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Ava nodded as he kissed her brow. She didn’t know where she’d be without him. Watching him leave to run her bath, another tear slipped down her cheek. He knew that she was hysterical her child was gone. So hysterical that she was likely to get herself killed as she rushed headfirst into danger. But he hadn’t let her. Instead he’d patiently talked her down from her hysteria, all the while promising to rain down death and destruction on whomever had dared to hurt her in the first place. She loved him for it. She really did.

A man who’d blazed into her life a few odd weeks ago and completely turned it upside down.


She turned. Dominic stood in the doorway, wearing only his boxers. Her breath caught in the back of her throat.


“Your bath is ready.”

Slowly she rose to her feet. The aches she’d suffered from the accident were really setting in now. A long, soak in the tub sounded like absolute heaven right about now. Removing her shoes, Ava walked into the bathroom. The tub was huge. Round. A beige color that reminded you of marble. Easily big enough for two people to sit comfortably. She removed her clothes as fast as she could. She winced a little as she bent to remove her underwear. Naked finally, she turned to face Dominic. His eyes were so dark they were almost black. A muscle in his jaw moved as he looked at her.

Ava walked past Dominic and looked at herself in the mirror. There was a dark bruise trailing from her neck to just under her right breast. Her right shoulder was bruised as well.

“I look like crap.”

Dominic’s arms slid around her. She could feel the evidence of his arousal, pressing against her through his boxers.

“No you don’t. I still want to make love to you.”

Ava smiled. “You do?”

“Yeah, but I won’t.”

She faced Dominic. “Why not?”

“You’re bruised. The last thing you need is me pawing all over you.”

Ava rose up on her tiptoes and stared into his eyes. “That might be exactly what I need.” She kissed him.

He tried to resist. Tried turning his head, but he eventually gave in to his desire for her. His tongue slid inside her mouth, tasting her. She moaned against his lips when one of his hands caressed her breasts. This was what she needed. To be with him. To try and block out the fear that nearly had her immobilized. She clung to his shoulders, but then he was gently pushing her away.

“That’s enough, Ava. You need to get in the tub before the water gets cold.” His tone was harsh.

She nodded, unable to meet his gaze. Walking around him, she eased her body into the warm sudsy water. He stood watching her as she leaned back against the tub. His shorts did nothing to hide his prominent arousal.

“Join me?”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“Dominic, please. I need you. Even if you don’t want to make love at least get in and hold me.”

He nodded. She bit her lip as he removed his shorts and climbed in the tub next to her. He really was a magnificent specimen. All muscle.

“Satisfied?” he asked.

“No. Not yet.”

Before he could discern her intentions, she was sitting in his lap, her back resting against his chest. His manhood pressed into her bottom.

Dominic grunted. “Ava, please…”

“What am I doing?”

“You’re tempting me.”

“I’m not trying to.”


Ava smiled. Okay. Maybe he was right. She gasped when she felt his hand between her legs. Already his skilled hand had lit her fire.


She eased herself more fully onto his hand. She squirmed as one more finger joined the first inside her. Gritting her teeth, she grinded against him as her orgasm hovered closer and closer. Dominic kissed the side of her neck as he fingered her. And then she felt his tongue in her ear. Ava cried out as the orgasm exploded between her thighs. Gasping she sagged wearily against Dominic. He kissed her cheek and removed his fingers from her body.

“Satisfied now?” he asked.


“That’s going to have to be enough.”

“But what about you?” she asked.

“I’ll survive.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. Now relax and stop trying to coerce me not to act like a gentleman.”

“Fine. You win.”

Ava lay back and closed her eyes. The warm water was wonderful on her skin. Already she could feel some of the soreness easing away. Dominic’s arms enfolded her and she relaxed. Sex could wait and now that she took a moment to think, it had never really been about sex in the first place. Sex was a mere distraction from the madness that was her life. Maia was missing and Ava was scared to death. Her little girl was the most important person in the entire world. Ava sniffed back a tear and a thought struck her as she opened her eyes.

“Do you think Gina’s murder has anything to do with someone taking my daughter?”

“I hadn’t thought of that, but what do you and Gina have in common besides your friendship?”

“She’s referred some clients to me, but that’s it. Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree.”

“Maybe, maybe not. Either way, we’re going to get Maia back. You have my word on that, Ava.”

She nodded and closed her eyes again. They were going to bring Maia home. She had to believe that with her whole heart. Anything less was unthinkable.

“Ava, wake up.”

Ava opened her eyes. She was lying in bed. Dominic sat next to her. She eased up slowly.

“How did I get in here?”

“I carried you. Duh,” Dominic said, smiling.

“I’m sorry I fell asleep on you.”

“You don’t need to apologize. You’ve had a long day. I ordered room service.”

Ava sat up. She noticed that although Dominic had brought her to bed, he hadn’t dressed her. She sat up naked and leaned against the headboard. Dominic handed her a tray. She took off the cover and her mouth nearly watered. Shrimp scampi, one of her favorites. Ava eagerly dug into the food. Dominic settled on the bed beside her eating a rib eye. She eyed his plate. He caught her looking and smiled.

“Craving a little red meat?” he teased.

“I was but you decided not to give me any.”

Dominic stopped eating and just stared at her. It seemed she’d rendered him speechless. Putting her plate down, she carefully climbed over him and retrieved a bottle of water from the room service cart. Opening it, she drank half of it down before she took a breath. Dominic chewed on a piece of steak, trying his best not to look at her. She knew what had him so on edge. He was worried about Maia and probably wondering if he could get to her child in time.

The sound of a cell phone ringing nearly made Ava drop the bottle of water. It was her cell phone. She looked at Dominic, frantic.

“I’ll get it.”

He put down his plate and walked to where her purse was on the table. Quickly he dug inside and pulled out her phone. He looked at it before handing it to her. With shaking hands, Ava answered the call.


“Nice to hear your voice again. Seems you made it out of your little mishap okay.”

It was him.

“When I’m done with you I’ll be the last woman you terrorize.”

“That’s pretty tough talk. I’d tone it down if you ever want to see your daughter again.”

Ava swallowed. “Where’s Maia? What have you done to her?”

“Nothing yet. The rest depends on you.”

“What do you want?”

“To end this. It’s time you finally paid for your transgressions.”

“I just want to see my daughter.”

“Eight a.m. The old Woolworth warehouse on Twenty-Third. The back door will be unlocked. Come alone. If I smell any cops, you’ll never see the girl again.”

The caller hung up. Ava stared at her phone.

“Ava, what did he say?”

She repeated what the caller said to her as tears formed in her eyes.

“It’s all going to be okay. Tomorrow morning we’re going to end this once and for all. I promise you. We are going to get Maia back safe and I will die before I let anything happen to her, or you. Trust me, Ava.”