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“That wasn’t what I meant, Ava.”

“No. You’re right. I’m horrible to everyone. Why wouldn’t someone want me dead?”

“No, you’re not. And despite what you think I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

“So what are you now, my bodyguard?” Ava asked, sarcasm in her tone.

“Yeah. It seems like you need one.”

“No one has wanted to take on the job. I’ve looked.”

“Well you just found someone who will.”

Dominic reached across the console and grabbed her hand. Ava looked at him, but his attention was on the road. She quickly wiped away a tear.

She cleared her throat. “Where are we going? I have to get to my daughter and make sure she’s okay.”

“I’m sure she is. Someone would’ve called you by now. We’re going to check on her, but first we need to stop by my place.”

“For what?”

“So I can get some clothes and my gun.”

“Your gun?” Ava asked.

Her eyes were wide as she stared at Dominic. As they came to a red light, he met her gaze.

“Yes, my gun. What happened today is not going to happen again without consequences.”

“Dominic the last thing we need is more police attention. Especially not with Gina’s death still being investigated and the cops looking at us.”

Dominic smirked. “They won’t be looking at us anymore.”

“What makes you so sure about that?”

“By the time they were through interrogating me, I’d regaled them with all the salacious details of our tryst and they were firmly convinced that neither you nor I could have killed your friend because we were too busy screwing.”

“You didn’t?”

“I did.”

As the car slowed, Ava noticed they were pulling into another garage.

“Where are we?”

“My place. Don’t worry. You’re in a good part of town.” Dominic chuckled.

“After being shot at in bright, sunny downtown, no place is safe.”

“I can’t argue with you there.”

Dominic found a space and parked her car. He killed the ignition and turned towards her. “Come on up. I won’t be long.”

Ava nodded and got out of the car. Dominic followed suit, locking it behind him. Ava walked over to where he was. He grabbed her hand and held it tight. She looked up at him. A tender smile was on his face. She couldn’t help smiling back. They walked hand in hand as he led her to an elevator.

“Where’s your car?” Ava asked.

“Here. I took a cab to the courthouse.”

The elevator doors opened and they stepped inside. As the doors closed behind them, Ava felt flushed. Memories of their tryst less than an hour ago played across her mind. She cleared her throat.

“Thinking about it, aren’t you?” Dominic asked.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Liar. Don’t worry. We’ll try it again when we’re not so pressed for time.” Dominic chuckled.

Ava’s mouth nearly fell open. You’ve just been shot at. Get a hold of yourself. The last thing you should be doing is fantasizing about any future escapades in an elevator. The doors opened, emptying them into a tan-colored foyer. Large wicker baskets and gold vases were lined along the wall. Beige walls highlighted the gold metal artwork.

“This is pretty swanky,” Ava said.

“Glad you approve. Wait until you see my condo.”

Ava allowed Dominic to lead her down the hallway. “I bet this costs a pretty penny.”

“Not really. I do have a little money, Ava.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“But I know what you’re thinking.”

“So you’re a psychic now?”

Dominic smiled as he pulled out a key. “Hardly. I just seem to be able to read you pretty well.”

Ava rolled her eyes. Dominic chuckled as he put the key into the door. Then abruptly his smile disappeared.

“What’s wrong?” Ava asked.

Dominic held up a finger to his lips. Slowly he eased the door open and stepped inside. Ava followed behind him quietly. She could see the tenseness in his shoulders. Then she saw why. Furniture was overturned. Pictures had been ripped from the wall. A glass table had been broken. The living room looked like a hurricane had ripped through it.

Dominic cursed.

“Do you have any enemies?” Ava asked.

“None that I know of,” he said stomping down the hallway.

What was going on? First the shooting downtown, now Dominic’s apartment had been trashed. Was all of it connected? Was he the one they were aiming at? There were so many unanswered questions. And Ava was afraid of what they might be. Making her way down the hallway, she found Dominic in a large bedroom decorated in black. It too had been searched. Dresser drawers were open, clothes thrown on the floor. Dominic was moving inside the room gathering clothes and stuffing them into a large duffle bag. A silver briefcase sat on the bed. He turned when he heard her enter. “I’ll be done in a minute.”

“Dominic, what is going on?”

“I don’t know, Ava, but I’m going to get to the bottom of this. One way or another.”

Ava leaned against the wall, suddenly too weak to move. In a few short hours, her life had been turned upside down. She didn’t even know where to start to try and figure out what was going on. Only one thing was clear. For the first time, she was thankful that Dominic hadn’t allowed her to push him away. That he was sticking to her no matter how hard she fought. She was clueless as to what to do next and it felt wonderful having someone else to step up to the plate.

Ava walked over to where Dominic was busy packing. She touched his shoulder. He turned and looked at her. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him softly. When he drew back and looked at her, she offered him a smile. “Thank you. I know I’m not always the easiest person to get along with, but I appreciate what you’re doing for me.”

“Your thanks is not necessary. You go above and beyond for those you care about, especially when you think you might be in love.”

Ava stood dumbfounded as Dominic turned away and continued his packing. Falling in love? This wasn’t a Disney movie. Real people didn’t fall in love in a matter of days. Despite that, not a single response came to her mouth as she stood in Dominic’s bedroom. Five minutes later, duffle bag full, briefcase in hand, they were leaving the trashed condo. Ava had no idea what to do or say next. Everything was well and truly out of her hands.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Ava tried to keep her hands from shaking with nervousness as she and Dominic walked down the hallway to Maia’s classroom. They’d already been to the front office where Ava had checked out her daughter. She would’ve preferred for Dominic to wait in the car, but he was having none of it. His exact words were, “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

She didn’t know exactly what to feel about his insistence. Flattered. Afraid. One thing was for certain. She was certainly regretting it when the women in the front office had ogled him like a piece of raw meat presented to carnivores. Biting her tongue, she’d conducted her business and walked out, Dominic right behind her.

“Are you upset with me, Ava?” he asked.

She kept walking. “Why would I be upset? You’re a handsome guy. I’m sure you’re used to women looking at you all the time.”

He grabbed her arm and spun her around just as she reached the door to Maia’s classroom. “I don’t want them. I want you. Don’t forget that.”

Dominic kissed her then, softly, quickly, before he let her go. She stared up at him. He gave her a small smile. “Everything is going to be fine.”

“I don’t know how Maia is going to react, so please just be…”

“Ava. Relax.”

He turned her around and pushed her towards the door. Taking a deep breath, Ava opened it and stepped inside. The children were spread out in the classroom. It was Centers Time, where the kids went to different stations and played. She knew because it was her daughter’s favorite time of the day. Looking around the classroom, she spotted Maia over at one of the computers along the wall.