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“Ms. Hill, I know you’re a busy woman running your own business and Maia was just having a little tantrum. I didn’t want to bother you.”

“After what her classmate Simon said to her, I’m sure she was upset. In the future, I expect you to call me when she asks you to. Do you understand?”

“I’m…I’m sorry Ms. Hill. I just didn’t want to bother you, but you have my word. Next time there’s a problem with Maia I will not hesitate to call you.”

“I would really appreciate it if you did. And while we’re at it, we need to discuss the little boy who said some rather nasty things to my daughter. I’m well aware that children will be children, but as the adult in charge it’s up to you to reprimand your students when needed.”

“I assure you, I did discipline Simon for his unkind words. I’m so sorry that she got so upset yesterday. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

“See that you do.”

Ava turned on her heel and walked away. She ignored the pointed looks of some of the parents as she left the school. Snobs. Making her way back to the parking lot, she unlocked her Mercedes and climbed inside. Revving up the engine, Ava roared out of the parking lot. Hitting the freeway that would take her downtown to her office, a few minutes into her drive she noticed a black sedan in her rearview mirror.

Mile after mile she noticed the sedan on her tail. Changing lanes, Ava saw the black sedan do the same. Ava switched lanes again and so did the car. She didn’t like this one little bit. Ava sped up and the sedan did the same. The windshield was tinted so dark she couldn’t see inside. For the first time, Ava wished she had gone ahead and gotten a permit to carry a concealed weapon. The garage was just ahead. Relief washed over her.

Barely slowing, Ava swung her car into the garage. The black sedan followed. Ava panted as she pulled into her reserved parking space. Haphazardly she reached for her purse and withdrew her Taser. She sat in her Mercedes, motor running. The car sat behind her not moving. Ava swallowed the lump in her throat. Watching, she waited to see what the mysterious vehicle would do. Then with a screech of tires the car spun around and disappeared. Ava’s heart thudded in her throat.

Who’d been following her? Why would anyone follow her? She was a legitimate businesswoman. She had nothing to do with her late husband’s world.

But it looked like someone didn’t care.

Chapter Five

Ava looked at the calendar on her computer. Already two meetings had been cancelled. Neither had been rescheduled. Ava pressed the intercom button.

“Karen, why did Dolphin Tours and Knight Photography cancel their meetings today?”

“Dolphin Tours said they found a more affordable company and Knight Photography might be merging with an international media company, but they may reschedule.”

“Karen, in the event Knight Photography calls back, tell them we will not work with them, now or in the future. We need people who know what they want.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Ava released the intercom button and leaned back in her chair. Ava had a hard time dealing with people who didn’t know what they wanted. Wishy-washiness annoyed her. She’d worked hard to build her business and the last thing she was going to accept was being jerked around by anyone. She’d put too much time and energy into building Hill Consulting into the powerhouse public relations and marketing firm it was.

Rubbing her temples, Ava released a breath. Sometimes being a businesswoman was not easy. Speaking of businesswomen, she had an important call to make. Picking up her office phone, she dialed.

“Marron Jewelers, how may I direct your call?”

“Ava calling for Gina Marron.”

“Good morning, Ms. Hill. I’ll put you right through.”

“Thank you,” Ava said.

Relaxing in her chair, she waited.

“Ava darling. Long time no hear,” Gina’s voice came over the phone in her familiar Southern belle drawl.

“It’s only been a month, Gina. Besides I’m sure you’ve been too busy to notice.”

Gina Marron was the owner of one of the premier jewelry stores in South Beach. Creating one-of-a-kind pieces, some of her clients ranged from members of the Miami Heat to multi-millionaire playboys buying trinkets for their flavors of the month. And from what Ava knew, business was booming for Gina.

“Maybe just a little. I did get quite a few orders from some of the Portland Trailblazers who were in town for their last game. That’s kept me pretty busy.”

“I’m sure. Too busy to call and apologize for recommending Bernard McKlowsky to me.”

“Bernard was recommended to me by several reputable colleagues.”

“I fired him.”

“You fired him? What did he do?”

“He suggested I invest in a bum company. Any idiot knows Jefferson Department Stores has been closing stores for the last ten years.”

“I can’t believe it. Poor Bernard has no idea he’s made himself an enemy.”

“You know the thought has crossed my mind that maybe he was a plant sent by someone who wants to see me fail.”

“Ava darling. Surely you don’t think I would be involved in something like that?” Gina asked.

“Of course not. But you can never be too careful when it comes to business.”

“You worry too much. Everyone is not out to get you, Ava.”

“That’s what you think.”

“Ava, is there something you’re not telling me?”

“Nothing for you to worry about, Gina.”

“If you say so.” She paused for a moment and then chuckled. “Listen, I’m having a little get-together this weekend. A select group of wealthy accomplished women. You have to come.”

“What kind of get-together?” Ava asked.

“A weekend at sea on my yacht with a few select gentlemen. Besides bringing your beautiful self, there is only one requirement, you have to wear a mask.”


“You might appreciate the discretion, darling. The men I’m inviting are escorts.”

“Gina, are you smoking something?” Ava asked.

“Of course not.” Her husky laughter filled the phone. “Stop being such a prude. The agency these men work for has supplied men to everyone from political wives to A-list actresses on the red carpet. All of the men are young and in excellent condition and they’re tested regularly.

“All of the men sign confidentiality agreements so that whatever they do or who they do it with remains anonymous. And besides that, their number one priority is to see to a woman’s pleasure. They will do whatever you want. Now can you tell me that doesn’t sound appealing?”

Ava leaned back in her chair. As much as Ava hated to admit it, Gina Marron had a point. Men did stuff like this all the time. Hiring prostitutes. Having mistresses. Women at their beck and call to see to their pleasure. No one knew more about that than she did. She spent more years as a mistress than anyone should admit to. But what was really so bad about spending a little time with a handsome younger gentleman whose only duty was to keep you satisfied?

“Well, Ava?”

“I’m thinking. I’m still technically in mourning.”

“You and I both know your husband was not faithful to you, men like that never are.”

“And yet, I’ve never been with another man, not in all this time. He repaid my fidelity with mistresses…”

“And I say again, sugar. Well?”

“Gina! This is not easy for me, even if my late husband was a cheating bastard. I’m still thinking.”

“What’s to think about? We’ll all be wearing masks. Our identities will be protected. And besides, you need to get laid more than any of the other women I’m inviting.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” Ava asked.

“It means I know your husband is the only man you’ve ever been with and he was quite a bit older than you. It’s time you had a taste of a young, virile man.”