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Spiro Agnew rubbed his furrowed forehead.

Sporrenberg continued to narrate as a new darker film appeared.

“America you may not have realized it but the Soviet Union was planning to launch a nuclear strike against your beloved country. They thought they would take us all out with one attack.”

The film showed the spire of the Kremlin and then the surrounding areas, it looked peaceful but something was not quite right. As the camera zoomed in cars came into focus, none of them were moving and most of them had doors open.

The camera continued to zoom in and the first sign of clothes came into view and then another set and then another until they could see the floor was covered in abandoned clothes. As the images grew, strange black goo coated the items of clothing and soon it became evident there was blackened bone mixed in amongst the tar-like substance.

“The Soviet leadership cast has been destroyed, along with every other living creature in Moscow.” Sporrenberg continued as the camera switched to show piles of fur and feathers dotted around the place; the skeletons were blackened and mangled with goo.

“This is our countermeasure to any nuclear threat sent our way, this was just a small warhead armed with Xerum 525 which will destroy all living cells within the target area. We have an enormous supply of these missiles and we will use them again if necessary.”

Finally the screens switched to Sporrenberg’s expressionless face. “We are pleased to announce we have accepted a peace settlement with the Soviet Union only a few minutes ago.” Sporrenberg leaned forward into the camera. “We would be willing to discuss surrender terms for the United States with your Vice President Spiro Agnew.”

The footage changed to the view out of the cockpit of an Me 262, the fighter had Air Force one clear in its gunsights.

A purple orb flew into the helpless aircraft and an explosion rocked the airframe; slicing of the cockpit. A second orb raced outwards and impacted into the fuselage causing a large fireball that engulfed the screen for a few seconds until it died away just leaving metal debris to fall.

There was a pause and then the screens flickered back to Sporrenberg, “Unfortunately as you can see we are no longer able to speak to President Nixon. We are willing to accept terms of unconditional surrender only. We await your response Vice President. If we do not receive a satisfactory reply before 16.00 hours we will have no choice but to launch an all-out attack on Washington.”

“Have a good afternoon, auf wiedersehen.”

The screens clicked off.


16:00 hours was quickly approaching by the time Spiro Agnew had barely finished his speech, his call to arms and his battle cry to the American people. The Vice president had made the Countries position clear. There would be no surrender.

The latest battle reports showed that the Aryan forces had smashed straight through light resistance in a host of major and minor cities along the way. The mass evacuation initiated by the late President Nixon had worked and the Aryan troops were greeted by ghost town after ghost town.

A huge force had come to a halt just at the edge of Leesburg and another large group of armored vehicles spread out from Fredericks on the way to Baltimore to the north of the capital. The encirclement of Washington had begun.

The likelihood of Washington being attacked was always high so the city had been preparing its defenses for some time. Anti Tank trenches had been dug and as many mines as possible had been laid in the open spaces between Gaithersburg, Baltimore, Reston and Fairfax.

Artillery and anti aircraft emplacements flooded the city and desecrated nearly every national landmark. There was a heavy concentration around the White House and the United States Capitol building with its iconic dome being used as a vantage point.

At 16.16 fighting broke out in Baltimore as a unit of concealed Patton medium tanks opened fire at advancing Tiger tanks at point black range. Machine gun nests let out bursts of fire on troops marching through the deserted streets.

The Aryan forces did not advance into Gaithersburg but instead launched a savage artillery bombardment until the buildings were leveled and the area was just a desolate rubble-strewn, crater-filled wasteland.

Civilian volunteer armies stayed to fight in Chantilly, Centreville and Reston but they had received little training and were quickly captured but the Aryan forces. They had their DNA checked immediately and anybody without a high percentage of Aryan heritage was quickly dispatched.

As the evening twilight faded the enemy forces had quickly gained a lot of the land around the capital city. After a few initial casualties from the massive amounts of mines laid down, the huge super heavy Maus tanks were used to clear a path through to Fairfax and North through Rockville.

This rapid advance of enemy forces was the cue for the huge collection of American M107 and M110 self-propelled guns to open fire. Artillery shells rained down in the darkening nights’ skies. Their fire was directed by brave Sheridan light tank crews that stayed outside of the cities defenses to report on hostile positions; many paid dearly with their lives.

Despite being under heavy fire the Aryan vehicles continued their advance in Annandale and Springfield to the South and Bethesda to the North. Again they encountered light resistance from the volunteer armies but this posed little danger and actually, many of these were killed by friendly fire from the 175 mm and the 203 mm howitzer shells.

Baltimore was completely cut off and encircled at 20:45 with only a small pocket of American soldiers fighting on until their ammunition ran out completely at 22:00. The Patton tanks were all out of action about an hour before this. The remaining troops were quickly overwhelmed and all were dead five minutes later.

The Washington National Airport housed the majority of the remaining US air force and it needed to be protected at all costs. Batteries of antiaircraft guns littered the area and the mobile Vulcan’s were situated there; as wells as the Pentagon and the White House. One more surprise awaited the Aryans on the Potomac River itself.

In preparation for the assault all but one of the bridges across the river had been destroyed. Most of the boats in the area had been told to leave or had been scuttled where they were moored. The American troops waited, trying to get some sleep under the incessant artillery barrage from their own guns. The smell of smoke washed over the city like a wave as every street had a roadblock ablaze with tires and burning vehicles.

The artillery barrage lasted almost until dawn, straight after the American’s launched their first counterattack as two squadrons of B-52’s rose into the moonless night sky. Their targets were the super heavy Maus tanks as they posed the greatest threat. The second squadron was tasked with destroying the enemy troops and any Me 262 fighters that intelligence suggested were still on the ground, housed on temporary airstrips.

Ten minutes later the American leadership received a bitter blow to their battle plan. They were hoping a large force from the North was going to help alleviate the growing pressure on them. But this force had been engaged by an equally large Aryan army that until that moment nobody knew existed.

Operation Breakfast

The sweeping bombers rose into the twilight dawn sky, their bellies loaded with bombs. The giant birds reached forty thousand feet then leveled off, the five-man crews were nervous; they felt uncomfortable area bombing their own country. The crews prayed to god that they would not hurt any of their own countryman.