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“Call me crazy but regardless of how these legal proceedings turn out between us, it’s you that I want.”

Ava’s eyes stretched wide. Had she just heard him right? He wanted her? No. She wasn’t buying it. She stared up at him. “What kind of game are you playing?”

“I’m too old to play games. I’m just informing you of my intentions. I. Want. You.”

Ava shook her head. “But why? Do you think you’ll be better accepted into ‘the life,’ if you’re sleeping with Joseph’s widow?”

“This thing between you and I, has nothing to do with my old man.”

“This thing between you and I—” Ava almost choked on her words. “There’s nothing between us but sex. Was between us.”

He grinned at her. “It’s still there, lingering.”

Dominic released her arm. His hands raked through his hair as he paced around the confines of the bathroom. Despite the tenseness between them, Ava couldn’t help but admire his naked physique. The molded buttocks and muscled thighs. The well-defined abs. Not to mention the more than adequate appendage hanging between his legs. Head out of the gutter, Ava. That boy is almost a decade younger than you, not to mention he might actually be Joseph’s son. She shook away her thoughts, waiting for him to speak.

“You want the truth. The truth is that at first I thought you were just mean and frigid. I’ve been watching you ever since Joseph died, trying to decide the best way to approach you. Of course I found you extremely attractive, but you give off an ice-queen vibe.”

“And you don’t think I’m mean and frigid now? What changed?”

“The time we spent together. I saw a different side to you. Yeah, you’re mean and feisty, but you’re not frigid. You’re passionate about what matters to you and whether you and I agree or not, that doesn’t change anything. Not to mention the fact that with your looks, it wouldn’t take much for a man to fall for you.”

Ava folded her arms. “Anything else, Dr. Phil?”

“Yeah. Whether you want to admit it or not, you like me too.”

“Now I know you’re crazy.”

“Not crazy. Just honest,” Dominic said, coming to stand in front of her.

Ava sighed. This was absurd. Really it was. “And what are you proposing? That I just welcome you into my bed? That I give you everything you want and we live happily ever after? Sorry, I’m not made that way. I learned a long time ago that fairy tales don’t exist.”

Dominic caressed her cheek. His voice grew soft. “I can be your happy ever after.”

And then his lips were on hers. Taking. Consuming. Forcing her to admit the truth that her body had already decided. She wanted him. He gripped her face tight as he kissed her with ardent passion. Ava moaned against his mouth as his other hand slid between her legs. Rubbing. Caressing. She pressed herself into his hand. His tongue slipped into her mouth, mimicking what he was doing with his finger. Her breasts were crushed against his chest. Her hands gripped his shoulders pulling him closer to her. She whimpered when he stopped kissing her.

His eyes burned into hers and she was surprised when he picked her up and placed her on the counter. He wedged himself between her thighs. Her bottom lip trembled as he played with her breasts.

“I’m not going to force this, Ava. If you say stop, this goes no further, but I think you want it too.”

He leaned down and kissed her neck softly. Repeatedly. Her body was screaming, begging her to give in to his seduction. It wasn’t like she hadn’t already enjoyed the fruits he had to offer. Why not, Ava? She tried to ignore the voice in her head, but she couldn’t. Not with the way her body was humming.

“Tell me, Ava. Do you want this just as much as I do?” he whispered against her neck.

Her body tingled and she bit her tongue trying to hold back her response. Trying to deny her body what it wanted most. But every kiss across her neck weakened her resolve. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“I want you.”

Dominic kissed his way back along her jawline. “What do you want? Tell me how you want it.”

“I want you kissing me. Touching me. Rubbing me. Pleasing me.”

“Pleasing you how, Ava? Tell me. I want to hear you say it,” he whispered.

“I want…I want…”

“I’m waiting.”

“I want you to go down on me and don’t stop until I tell you to.”

Her hands flew to cover her mouth. She was sure her cheeks were red with embarrassment. Dominic’s laughter rumbled in her ear. She made a move to push him away, but he stopped her.

“Your wish is my command.”

She didn’t breathe as he pressed her back against the mirror behind the counter and dropped to his knees. He grabbed her thighs and opened them wider. The first lick of his tongue made her nerves dance. Bracing herself on the counter, she closed her eyes and gave herself over to the pleasure he made her feel. He lapped at her, licking and sucking like she was a juicy sweet mango. His grip on her thighs was tight. And already hovering closer was the promise of an orgasm.

“More. More.”

He complied by sucking her harder. Her pleasure increased and before she knew it she was grabbing his hair holding on to him.

Her entire world burst to life between her legs and the force of the orgasm left her trembling.

“Everybody freeze. Right now.”

Ava opened her eyes. Two uniformed men were standing in the entrance of the bathroom with guns pointed at her and Dominic.

Chapter Fifteen

Ava couldn’t move even if she wanted to. Her eyes were locked on the men holding guns on her and Dominic. Her lover rose from between her legs. Without looking at her, Dominic pulled her from the counter to stand behind him. She could see the muscles in his back flexing. His jaw was suddenly tense.

“I don’t know what you two are doing here, with guns pointed at two people in the midst of making love, but I suggest both of you get out,” Dominic said.

His tone was hard. Cold like ice. A shudder ran through her.

“I suggest the both of you get dressed now. This ship is now under the control of the U.S. Coast Guard.”

“I didn’t realize the Coast Guard was teaching their recruits to burst in, guns blazing at a nude woman in her bathroom.”

“I’ve had just about enough of your tone,” the tall blond man holding a gun said.

“My tone should be the least of your concerns,” Dominic said.

The blond Coast Guard official made a move towards Dominic and Ava touched his back.

“Dominic, please. Until we know what’s going on, let’s just do what they say. I have a daughter I’d like to make it back home to.”

He turned to look at her. She could still see the ice in his gaze. Finally he nodded at her. With as much dignity as she could muster, Ava dressed in front of the officials. Her cheeks burned at the indignity she was being forced to suffer.

When she found out who was responsible for this, heads were going to roll. She was going to make sure of that.

When she was properly attired, her gaze turned back to Dominic. He was lazily buttoning the last button on his shirt. His eyes waged a silent war with the blond who’d been so contentious. Ava watched the redheaded Coast Guard. He made a motion for them to exit the bathroom.

Ava took a step forward, but Dominic grabbed her, pushing her behind him. A protest rose in her mouth until it dawned on her that he was simply trying to protect her if there was any danger afoot. She grabbed his hand and held tight as they found themselves being lead to the living room. Neither of the officials said a word, but Ava had a bad feeling.

With fluid grace, Dominic sat down on a love seat. He pulled her down beside him. Ava kept her eyes straight on the men in front of her, but from the corner of her eye, she could see Dominic appraising her. We’re being held at gunpoint and he’s comfortable enough to ogle me. Typical man.