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“What the hell is going on? Where is the enemy?” The General said, he was getting an uneasy feeling, it was unlike the Aryan’s to let their guard down.

Yet another smaller force of American and Australian ships was preparing an assault on San Francisco on the Eastern seaboard but they did not have the same luck. Me 262’s had flown out to meet them. Phantoms launched and were now in a desperate fight to protect the amphibious landings.

In the control tower Atlantis watched over proceedings with the grin of a homicidal maniac, he was enjoying this.

‘If you had just let us be for another two days then you would not have suffered all this bloodshed but I am glad you have some fight left in you’ He thought to himself.

The guided missile Cruiser USS Long Beach plowed full speed towards its Argentinian counterpart; missiles were set loose as she cut through the ocean. The rounds impacted along the starboard side of the Argentine Vessel, it immediately caught fire as the front ammo store was hit.

It took ten minutes for the Argentine ship to sink, sailors bobbed up and down as they scrambled for any floating objects they could find.

In the air, the Argentine naval fighters were completely outclassed by their American counterparts. The Phantoms were all now fitted with powerful Gatling guns and the rounds tore through the weak Argentine fighters; many of their pilots had not encountered such skilled counterparts.

The Amphibious landing at San Francisco was not going well at all, many of the aircraft carriers were being strafed by the 2nd air army of the Aryan East force, the Me 262’s dived at great speed and released their plasma bombs at the last possible moment.

Anti-aircraft rounds sprayed from the desperate defenders but the Me 262’s were too quick. The plasma orbs washed across the decks of the aircraft carriers, the crew that was in the vicinity were instantly vaporized. Phantoms were destroyed and burnt on the deck.

The decks were now unusable and the aircraft carriers needed to withdraw. A diving Me 262 could sense he was going to land a fatal blow, a Phantom rushed into position and fired with the Gatling gun housed in the nose. The rounds spewed out across the Me 262 who did not try and evade the attack.

Debris flew from the rear of the Aryan fighter as the rounds ate through its armor. The Me 262 did not change course though and its pilot did not eject. The men in the control tower aboard the USS Kitty Hawk relished with horror what was coming next.

The alarm for abandon ship was hit but it was too late for the crew in the control tower as the Me 262 smashed into the tower, exploding into tiny pieces. The tower went up in flames.

“Shit, kamikaze, the Kitty Hawk is out of action; repeat these bastards are going to kamikaze the ships.” The shocked pilot of the Phantom said.

Admiral Moorer cursed under his breath, he was sat aboard the USS America, The battle was going better than he had expected; this concerned him it was almost like Atlantis wanted this battle and was allowing them to get a foothold in the area. He shook this thought from his head; he had to get on with the job in hand.

Three Argentine destroyers had managed to sneak through from the 1st fleets north, they made an immediate beeline for the USS America as the flagship of the US Navy she was a prime target.

The destroyers closed in like a pack of ravenous hyenas, they fired their guns but at this speed, the first rounds were hopelessly inaccurate. Moorer smiled, ‘Fools.’

The first destroyer was rocked by two large explosions and the front of the ship was split clean from the rest of the hull, oil spilled out into the ocean and burned slowly on the surface. The second destroyer slowed as it tried to see where the attack had come from. It was a mistake.

The second destroyer was hit in the rear, the engines were completely destroyed as a huge gash was ripped into its side; sea water rushed in. Two more torpedoes were fired from the lurking submarine and a direct hit on the third destroyer meant three kills in as many minutes for the unseen hunter.

The Argentine Navy was completely overwhelmed by the ferocity of the attacks from the allied fleet. Chinese gunboats circled the sailors in the water and opened fire on the defenseless men.

Russian submarines joined in the hunt and struck the aircraft carrier Veinticinco de Mayo with two torpedoes; the ship lurched to the left but was just still afloat.

Out of the cloudless skies, a huge swarm of contacts appeared on the radar, “Blue bandit’s incoming from twelve a clock.

“Here they come.” Admiral Moorer said, “Battle stations everyone, Kulikov are you ready?”

The Russian commander smiled, “Of course.”

The incoming Me 262’s split ready for the attack, the Phantoms took up defensive positions around the aircraft carriers.

The Aryan fighters closed the distance with extreme speed and then lined up for their attack runs. Out of nowhere a full squadron of MiG-21’s entered the fight with their cannons blazing.

The MiG-21’s were launched from the British aircraft carrier HMS Triumph who was lurking two miles back. The MiG’s had to be adapted as the Soviet Union did not have any purpose-built aircraft carriers.

The MiGs were nimble close range fighters that excelled in turning dogfights. The first line of Me 262s was quickly blown from the sky. The rest of the Aryan fighters split into twos, the MiG’s and their wingmen followed suit. Soon the sky was crowded, fighters started to fall with heavy losses on both sides.

The Russian fighters freed up the Phantoms to attack the remaining vessels of the Argentine Navy which by now was falling apart at the seams.

In the control room at Wright Patterson, another call was made from the Argentine Navy this time they were not asking they were telling the Aryan’s that they were withdrawing.

The technician turned to Atlantis, “What are your orders sir?”

Atlantis folded his arms, “Have we confirmed who is attacking?”

The technician nodded, “The Americans the Soviets, Chinese, Australians and the British sir.”

Atlantis nodded, “Prepare the missiles, I want an open broadcast set up as well. I have a message for our assailants.”

The technician prepared the camera and set up the broadcast to be shown on every TV channel and also on every radio frequency. “Sir we are ready.”


The television screen flickered from the BBC news to reveal piercing blues eyes staring directly into the camera.

“Good morning world, this is Commander of the Aryan forces, let me introduce myself. I am Atlantis, broadcasting to you live from within Wright Patterson.”

The camera panned out to show the view behind Atlantis; in the background the mobile missile launchers were clearly visible. They were rising slowly into a firing position.

“Thirty minutes ago an allied force led by Admiral Moorer attacked our allies in the Chesapeake Bay. Our forces have also been engaged in San Francisco and a landing force of your troops has been spotted in New Jersey.” Atlantis folded his arms, “We cannot tolerate these insults any longer.”

Atlantis turned to the technician sat directly behind him and nodded. The technician turned a key and pressed a button, “Ready sir!”

“Excellent,” Atlantis said as he pushed the launch button in front of him. Immediately, four rockets fired from their mobile launch pads directly behind him, the rockets rushed vertically into the air and sped into the atmosphere.

Alarms went off in the Drakelow depot; Prime Minister Wilson looked white as all the blood drained from his features.