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In some photos he was holding the woman’s hand, in others, he had an arm wrapped around their waist or shoulders. He liked older women it seemed.

The last photograph she looked at made her pause. It showed a young Dominic, Carmella and Angelo. Her brother-in-law had never hinted that he had his own relationship with Carmella, other than just knowing her as Joseph’s mistress, but this photo told a different story.

With Angelo kissing her cheek as Dominic looked on, it was more than evident that Angelo had his own dirty little secrets. Maybe Angelo was the boy’s father. Intrigued, Ava put aside the photographs and picked up Smitty’s accompanying notes.

Boy is a high school graduate only. Never held a job in his life. Appears to prefer to keep company with older, well-established women. Lives mainly from an allowance given to him by Carmella and a small trust left to him. Lives in a high-rise penthouse off the beach. Seems to prefer a somewhat extravagant lifestyle.

There is talk of Dominic signing on with one of the other families as a soldier. Boy appears secretive and keeps to himself. Joseph Martelli seems to be the only significant male figure in his life.

Ava rolled her eyes and flipped the page. The next thing that greeted her eyes was a small clipping from the Miami Herald. The clip was almost 30 years old. Ava read on. Domestic disturbance at the home of Carmella Sambarino. Ms. Sambarino was found with a black eye and busted lip. Her attacker, known Miami mob muscle Andre Bonasario, was shown fleeing the scene. Ms. Sambarino later declined to press charges.

Ava turned to the next page. It was another news article from the Miami Herald. It was dated about three months after the previous one. Mob man Bonasario meets his end. Victim of a drive-by shooting. Police are investigating.

She moved to the next page. Local gossip suggests Joseph had Andre whacked. Apparently Andre had been secretly seeing Carmella. Joseph was livid and after it all came to light with the news article, Andre had to be dealt with. Soon afterwards Carmella was pregnant. Some think Dominic is really Bonasario’s kid.


This was it. This was what she needed. It was the smoking gun. Not only was Joseph not listed on the birth certificate, but Carmella apparently was not a one-man kind of woman. All of this combined with the information shedding light on Dominic’s less than stellar character should help her case. The man was clearly a user who had no thoughts of trying to be anything other than a criminal.

Ava was pleased with Smitty’s work. Turning to her desktop, she quickly forwarded the email to Melissa. While it was true they might not be able admit any of Smitty’s surveillance into court, insinuations alone could go a long way to damage Dominic’s credibility. Melissa would know just what to do with the information. Ava looked at the clock on her wall.

“Time to go.”

Turning off her computer, Ava scooped up all of Smitty’s information and put it inside her purse. Her heart rate started to accelerate. Well this was it. The time had come. After dropping home to get ready and pack a small bag, it was time to get her wild weekend started. Natalie was staying at the house with Maia and Mrs. Valdez would be staying in the main house as well. So far Ava’s search for a bodyguard was at a firm halt. Seemed some of these so-called bodyguards were too afraid to work for the widow of a mob boss. But she’d find someone. She had to.

But for now it was time to put all of her cares away. Ava hoped the guys Gina had hired were as hot as she’d claimed. She could use a night of no-strings-attached passion with a nameless hunk.

Hush, Ava. Joseph is the only man you’ve ever been with. You probably wouldn’t know what to do with a sexy young man.

Ava ignored the voice in her head. Joseph could rot in hell for all she cared. It was time to banish the memory of him as much as she could. And an illicit weekend with a younger gentleman who was hopefully more skilled in the bedroom than her dear departed husband should go a long way to expelling Joseph’s unfaithful memory for good.

Chapter Ten

Ava sat inside the limousine. All around her women were chatting in hushed whispers. She remained silent. She knew what she was getting into when she agreed to this but she hadn’t expected to be so uncomfortable.

Ava had never been one to have many female friends. Women of all ages and races tended to be very petty. She didn’t have time for the small talk that followed with having a group of female friends. When it came to small talk with women, Ava was a novice.

Taking a sip of the Chardonnay in her glass, she surveyed the women sitting across from her. Blonde hair. Huge bosom. Clearly implants. Botoxed lips. A tiny, blue Robin-like mask covered her face.

The woman to Ava’s right was a Latina with a tall willowy frame. A yellow, feathered mask covered her face. Ava had her pegged as a model or trophy wife. Maybe both. Either way, she and the model were the only people of color in this limo. Ava hoped there were more minorities in one of the other two limousines. She wanted to blend in. She didn’t need anyone guessing at her identity.

The limo stopped and a few moments later, the doors of the car opened. White gloved hands reached inside to help the women out of the car. Ava watched the women exit one by one until she was the only one left.

Holding onto her purse, she took the gloved hand and exited the limo. In front of her women in all manner of dresses and masks stood chatting excitedly. Docked directly in front of them was a yacht almost the same size as a cruise ship.

More and more women milled around the dock. Ava noticed a tall, dark-skinned, voluptuous African American woman and two more Latin women.

Okay, there’s a few of us. But I’m the only light-skinned African American with blonde hair. Way to go, Ava. You stick out like a sore thumb.

She should’ve listened to her instinct and bought a wig. Oh well, there was no turning back now. Ava stood holding her purse and then a “whirring” sound drew her attention. A set of stairs was being slowly unfurled from the ship. The women stopped talking and waited for the stairs to come all the way down.

“Ladies, are you ready to have a good time?”

Standing at the top of the stairs was a vibrant redhead, wearing an elaborate silver beaded and feathered mask and matching silk off-the-shoulder gown. Ava knew it was no one but her best friend, Gina. There was no mistaking that particular shade of red hair.

An excited chatter rose among the women.

“Welcome aboard The Pleasure Cruise and follow me to the ballroom. There you can make your selection.”

Like a herd of wildebeests, the women rushed the stairs leading up to the yacht. They were acting like they had never seen men before.

Ava stood, watching. No way was she running up the stairs like some horny virgin trying to get laid. As the last woman started up the stairs, Ava finally followed. When she reached the top of the stairs and entered the yacht, Ava saw hardwood floors that lead down a long hallway. On either side of the hall were mirrors of varying shapes and sizes. Walking slowly, Ava noted her reflection in the mirrors.

Instead of her customary bob, tonight her hair was a cloud of honey-colored curls. A blue mask with silver sequins and blue feathers covered much of her face, hiding her identity, except for her cat-like green eyes and full lips. Adorned in a blue Valentino dress fitted like a bustier at the top with silver sequins outlining her breasts, from her waist down the material was sheer and ended midway down her thighs. Matching four-inch heels and a small clutch completed her outfit. No little black cocktail dress for her. Tonight she was going all out.

Ava increased her strides and followed the hallway to the open doors. Inside were large crystal chandeliers. The floor appeared to be made of marble. Her heels clicked against it as she walked farther into the room. Situated off to the side of the large room were white clothed tables and silver chairs. Strategically placed around the room were small buffets. Standing behind each of the stations was a man or woman attired in a traditional black butler suit. Each table had a large sign standing up stating what kind of food was being served.