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The Police officers quickly cordoned off the area and even had to arrest a few of the more rambunctious lads who refused to move on.

“We have a right to know, after what has happened in America.” A young teen shouted.

The police officer responded with a sharp blow to his ribs and then shoved him in the back of the car.

“This area is now off limits, please return to your homes.”

More and more officers arrived and finally, the large group of civilians disbursed.

“Good work Sergeant.” Two eerie voices floated out through the night.

“We will take it from here.”

The Sergeant nodded as four trucks full of soldiers arrived, they quickly jumped from the Lorries and took up positions around the golden acorn.

The police officer turned to the two dark figures, “What is it Sirs?”

The men in black moved from the shadows as the streets lights flickered back into life.

“That is none of your concern Sergeant, return to your home. You have the rest of the night off.”

The sergeant drifted away to his squad car in a dream-like state. He did not argue and returned home.

The men in black ordered the soldiers to take as many pictures as they could and then load the device onto the back of the large flatbed truck. They had to get the device to Drakelow depot.

The soldiers stopped what they were doing for a split second. “Where Sir?”

“Don’t worry.” The men in black chimed in unison, “We will show you the way. We think the Prime Minister will want to see this.”

The soldiers worked fast, they took pictures from a distance and when the fire engine finally arrived they hosed the whole area down. When it was safe to do so three men jumped down into the crater. They walked around the object taking photos as they went.

The golden object was perfectly smooth and had a small inscription around the rim across the base. The words looked like hieroglyphics but they were unlike any the ancient Egyptians would have seen.

“Let’s wrap this up men, get the object onto the truck. We need to go.” The men in black ordered.

The men inside the crater picked the object up, it was surprisingly light and they managed to lift it up the steep side of the crater with the help of the men above; ropes were tied to the bottom of the acorn and it was literally pulled from the hole.

The object was tied securely to the back of the flatbed and was then covered with a large tarpaulin. The men in black jumped into the cab of the truck. They issued one final order.

“Thank you for your assistance Lieutenant, please will you and your men return to the barracks and rest. When you awake tomorrow I promise you will feel better.”

The Lieutenant saluted and his men climbed back into the troop transports and headed for home.

The men in black drove the lorry away from the site and headed towards the hidden underground bunker. As the lorry left London it seemed to disappear from the road.

Die Glocke

Admiral Moorer slammed his fist hard onto the table, “If we hit them with large-scale attacks we can then draw their troops into us. We can then use our destroyers as battleships and take out as many as we can.”

Sir Geoffrey Baker rolled his eyes, “Typical Navy twaddle, you would think the navy was the answer because that is all you know!”

For a brief moment the acting President let a flash of red spread across his face as he took a step towards the British Chief of staff, “And what is your plan? Cower away on your little island until the bad guys go away?”

Sir Geoffrey stood and squared up to the American, “I think we shouldn’t just throw away the lives of our troops to get a beaten country back.”

“Like we did in world war two?” Moorer retorted the room went quiet.”

Moorer shook his head, “That’s what I thought. Look if we don’t do anything then we risk losing the whole world to these people. You have seen what they are capable of.”

He slumped back down onto the edge of the table, “And that was when Sporrenberg was in charge, who knows what that Advisor of his is planning.”

The room was silent for a full minute as the world’s most powerful men stayed deep in thought.

That silence was shattered as the large steel doors flew open.

“What the hell is this?” Wilson shouted. “Guards!”

The Chinese guard in the room raised his weapon as the two men entered the room.

He tried to pull the trigger but his mind clouded and he stood unable to move.

“Gentleman, please calm down. We are here to help.” The sickening voices rang out in ghostly unison.

“Who are you? And how did you find us?” Admiral Moorer asked he could feel his mind getting colder; it was getting difficult to think.

“We were advising your President and then General Westmoreland in the battle of Washington. Right until the White House was overrun.”

Moorer felt rage flow through his system, “Then how did you manage to get out but nobody else did! You yellow-bellied cowards!”

The men in black smiled but this only managed to repulse the men in the room, “We had to leave, how could we assist you in the fight if we had been captured?”

Moorer said nothing, he wanted to but his brain would not allow it.

“Please take a seat Gentleman.” The first man in black gestured to them.

The men did as instructed.

“You will not be aware of this, but half an hour ago an object the size of large dog fell from the sky and impacted in the center of London.”

A look of fear flashed across Wilson’s face but he stayed silent.

The second man in black slid a pile of Polaroids onto the desk, have a look at these and then tell me us what you think?”

The heads of state looked over the pictures, only Moorer recognized it. “That looks like a smaller version of the device that fell in Kecksburg four years ago.”

The men in black nodded, “And how do you know about that incident?”

“When President Nixon was first briefed on the object, he relayed the information to me.”

The men in black took on a stern tone, “That was an act of treason, but that particular crime has already been answered for.”

The men in black stood behind Prime Minister Wilson, “We have the object here in this bunker, I suggest we go and see what is inside it. It cannot be a coincidence that the device fell in England at the time when the heads of state from the most powerful nations on the planet are all in one place.”

Dong Biwu looked up, he struggled to get his words out. “What… What if it is a trap?”

The Chinese interpreter went to speak but the men in black help up their hands, “We can understand thank you, to answer your question we do not think so. This object does not appear to have the same power as the device that fell in America.”

The men in black turned back to the room, “It should be ready to view now. We have it set up behind a large glass screen. Shall we go and see what secrets it may have.” It was not a question and as soldiers filed into the room to escort the men to the makeshift lab, a feeling of dread washed over the men.

The room was only a ten foot by ten-foot cube. The golden acorn sat behind a thick pane of glass, the device seemed to glow brightly in the dull artificial light.

“Take your seats gentleman.”

Behind the glass, several scientists were attaching a web of copper cables across the small device. The hope was that if they could electrically charge the atmosphere directly around the device it would cause a reaction.”

Willy Brandt looked up, “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Yeah, this doesn’t seem safe, what if we release another army?” Admiral Moorer exhaled.