilot swore as sparks flew and a couple of the men inside were hit by the superheated energy, they fell to the floor; one screamed in agony as his arm was badly burnt. The second man was not breathing.

Brilliant violet orbs of light flew skywards and seemed to move towards the helicopters, the pilots of the fourth helicopter in the line were too busy watching the drama unfold in front of him to notice the orbs accelerate towards them. Two orbs smashed into the belly of the helicopter, they melted the metal of the fuselage and then detonated; the chopper exploded into three parts and other pieces were completely vaporized.

“Shit shit shit… Hawk four down, repeat Hawk four is down.”


The command room went quiet, a technician turned to the men stood at the back of the room.

The two men nodded to him, “Stay on mission please.” The two figures dressed in black suits declared in unison.

The orbs continued in ever-increasing waves, lightning flashed all across the sky, thunder clapped in an almost otherworldly volume. The last clap caused the glass in the cockpit to splinter and crack in a deep spider webbed formation.

The second Huey was hit by lightning again which seemed to act as a signal for the orbs of light to home in on, the orbs accelerated and they became a blur, seconds later they impacted on the helpless chopper. Four or five balls of superheated light smashed into it and the helicopter was instantly obliterated; all inside were completely vaporized.

“Fuck it, Hawk flight hit the deck, I repeat aim for the deck.” Flight leader Franklin Paul shouted. He Threw the control stick forward, the Huey started to dive nose first’ the other Huey’s of Hawk flight followed suit.

Not a single patch of the sky seemed to be clear, the helicopters looked like they were diving into hell as the sky was on fire with thousands of sparks of purple lightning spreading in all directions.

“What the hell is this stuff?”

“Never have seen anything like this in my life!”

“Evasive action!” Franklin shouted.

What seemed like hundreds of orbs of light race towards them, Hawk one and three managed to avoid the first wave but Hawk five flew head first into a streak of lightning, the cockpit burst into flames; the pilots screamed briefly before the intercom died completely.

Franklin Paul looked over his shoulder to see the smoldering wreckage of Hawk five spinning towards the ground, the fire started to spread and several of the men inside tried to jump out of the open door.

“Hawk one to base, we have lost three birds, repeat we have lost three birds. Permission to bug out?”

There was a pause, “Permission denied Hawk one, get your men on the ground ASAP.”

“This is insane.” Hawk one said.

Another pause, “Watch your tone Hawk one, advisors to the White House themselves are listening to this.”

The seven remaining Huey’s raced towards the ground.

“Prepare for dust off,” Franklin shouted this was the signal for the men inside to get ready to exit the choppers.

Hawk seven narrowly avoided three orbs, the co-pilot checked over his shoulder and to his disbelief, the orbs changed direction and speed towards the Huey.

“No fucking way…” Was all the co-pilot managed to say before the orbs impacted into Hawk seven, the rear of the helicopter disintegrated, the pilots managed to cut off the communications so the others did not have to listen to the men’s screams; a jagged bolt of lightning cut into the front of Hawk seven and the remnants of aircraft exploded into a hundred shard of metal that rained from the sky.