(OC) Deal? (Picks up forms, shuffles them.) That’s where we go from Aladdin to Faust. I sign on the dotted line. Then I get three wishes, and in return for that you’ve got a claim on my immortal soul.
Check and double-check. (He finds the right form, picks up the pen, uncaps it, leans forward, then pauses and PLUTO lets out breath he has been holding for quite some time.)
Wait a minute. There’s a trick here somewhere.
75. Shot of PLUTO’S reaction, eyes rolling heavenward, exhausted and exasperated.
76. Two-shot, focus on SOPHIE.
I mean, I could lay it out straight and pick up all the marbles. Three wishes. One: Eternal life. Two: Eternal youth and beauty. Three: Eternal happiness. Which leaves you playing with your tail, doesn’t it?
Let’s back up a couple of frames, SOPHIE. I think you missed the opening credits.
77. Cut to opening shot of #68, business card, as PLUTO reads:
“Hell.” Now, the whole corporation doesn’t have anything substantive to do with life, youth, beauty or happiness. For those subjects you’d have to deal with another firm entirely.
78. Close-up SOPHIE.
I see.
79. Two-shot favoring PLUTO.
“Department of Sexual Fulfillment.” That’s my specific territory. That’s what I can offer you. Three ultimate fantasies come true. Three trips around the universe. If it’s in Hell, I can give it to you. And if it’s sexy, Hell’s the place to find it... Take a look at this. (He hands her a document.) I’m sure it’s completely self-explanatory.
(Taking document.) Looks like my first wedding license. (It is a parchment scroll wrapped in a black ribbon. She unties the ribbon.)
80. Close on PLUTO’S face from a fake POV SOPHIE. He is nodding to himself and smiling. As we begin our pullback, zoom lens, he snaps his fingers and winds up holding a plate of ice cream in his hand. He begins eating. We continue the pullback and wind up on a shot of SOPHIE’S hands unrolling the document. PLUTO is still visible, out of focus, in the background. The document itself is heavily illuminated on the top and sides. The first letter is very ornate and the only words we can read are the first words of each paragraph which are the same: “Whereas.” There are several blank lines. The whole thing is out of the Middle Ages. We hold this shot for several beats.
(Reading.) Let’s see. “Whereas the Damned hereinafter referred to as the party of the first part agrees and enters into covenant...”
82. Close-up PLUTO eating ice cream. Nodding as she reads.
83. Same as #81.
“...with the Lord of Evil hereinafter referred to as the party of the second part.” (She puts down the paper.) Pluto, what the hell is this?
Now, now, Sophie...
84. Two-shot.
...don’t get yourself excited. That’s really only legalese and...
(She has picked up the form and is reading again.) “...and eternal damnation of the immortal soul hereinafter referred to as part of the party of the first part...”
...only a carry-over from the days when people worried about that sort of thing. You know, (Ticks off on his fingers.) soul, salvation, sinning. You know, the three big S’s of the Middle Ages.
(Leans over to PLUTO. Then gets up to go to bar.) Look, Pluto, if I have a soul... (There is a knock on the door.)
85. Close on SOPHIE’S face. We start on the back of her head and she turns to the camera.
Oh, my God, it’s the rough riders again.
86. Medium shot of SOPHIE going to the door. Camera dollies behind her. She opens the door, and it’s no one else but—
Irving, it’s nice to see you up and around, but...
(Carrying a bigger gift this time.) Sophie, you little temptress...
87. Two-shot from behind IRVING.
...how about...
Irving, I can’t talk now, why don’t...
...try out my entire collection...
88. Same as #86.
...of vulgar expressions. (Gestures madly, one finger after another.)
I tell you what, Irving, you go back and get things ready...
...yeah, yeah, yeah... (Nodding.)
...we”ll curl up on your davenport and gesture at each other. (She begins closing the door.)
(As the door closes.)... you little vixen, you...
89. Two-shot, PLUTO and SOPHIE.
Later, Irving, later... (Rests her back on the closed door.) God, I need a drink. (Heads to the bar.)
A simple courtesy. Compliments of the company. (Snaps, etc.) Here you go.
(Toasts PLUTO.) I expected nothing less. (She walks to the couch, camera follows and reframes for two-shot as previously.)
Who was that, by the way?
Someone even more unbelievable than you. (Drinks.) Now where were we...?
Discussing your...
...that’s right, my soul. Three wishes for my soul.
91. Two-shot, focus on SOPHIE.
I don’t know. I mean, what can you give me that I haven’t already had? I’ve been married ten times—
Eleven, according to our research department.
(Puzzled, then nods.) That’s if you count Walter, but he didn’t amount to much. We met through a lonely-hearts club. I claimed to be a virgin and he claimed to be forty-five.
92. Close on PLUTO, thoughtful.
93. Close on SOPHIE, remembering.
I’ll never forget our wedding night. I was about as close to virginity as he was to forty-five. I kept moaning that it hurt and he kept trying to strap a splint to it. The only thing that hardened were his arteries, and that was the end of that marriage...
94. Same as #92, with PLUTO getting increasingly thoughtful, and we DISSOLVE TO:
95. Same shot of attentive PLUTO, but he is not in SOPHIE’S apartment now. He is in MADGE’S office, but at first we see no detail because we are in too close. During SOPHIE’S next speech we back up, first to disclose more of PLUTO.