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Cindy's blushing face reddened even more with anger. "Get the fuck off me! You fucking lesbians!"

"We aren't lesbians, you asshole," the matron woman said rather calmly, smiling. "We're just here to teach you a little obedience. You have to learn to accept things as they are here at Fairfield. Surrender, Cindy, and start living a good life."

Cindy couldn't believe her twat. A slithery wet tongue, soft and feminine, drilled into her open pussy; she kicked at the pussy-sucking woman and shoved the other away from her aching tits.

"You fucking bastards aren't gonna rapes me!" she screamed hotly, twisting to escape their clutches. She never made it.

The soft, feminine women used their hidden strength and easily subdued the struggling teenager. They pinned her to the bed and, instead of attacking her sexy body the way Cindy expected, they both looked upward. Cindy saw the red light flash once.

"Okay, Miss Bitch," one of the matrons said. "Come with us."

They pulled Cindy to her feet effortlessly and once again the girl felt fear. These apparently gentle women were terribly strong when they needed to be.

"Wh-where are you taking me?" Cindy gasped as the attendants dragged her down the length of the dorm.

"Now where do you think?" the matrons sneered. The other chuckled lewdly.

"No!" Cindy screeched as she was pulled through the door. "Not that again! Please! No!"

"That's not going to happen to you again," her captor said. "That didn't work, did it? You're still a wise little bitch. We have something better for the likes of you."

Cindy screamed and kicked all the way down to the dangerous rumpus room. By the time the trio reached it, Cindy was sobbing.


Cindy was propelled into the room and the big door closed with a sharp click that sent chills up the girl's spine. As she was forced across the room Cindy saw Regina Fairfield on a sofa, slowly smoking a cigarette in her silver holder. Cindy saw her only a moment from the corner of her eye, for the matrons pushed her rapidly to the large platform with the holes in it.

Now Cindy discovered why there were so many holes in the board. The platform was lowered to the floor. Cindy was forced down on her hands and knees. Her wrists were shackled to two different holes than earlier. Her knees were bent by the matrons and her ankles cuffed to two more holes. Cindy found herself on all fours, unable to lower her tits or straighten her legs. Her ankles were shackled far apart. Her thighs made a wide, upside down V.

"Let me go!" Cindy screamed, tugging fruitlessly at her bonds. "You'll pay for this! All of you! You crazy son-of-a-bitches! I'll get you for this!"

She was manacled facing the room and she saw Mrs. Fairfield nod her head at one of attendants. The willowy blonde strutted across the room and pulled the side door open. A very beautiful, raven-haired woman appeared, dressed like the other matrons in a starched white shirt and a brief black skirt. She had enormous tits that really spread the V of her shirt. "Oh, my God! No!" Cindy cried. She wasn't dumb. She put two and two together quickly. Here she was cuffed in a doggie position.

Alarmed, Cindy looked at Regina Fairfield. As angry as she was, as outraged and horrified, she swallowed her arrogant pride and whimpered, "Please, Mrs. Fairfield. Not this."

"You brought it on yourself," the woman said simply. "We must have discipline here. You can see that, can't you? I mean, what kind of a place would this be if all you wayward little girls were permitted to continue in your brash behavior? It would be chaos. I run an orderly home here. I'm sorry Cindy, but you deserve this. Maybe it will teach you a lesson."

Regina Fairfield's dark eyes moved to the tall matron and she said, "Proceed."

She would have pleaded for mercy then, but her words froze in her constricted throat as she witnessed the most incredible thing she'd ever seen.

What were they going to do?

On all fours she could plainly see the matron's soft, gentle hand tenderly beginning to caress her.

"Oh, my God," Cindy breathed, feeling what the beautiful woman was doing to her. "Fucking perverts! Filthy bastards! Oh, God!"

The woman's deft fingers expertly manipulated her until Cindy was wet.

"No!" Cindy screeched, realizing the truth. She looked at Mrs. Fairfield and at the cool, calm and collected matrons. "How can you do such a thing? What kind of people are you? Please. Stop this! This is dirty! This is evil! Ohhh, please, nooooo."

Regina Fairfield smiled at the sobbing girl. "Filthy? Evil? Really, now, Cindy. What a way for a young girl to talk. Is this any more filthy or evil than a teenager sucking off fifteen cocks in one sitting?"

Everyone laughed at that and Cindy's pretty face flushed redly. Did everyone know that she had blown fifteen guys in order to join the Jet-Savers? She suddenly regretted her behavior. If she hadn't wanted to be like the big girls so badly, she wouldn't be in this position now.

"Why are you doing that?" Cindy sobbed. Tears stung her blue eyes and they sparkled wetly. No one answered. No one had to. Cindy knew all too well why she was shackled in such a position. The reality of the incredible situation boggled the girl's mind. Tears streamed down her pretty face as she looked back to Regina Fairfield.

To her amazement, Mrs. Fairfield smiled, untouched by Cindy's pitiful position or her whimpering words. "You will soon find out," she said.

Such a remark only confused Cindy further. But all she knew at that moment was that her heart felt like it would burst right through her tightened tits. She was so afraid.

"That will do," Regina Fairfield said.

Two matrons moved the platform, turning it on an unseen pivot. It swung slowly around until Cindy's ass was pointing to the audience. One of the matrons raised her dress way up onto her slim back, exposing every inch of her luscious ass and cunt-flesh. All eyes admired the girl's rosy ass-cheeks and furry young pussy.

Cindy began to weep openly. Her pride and arrogance would not help her now, nor would her bitterness or rage. Shackled to the platform with her ass and cunt exposed so boldly, she knew she was at the mercy of these depraved females. So she cried like a little girl.

Her hot tears fell to the platform as two matrons stretched out on their backs and wiggled until their faces were just under her tits. They opened her dress and bared her pink tipped tits. Lifting their heads, they extended their tongues and began to lick hornily at Cindy's quivering tits.

"Ohhh, nooo," Cindy whimpered helplessly. "What are you trying to do to me?"

The matrons said nothing. They raised their faces to her hard, young tits and sucked her nipples into their hot mouths. Cindy gasped and caught her breath as the soft, sexy mouths gently sucked on her nipples until they were spiking and tingling. Cindy shivered all over. When her tits were sucked, it affected her cunt and the women knew that. There was a method to their horny madness. They sucked her delightful teenaged tits until Cindy was panting and her pussy started getting moist. "Ohhh, nooo, you bastards," she cried, feeling her fuck urge erupt in her belly.

She didn't want to act like she enjoyed the fucking bitches, but she couldn't keep her ass still. The intense pleasure-feelings in her aching tits streamed through her body, right into her defenseless little pussy. Regina Fairfield lit up another cigarette and coolly watched the girl's sweet cunt squirm and turn erotically.

"I think she's ready," the leader said.

"Let's find out. Go ahead and lick her cunt." Cindy caught her breath as she felt a wet tongue touch her cunt. She gagged when the girl started licking thirstily into her open, helpless pussy.

"Get her nice and juicy, girls," Max said.

She felt the girls tongue enter her wet fuck-hole even deeper. She couldn't help herself. What was a girl to do when two luscious females were hotly sucking her nipples and another one was tonguing her cunt-hole? She simply went wild.