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Ava burst into laughter. “You’re sure that no one will know my identity?”

“Not unless you want them to.”

“Then I guess I’m in.”

“Fabulous. Fantastic. You will not regret this, Ava. We are going to have a sinfully good time this weekend. So pack light. I’m sure none of us will need many clothes. And be at my place around seven Friday night. Limousines will be taking us to where the yacht is docked. The men will be on board awaiting our pleasure.”

“Sounds like a buffet,” Ava said.

“That’s the idea, sugar. So wear something sexy. A nice little cocktail dress to start the evening and I’ll see you Friday. Don’t chicken out.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Once my mind is made up I don’t tend to change it.”

“Great. Talk to you later, darling.”

Ava ended the call. Trust Gina to come up with something beyond outlandish. But then again, Gina had been outlandish ever since the first time they met a little over five years ago. Vivacious, intelligent and carefree, but a bulldog when it came to her business, Gina had been the one to really take her under her wing and showed her how to be a businesswoman in a man’s world.

But not only that, Gina had taken the time to get to know her as a person. To encourage her to step out of her husband’s shadow and establish her own independence, but more importantly not to lose herself while pursuing that independence.

It hadn’t been easy for Ava to open up, but Gina had been persistent and with time they’d become friends, enjoying shopping trips, and dining at some of the finest restaurants in town. Gina had broken down her walls and they’d become fast friends. Ava had even made Gina Maia’s godmother. Without Gina’s friendship, Ava wasn’t sure she’d have been able to handle everything that had happened as well as she had.

She was going to a sex party. It didn’t matter in what terms Gina tried to couch it, Ava was well aware what this weekend was really about. A group of powerful women with young, handsome men to do their bidding. Who wouldn’t take advantage of something like that? Ava knew firsthand how difficult it was to find a man not intimidated by a strong woman. This weekend could be exactly what the doctor ordered.

It had been a little over six months since Joseph’s death. She was a widow yes, but still young and full of life. There was no reason she shouldn’t have a little fun. Ava’s phone rang. She picked it up.


“Ms. Hill, there’s a gentleman here to see you. Says his name’s Angelo.”

“Send him in.”

Ava stood up behind her desk. She smoothed down an invisible wrinkle on the cream-colored wrap dress she was wearing. Quickly she turned and appraised her reflection in the mirror. Satisfied, she sat back down in her blue plush leather chair and waited. Finally her office door opened and in walked a tall, olive-skinned man with chocolate brown eyes, wavy black hair and a wide smile. Ava gritted her teeth and pasted on a smile she’d long ago perfected.

“Angelo, this is a surprise.”

“I hope a pleasant one. Now how about a hug for your favorite brother-in-law?”

Chapter Six

Ava sat across from Joseph. The ten-thousand thread count white tablecloth stretched out between them. The restaurant was dimly lit, and the people around them talked in low whispers. The patrons all seemed to be the same sort. Men of all ages sat in various spots around the establishment. And with every man was a much younger woman. Ava was sure that some of the females were even younger than her eighteen years.

“You look amazing. The hottest broad in here tonight.”

Ava’s eyes met Joseph’s. He licked his lips as he stared at her. She gave him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She was well aware of what he saw when he looked at her. She’d spent most of the morning at a salon being primped, fluffed and dyed to please her new “protector.” Her natural brown hair had been dyed a golden honey blonde. Extensions had been added in for more fullness and length. Her eyebrows had been arched and dyed the same color. When the salon owner had told her she had orders for a Brazilian wax for Ava, she’d tried to back out. But there was no way the owner would dare to disobey Joseph Martelli.

Biting on a towel stuffed into her mouth, Ava had dared not to scream as the hair was ripped from her most private regions.

Afterwards a personal buyer had taken her shopping for underwear, bras, lingerie and evening attire. Beneath Joseph’s gaze she wore one of them. A V-cut gold lamine dress with a plunging V-neckline that showed off more of her breasts than she was comfortable with. A thin rhinestone-studded bar provided her the only source of modesty.

A thin gold choker and studs accentuated her outfit. Ava thought she looked like a real-life Oscar statue. She did not approve. Wearing so much makeup, she hadn’t recognized herself when she looked in the mirror.

The truth was evident. She was now a whore. A bought-and-paid-for whore. Joseph Martelli’s whore. And she had yet to lay on her back. But it was coming. Tonight it was coming. She’d just turned eighteen. Joseph was not going to wait any longer. Especially not after he’d spent all this money getting her prepared to his satisfaction. It was time to pay the piper. And the sad thing was, she was absolutely certain neither Roger nor her mother, Cynthia, appreciated her sacrifice.

“Well, well. Long time no see.”

Ava looked up. An Italian man with milk-chocolate brown eyes and a feral smile stood over their table. Joseph rose.

“Angelo. About time you got here.”

She watched as the two men embraced, clapping each other on the back before shaking hands. Angelo looked down at her. His gaze was predatory. Like an eagle studying its prey before it swooped down for the kill. Ava wanted to jump up from the table and never stop running.

“And who might this be? You holding out on me, bro?” he said.

“This is Ava.”

“Ava? A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”

He reached for her hand and brought it to his lips. She felt his tongue brush across her skin and she fought the impulse to jerk her hand away. Her eyes flew to Joseph.

“Ava, honey, this is my younger brother, Angelo.”

Ava gave Angelo a curt nod before carefully withdrawing her hand from his grasp. No need to make trouble when there didn’t need to be. Angelo and Joseph sat down at the table, Angelo’s eyes on her.

“I never knew you liked brown sugar,” he said with a nasty smile. “I thought all you liked was an old-fashioned Italian girl,” he said.

“There’s nothing wrong with a little variety, is there?” Joseph asked.

“Not at all,” Angelo said still gazing at Ava.

“She’s a real looker, ain’t she?” Joseph said proudly.

“She sure is.”

“And as pure as the Virgin Mary.”

Joseph’s brother licked his lips. “Is that so?”

Ava swallowed as both men regarded her. Their eyes were locked firmly on her. Beside her, Angelo stroked his upper arm slowly. He leaned closer to her. Ava held her breath, fearing that he would dare to kiss her.

“You wouldn’t be up to sharing, would you, brother?”