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Ava’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened as she looked at Joseph. Her heart thudded in her ears as she waited for his response.

“Not this time. Not my Ava.”

The glint in Angelo’s eyes cooled and he leaned away from Ava. She released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She was safe for now. Protected from the lust of Joseph’s brother as long as her protector desired her. Although she was oblivious to what it took to please a man, she had no choice but to try and learn quickly. Because Ava was sure that if she displeased Joseph in any way, he wasn’t likely just to end their arrangement and let her go on her merry way.

A man like Joseph Martelli didn’t just let you walk away. She knew that firsthand. If she dissatisfied him, she was certain her next stop would be in the bed of Angelo Martelli. And from the look in his eyes, she knew that was a place she didn’t want to be.

Ava jolted back into the present. Angelo was older now. After all, it had been nearly seventeen years ago when they’d first met. There was just the faintest flecks of grey in his inky black hair, but his gaze remained the same. Hungry. Hungry for her even after all these years.

“Are you sure that would be appropriate?” Ava asked with false politeness.

“Ava. You’re Joseph’s widow. What could possibly be wrong with a hug between in-laws?”

She raised a brow at him. There was no desire in her to be anywhere near her brother-in-law, much less touch him.

Just give him the hug, Ava. Don’t let him feel like he can intimidate you. You’re not the same scared little girl he met so long ago.

Slowly, Ava rose. Taking her time, she smoothed down the skirt of her dress before walking around her desk to where her brother-in-law stood. His hungry gaze devoured her.

Angelo opened his arms and she moved into them. His arms closed around her, holding her much closer than she liked. She could feel the bulge of his erection pressing against her. Ava’s hands barely touched his back as they hugged. She fought her gag reflex as she felt his nose brush her neck.

“You smell so good.”

“Thank you,” Ava said, quickly stepping out of his embrace.

He raised a brow, before his eyes moved up and down her body.

“After all these years, you’re still a looker. Hottest piece of ass Joseph ever had.”

The dormant knot of tension in Ava’s neck flared to life. She resisted the urge to reach up and massage her neck.

“That’s how you refer to your brother’s widow? A hot piece of ass?” Ava asked.

She turned her back on Angelo and walked back to her desk, trying her best to get her emotions under control. Angelo Martelli got under her skin. He always had and she was pretty sure he always would.

“You know I didn’t mean anything by that. Take it as a compliment.”

“I can assure you that there are more flattering terms you could have used to compliment me, but what can I expect? After all you’re just an old-school Italian. You don’t know any better.”

Sitting down, Ava crossed her legs, a genuine smile on her face. A small frown turned down the corners of Angelo’s face. She’d hit a nerve. Good. He sat down in the chair in front of her desk. From the way he tugged on the collar of his suit, she was sure that facing him as an equal and not just as simply a woman was something he wasn’t used to and certainly didn’t appreciate. Too damn bad.

“Please forgive my ignorance. Things were a lot different in my day. The things we said. The things we did.”

“I’m sure. So tell me what brings you by? This is your first time at my office, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it is. I’m glad I came. Joseph talked so much about it. How proud he was of you for starting your own business. A real powerhouse broad, he called you.”

“I’ll always be grateful to him for allowing me to run my business. I don’t think most men in this life would’ve approved.”

“You’d be right about that. In past times a woman belonged in the bedroom or the kitchen, but never outside the home and certainly not owning a business. It was unheard of.”

“Well thank God for modern times. So you’re here because…”

“Do I need an excuse to stop by and check in on my sister-in-law? Joseph is barely in his grave… I wanted to see how you and Maia are getting along.”

“Maia and I are well. Thanks for asking.”

“That’s good. I was wondering how Maia was adjusting with her father being gone.”

“She’s doing better than can be expected, but Maia’s resilient. She reminds me so much of her father. Speaking of Joseph, I’m glad you stopped by. There’s something I need to ask you.”

“Sure. I’m all ears.”

Do you really want Angelo in your business? The answer to that was a firm no. But she needed answers or at least to know what she was dealing with. And she was sure that Angelo knew where all the bodies were buried so to speak.

“Did Joseph have a son?”

The question hung in the air between them. Angelo’s fingers formed a steeple over his mouth. There was a glint in his eyes. He knew something.

“Ava, where is this coming from?”

She slammed her fist on her desk. “Stop with the games, Angelo, and answer my question. Does Joseph have a son?”

“Ava, this kind of talk, it’s not proper. Not things a wife should hear. Not with our lifestyle.”

“Angelo, your brother is dead. I have a right to know. I need to know. So stop this omertà stuff and tell me the damn truth.”

Angelo scowled. Lowering his hands, he leaned forward.

“Fine. You want the truth. The truth is that before you even came into the picture, Joseph had a string of women around Miami. Even when you came under his protection, there were still other women. After you two married, I can’t say. I got the impression he wanted to settle down and be committed.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. I’m well aware that fidelity was not a character trait your brother possessed and I don’t care. What I care about is a man bold enough to show up at my home and demand a share of the inheritance that belongs to my daughter,” Ava said.

Angelo waved his hands. “Wait a minute. You knew about Joseph’s extracurricular activities?”

“I’m not stupid. I know exactly what you wise guys are all about. No looking for the white picket fence and happily ever after. My arrangement and subsequent marriage with Joseph was about business, plain and simple. He provided me financial stability and I was a nice piece of arm candy who gave him a child. There was no love involved.”

Angelo rubbed his hand over his face. He regarded her shaking his head. A small smile crossed his lips. “You’re some kind of broad. It’s hard to believe you’re the same girl I met seventeen years ago.”

“Times and people change. Now, are you going to answer me or is it time I dismiss you and get back to work?” Ava asked.

“First I want to know who the prick is who showed up at your house.”

“He said his name is Dominic…Martelli. Showed me a picture of him, Joseph and his mother Carmella. Claimed it was taken three years ago and that Joseph was his father.”

Ava watched Angelo’s face. He remained silent before he briefly glanced away. She saw his Adam’s apple bob. The butterflies fluttering in her stomach stopped. For the first time since the incident, she felt a measure of peace.

“He’s Joseph’s son, isn’t he?” she asked.

“He could be.”

Three simple words. Words that could change her life if she let them. No way that was going to happen.

“I figured as much, but that doesn’t change anything. Maia is the heir to Joseph’s fortune and you control his territory. Case closed.”

“I’m sorry, Ava.”

“What’s to be sorry about? Your brother was a rolling stone who couldn’t keep it zipped up and he had a kid with someone else. It wasn’t like he loved me.”