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“Who are we even up against, I ain’t ever seen anything like it?”

Roderick sighed, his men were right they were in over their heads. “Alright.” He said, “Get on the radio; we need some support or an evac.”

“Yes, Sir.” The radio operator said.


“What now private?”

“Look through the smoke, there… and another one.”

“Shit,” Roderick muttered.

Through the clearing smoke, the ominous figure of a tank appeared, followed by another and then another. They appeared to be large battle tanks.

The cameraman was still filming and got a good shot. The reporter still cowered at the back of the restaurant, his eyes firmly clamped shut.

The three tanks came into view, their shape was familiar. “Can’t be!” Roderick said.

“What is it sir?”

Roderick shook his head, “They look like Tiger I’s but they can’t be.”

“Are you saying they are German Tiger tanks? “

The first tank’s gun swiveled slightly, the barrel pulsed a furious purple and while the machine was still moving, it fired. The round flew forwards and sliced through the front of the roof; it exploded and a ball of superheated light expanded. The front of the roof disintegrated.

The technician back at the base turned to his superior officers, “They are requested immediate fire support or Evac? They are in the shit Sir’s!”

The two men in black shook their heads; they were focused on the images of the tanks in front of them.

“Tell them we need as much Intel on what we are up against as possible. We regret there is no fire support available at the moment.”

The technician looked at them in horror; he looked at his Commander who just nodded. “Do as they ask.”

The radio operator threw down the receiver in disgust, he turned to the Sergeant, “We’re on our own sir, the bastards have sold us out. They want Intel, are they fucking mad!”

Another round shook the building, the right-hand wall collapsed inwards; a cloud of dust washed across the men.

The Tiger tanks continued to fire and move; they were followed by an ever growing amount of soldiers in black-clad armor. The National Guardsmen returned fire as best they could but it was clear they were outnumbered and they had nowhere to run.

“We are not combat effective; we have to defend this position.” Sergeant Roderick said as he fired a control burst towards the enemy soldiers.

The third Tiger tank fired, its round went into the heart of the building. The round exploded and a wave of purple washed over three of the men; instantly they ceased to exist.

The cameraman had survived but he was temporarily blinded by the intense blast, he stumbled around trying to get his bearings. An intense pain burst through his chest, he dropped the camera as he clutched at the wound; he could not see but he could feel a warm liquid seeping across his hand and he could taste the bitter taste of copper in his mouth.

The camera bounced one on the floor, it was still filming but the view was quickly obstructed by something falling in front of its lens. Another blast of intense light washed over the camera and then the live feed was cut off.


The silence around the room was palpable, the monitors showing the television broadcast now just showed a blizzard of white, grey and black swarming across the screen. The TV station that was showing the live report did not know how to react to the coverage that they had just witnessed.

The men in black had seen enough, they were busy organizing a meeting with the President and his closest advisors. They made a couple of calls and after patiently demanding an urgent meeting; they finally got what they wanted.

The two men turned to the rest of the room and placed down beige colored folders in front of everyone present.

“Please read the information contained in this document, it is vital you understand it. This will brief you on how to handle the outcomes of what you have witnessed today. The public will know soon enough but you are not to speak to anybody about this under any circumstances. Is that clear?” They chimed in unison.

The people in the room did not speak but managed only to nod slowly.

“Good, you have all done well.” The men in black said blandly as they went to the leave the room.

The monitors in the room snapped to life and the camera zoomed onto the face of a very stern looking man with beady black eyes. The man wore a dark black cap with a silver skull and bones logo and a large eagle holding a swastika that caught the sunlight and glinted into the camera lens.

“What the hell, who the hell is that?” One of the technicians shouted.

The men in black turned back and looked at the figure on the screen, their faces were emotionless apart from a flicker of a smile that lasted less than a second.

The man on the TV looked into the camera as a smile formed over his sinister face.

“Good morning America and what a wonderful morning it is indeed.” The man said in good English despite his thick German accent.

“I know you will be wondering who I am and why am I speaking to you, that will be explained in due course but first I have something to show you.”

The image of the man disappeared and was replaced with a chilling scene. The camera panned over the bodies of American soldiers; a lot of the bodies were badly burned while others had a look of fear and pain imprinted on their cold looking faces.

“Early this morning these men were sent to attack us, our forces responded quickly and without mercy.” The German narrated.

“Shit.” One of the technicians in the control room said, “That’s the National Guard we sent in!”

“Shh.” The men in black responded.

The screen changed back to the man proudly wearing the SS uniform.

“All military actions against us will be met with the same result, overwhelming and unrelenting force, there will be no mercy.” The man’s expressions changed into what looked like an evil grimace. “The general population should not resist our requests; it would be unwise to do so.”

President Nixon rushed into the emergency meeting room where his military advisors were sat waiting for him; they were all fixated with the television broadcast. Nixon took his seat.

“How long has this been going on for?” He growled.

“Three minutes.”

“Where is this broadcast coming from and has anyone confirmed its authenticity?”

“Working on it Sir.”

Nixon shook his head and just watched.

“This is the beginning of a wonderful new era; today we are laying the foundations for the only true master race to take their rightful place as rulers of the world. Those foundations were wrongfully destroyed and desecrated two decades ago.” The man spat onto the floor.

He then sighed.

“Some of this was our fault, our leadership fell under the curse of drugs and fucked themselves over into oblivion but you, you were the ones who violated our land and destroyed our people.” The anger was clear in the man’s voice but he quickly calmed down and began to smile again.

“Well now America you will feel what we felt, you will be helpless as our forces overrun your land and you will witness the Reich rising again, the flames from this phoenix will destroy the vermin that have been allowed to populate every corner of society.”

The man looked directly into the camera, his piercing dark eyes narrowed, “While I have been addressing you our forces have finished taking all of your land-based nuclear weapons facilities. We are aware of your nuclear submarines but you will not use them on your own country. If you do we will have no problem turning your entire infested country into a nuclear wasteland that will never recover.”

Nixon turned to his advisors, “Is this true?”