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«You gave us that hope, Blade,» said Yekran in a voice full of emotion. «Perhaps there was only a little that we needed to do to save Pura. But we did not think that we could do even that much until you came to our world and showed us that it could be done. Without you this work would never have been started.»

Blade was silent. In light of all that the Dreamers had done since he had been captured, he had begun to wonder if they had really needed him. Had he been wasting his time and risking his life here in Pura without any need to do so? But in light of Yekran's tribute he felt slightly embarrassed.

He swallowed and said with as much lightness as he could, «Perhaps. But if I led, you and your people certainly followed me at a run!» He shook his head.

«What else have you done while I was with the Wakers?»

There were numerous tales of large and small fights, sometimes against such unlikely odds that even the Dreamers' better discipline could not bring them victory but mostly success or at least a draw. There were more peaceful achievements, also. There had been trips into the forests south of the river to bring back wood for the fortifications and new buildings and to hunt fresh meat and fish. The food machines were still working and producing most of the Dreamers' food. But many of them were developing a taste for fresh meat.

«Just like the Wakers,» said Blade with a grin.

Yekran's face froze for a moment; then he nodded and broke into a grin, too. «Just like the Wakers, yes.»

The Dreamers now knew a good deal about the habits of the Wakers from the large number of Waker prisoners in the enclave. There had been much talk of making them slaves, the way the Wakers had done with the Dreamers. Those Dreamers who themselves had been Waker slaves were particularly set on vengeance. What did Blade think should be done with them?

«I think they ought to be treated well. Given work, yes. They should not be allowed to wander about where they could betray us, but they should not be made slaves. There should be no more slavery in Pura.»

«Perhaps,» said Yekran. The idea was new to him but apparently not completely unpalatable. «But what about the Dreamers who were once slaves? They hate the Wakers in a way even I cannot believe.»

«Tell them this. If the Wakers know they will be made slaves when the Dreamers rule Pura again, they will fight desperately. It will be a longer and harder battle to win Pura back. But if they know that they can surrender and live fairly well even under the Dreamers, they will not fight so hard.»

«That makes sense,» said Yekran, nodding.

«It does,» said Blade. «There is a Waker leader, the one we were all so worried about, named Krog. He has very much the same idea about treating his Dreamer prisoners.» Blade quickly told Yekran about Krog, his abilities, and his plans for Pura.

When Blade had finished, Yekran's face was grim. «That man Krog is even more dangerous than we had thought.»

«Yes. You and the other Dreamers should not get the idea that there is only a little more to be done before Pura is free again. If I know Krog, he is going to attack you with every fighter from his own gang and as many other gangs as he can persuade to join him. I think he will be able to persuade a good many. They see you getting stronger each day, and they must realize that soon you will be strong enough to attack and destroy them. They will try to destroy you before you become too strong, and that will mean the biggest battle Pura has ever seen.»

Yekran nodded again. Then he was silent for quite a long time. As they were turning north again toward the Great East Bridge, which led toward the enclave by the most direct route, be grinned and spoke. «A big attack may be bad news for them more than for us. We can wait for them to come to us and kill them from behind our walls, the way you say the People of the Blue Eye did with the People of the Green Tower. We will not have to go running all over the city after them. And when they come, we will have some surprises for them.»

«The lights?»

«The lights, yes, and other things also.»

«What kind of other things?»

«We found a scholar named Malud-«

«I thought all the scholars were dead.»

«Most of them are, but not all. Malud certainly is not. He was one of the scholars who was working on how to fight the Wakers when he decided to retreat to his vault. He has a great many ideas on new weapons. We have already built some, in fact. You will see them when we reach the enclave.»

All the streets leading into the enclave were blocked off by walls of piled rubble ten feet high, reinforced with tree trunks and metal bars. Only in two places were there gates, massively built of wood and rubble, but with heavy steel doors, which had been taken from vaults and hung on new hinges. The amount of work that had gone into fortifying the enclave was incredible. The job would have been completely impossible if it were not for the peculiar architecture of Puran buildings-they had no windows on the first five or six floors except on sides facing enclosed courtyards. Thus it had not been necessary to block off all the lower windows as well as the streets.

Inside the enclave many of the buildings had been cleaned up. They served as living quarters, storage for food, firewood, and weapons, observation posts, and workshops where the marconite lights and the «other things» Yekran had mentioned were being made. There was a continuous bustle of activity with many of the people Blade saw seemingly moving at a dead run. Even after a century of Dreams, Purans could apparently work like demons when necessary.

But not all of the people Blade saw were moving at a run, nor was all the activity warlike. As he explored the enclave, he surprised couples-young and some not so young-sitting in the shadow of the wall or the recess of a window, arms around each other. The Dreamers were discovering some of the interesting things about real life again.

In the workshops, however, all was furious activity. It was there that Blade found the promised surprises, and there were quite a few of them. Bows, for one thing-both crossbows and longbows. The longbows were made of wood from the forests, small and crude. But they would not be ineffective with their bowstrings of woven hair and their arrows fitted with metal vanes and tips. The crossbows, on the other hand, were all metal. Some of their parts Blade recognized as parts of the life-support systems from the vaults. He asked Malud, the scholar and chief weapons designer, about this.

Malud was surprised at the question. «Why should we not use the metal from the vaults for our weapons?» he asked. «If we are no longer going to spend all our time in the Dream vaults, we do not need so many of them.»

He said it as though he were explaining to a child why the sun rose or the rain fell. But Blade had to turn away to keep from bursting out a great roar of triumphant laughter in the scholar's face. So the Dream vaults were being cannibalized for weaponry? The Dreamers were coming along faster than he could have hoped in his wildest moments of optimism. In fact, it was almost wrong to call them Dreamers any more. Or for that matter, to use the term «Wakers» either. The battle for Pura was no longer between Dreamers and Wakers. It was a fight to determine the future of the city, a fight between two strong groups of-Purans. Nothing more.