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Hold on a sec, she said, and got off the bed, went downstairs.

What happened?

She reemerged holding a cassette tape. The Cars, she said. I like to listen to the Cars when I have sex.

When you have sex, he said.

Your lucky day. Your last day as a virgin. You happen to be the only cock available, and I feel good. I’m rich now. We just deposited two hundred thousand dollars.

Two hundred thousand?


Holy fuck.

We’re getting a house, and I’m going to college. And we don’t have to put up with your mom’s shit ever again. And Grandma can fucking die, the old bitch. She’ll never see us again. You won’t see us again either. So this is your one lucky day. The best pussy you’ll ever get. Even the Buddha would fuck this.

Galen just nodded. He didn’t want to say anything to wreck it. And he knew they’d still see plenty of Helen and Jennifer once the check bounced. They’d been too greedy.

Jennifer put the Cars in and hit play. It was on “Drive” from Heartbeat City, and even with the crap speakers the music filled the place, turned the air into something else, a different mood. “Who’s gonna drive you home… tonight.” Get off the bed, she said, so he did. She dropped her sweatpants and panties, kept her shirt lifted above her breasts, and lay back across the bed.

Kneel on the floor and lick me, she said. And then you can fuck me, but you can’t lie down on me. You’re too disgusting. You can only touch me with your cock and your tongue. That’s it. I can’t even look at you. She closed her eyes.

Thank you, Galen said, getting down on his knees.

This was as close as he would ever come to a shrine, he realized. This was the sacred, right here, her legs spread. He pushed her legs up, had her spread as far as she would go, the pink exposed, and just ran his lips and tongue over everything, the most beautiful moment of his life. The Cars crooning, her hot wet flesh in his mouth, and all he’d read about in Hustler and Playboy and Penthouse was coming true. Her clit really was there, nubby and eager, like a mini boner, and he could get her to jerk and curl when he sucked at it, and her asshole puckered more tightly when he licked.

Fuck me, she said, the most beautiful words ever uttered, and he dropped his underwear and pushed her legs back hard and spread and pushed his dick in and just couldn’t believe how silky she was, how perfect and hot and soft. He was all the way in and just stayed there.

Keep fucking, she said.

I have to feel this, he said. I just need a moment.

Don’t be a pussy, she said. And don’t come. Just start fucking me.

There was something about the geometry of this, pushing her legs back at forty-five-degree angles, how she was exposed and flat, facing the ceiling, and he was coming in at this angle. Something about watching was as good as feeling.

Fuck me, damn it.

He pulled out slowly, feeling the soft slide, and she was tight around him, gripping him, and then he pushed back in, pushed in as deep as he could, felt his tip bump into the back wall.

Aah, she said. Yeah. He pulled out again, all the way out, and it felt good to enter again, so he just did that, just the tip, an inch or so in, and kept pulling out.

Yeah, she said.

I can’t feel my feet anymore, he said. I can hardly feel my legs.

Shut up, she said.

Then he plunged all the way in again, ground his hips against hers, rocked around in a circle. My crown chakra is totally open. Oh my god. I can feel this all along my spine.

Shut up. I’m serious. I hate the sound of your voice.

So he tried to shut up, but he just couldn’t. I feel so aligned, he said. He pushed in harder, started moving faster, and he could feel himself tightening throughout his body, golden strings from every limb, from the top of his head and all along his spine, being pulled into his balls.

I’m fucking you, he said. I’m fucking you hard now.

Uh, uh, uh, she was saying.

He looked over and saw his mother on the stairs. Watching him.

He stopped moving, and this made everything gather and his dick started pulsing and he knew he was going to come. He couldn’t stop it now. He pulled out and came in jerks onto Jennifer while he looked at his mother. He couldn’t stop his mouth from opening in a fuck-grimace, couldn’t hold back the moaning. His mother seeing his face like this.

Uh, Jennifer said. I’m not done, damn it. Get down on your knees and lick. I’m not done yet.

Galen’s mother stepped back down the stairs, her sound covered by the Cars, and he got on his knees and licked. His come all over her belly, the smell of it, and he was still twitching. Jennifer grabbing his head and humping it. Difficult to keep his tongue in the right place, but he did his best. She wrapped her thighs around his head, mashing his ears, and he couldn’t hear a thing. Just struggling to keep his tongue out there and finally she bucked and yanked at his head as she came.

He pushed her thighs apart and managed to free his head. She had her eyes closed, head curled to her shoulder, her hands on her crotch. Her breasts so perfect and beautiful, all the soft lines of her, and he felt very sad, because he knew he’d never get to do this again. His mother would stop it from happening. He didn’t know what she’d do, but she’d do something. She would certainly do something. So he took a last look, ran his hands along the soft skin of Jennifer’s thighs.

Aah, Jennifer was saying. Aah. She was stroking herself with both hands, prolonging it, and she wasn’t being all that quiet. Galen wondered whether his grandmother could hear these sounds over the music.

He stood there and looked down at his dick, hard still. He wanted to put it in, wanted to feel her again, so he did that.

Yeah, she said. Yeah.

Silky was the only word for it. He moved slowly, feeling every moment, and he put his hands on her breasts, last time he’d have them in his hands, and he felt so sad. She was mean to him, but he loved her. Loved her unconsciousness, her roughness in the world, loved her selfishness. And she was out of his league, of course. If she weren’t his cousin, he’d never have had a chance. She was the luckiest he would ever get.

He lay down on her, and she let him. She wrapped her arms around his back, and that felt unbelievably good. He felt loved. He kissed her neck and held her hips in his hands while he pushed in as far as he could, and he could feel her building again, a panting in her breath and tightening all along her back and thighs, clinging to him. He wanted it never to end, wanted her always to cling to him like this, but then she came, tightening around him, pulsing, jerking, and moaning from deep in her throat.

Oh, she said. Oh. And then she was pushing up at his chest, pushing him off. I can’t breathe, she said. Get off me.

So he pulled out and rolled to the side on the bed, his feet on the floor. The end. He closed his eyes and tried to record everything, tried not to forget or lose a single moment. He wanted to relive this, even now. He wanted to preserve all of it.

Shh, Jennifer said and sat up abruptly. I think I hear something, she whispered. Someone might be back. She grabbed the roll of toilet paper off his nightstand and wiped away his come. Disgusting, she said.

She yanked down her shirt, pulled on her panties and sweatpants in a flash, and then asked him if there was anything on her face.

No, he said, and he lay back down and she left.

Samsara. And yet Galen knew he would spend every day like this, for the rest of his life, if he could. He would choose it above transcendence. Transcendence was only a consolation prize for those who couldn’t find good enough samsara.

The Cars were still crooning, but it was too sad now. He couldn’t bear it. So he clicked the tape recorder off, and now he could hear dishes in the kitchen.