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Danics, Anita

Daoud, Sardar Mohammed

Dar es Salaam embassy bombing

Darwin, Charles


death squads

debt. See also federal deficits; national debt

Decision Research

Decline in America’s Reputation, The

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

Defense Authorization Bills

defense contractors (munitions industry). See also military-industrial complex; private contractors

Defense Department (DOD, Pentagon). See also military bases; and specific bases, countries, weapons, and wars

base inventories by

base repositioning and

budgets of

Inspector General

Iraqi museums and

munitions industry and

private contractors and

procurement by, and reform attempts

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)

Defense Management Review

“Defense Power Games” (Spinney)

defense reform movement

Defense Science Board

Task Force on Strategic Communication

defense spending. See also Defense Department; military-industrial complex; military Keynesianism

economic impact of

overseas bases and

public-private partnerships and

size of, vs. other countries

supplementary, for Iraq and Afghanistan

wasteful, and reform attempts


empire and


imposing, on others

privatization and

Democracy Incorporated (Wolin)

Democratic Party (Japan)

Democratic Socialist Party (Japan)


Deterring Democracy (Chomsky)

Deutch, John

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, killings


Diego Garcia


dollar, value of

domestic spying

Dominican Republic

Donovan, William J. “Wild Bill,”

Dornan, Bob

Douglas, Paul

Drug Enforcement Administration


Dulles, Allen S.

Dupree, Louis

Durand Line

Dutch empire

Dying to Win (Pape)



East Asia

Eastern Europe

Ebert, Roger

economy. See also current accounts; federal deficits; Great Recession; military Keynesianism

cost of bases and

domestic spending and

empire and

impact of defense spending on




Ehmann, Amy

82nd Airborne Division

Eisenhower, Dwight D.

elections, foreign

elections, U.S.

of 2000

of 2004

of 2008

El Salvador

Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act (2003)

empire and imperialism (hegemony). See also military bases

Afghan War and

democracy vs

economic impact of

“footprint” of

ideology of

Middle East and

militarism and

Obama and

steps for dismantling

“empire of consumption,”

Encounter (magazine)

Endangered Species Act

Energy Department

environmental damage



bases in

imperialism and

European Union

Euro Zone

Evans, Don

“Exterminate All the Brutes” (Lindqvist)

F-16 fighter planes

F-22 Raptor supersonic stealth fighter

F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

F-105 fighter

Falcon and the Snowman, The (Lindsey)

Fallows, James




federal deficits

Federal Election Commission

Federal Financial Management Improvement Act (1996)

Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA, Pakistan)

Federation of American Scientists

Feinstein, Dianne

Fighter Mafia

Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks (9/11 Commission Report)

Fisk, Robert

Fitzgerald, Paul

Fitzhugh (Blue Ribbon) Commission

Foggo, Kyle “Dusty,”

Ford, Gerald

foreign military aid

Foreign Policy in Focus

Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force

fourth-generation warfare

4th Infantry Division


empire of

Frank, Barney

Frank, Thomas

Franks, Tommy

French Foreign Legion

Friedman, Benjamin

Friedman, Stephen


Futenma Air Station

Galápagos Islands

Garmisch vacation center

Garner, Jay

Gates, Robert M.

Geithner, Timothy

General Dynamics

Geneva Accords (1988)

Gentile, Giovanni

George, Clair

George H. W. Bush, USS (aircraft carrier)



bases in

empire and



Ghost Wars (Coll)

Gibney, Alex

Gibson, McGuire

Gingrich, Newt

“global cavalry,”

Global Insight

Global Security Organization

Goldwater-Nichols Department of Defense Reorganization Act (1986)

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Goss, Porter

Gould, Elizabeth

Grace, J. Peter, Jr

Grafenwöhr Training Area

Great Britain (United Kingdom). See also British Empire

Afghanistan and

bases in

Iraq and

Great Depression

Great Recession (financial crisis of 2008–10)




Green Zone

Groen, Rick

Gromov, Boris


Guantánamo Bay



coup of 1954

Gulf War (1991)

Gun Owners of America

Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property (1954)

Haig, Alexander

Halliburton Corporation

Handbook of the Law of Visiting Forces

Haney, Albert R.

Hanks, Tom

Hart, Howard

Hartung, William D.

Hatoyama, Yukio

health care

Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin

Hellfire antitank missile

Helms, Richard

Henry V (Shakespeare)

Herbert, Bob

Heritage Foundation

Herring, Joanne

Hersh, Seymour

Hidden Terrors (Langguth)

Higgs, Robert

Hirohito, emperor of Japan

Historia Universal de La Destrucción de Los Libros (Márquez)

Hitz, Fred

Hobsbawn, Eric

Hoehn, Andy

Hoffman, Philip Seymour

Homeland Security Department


Hoover, J. Edgar

Huizenga, John

Hunter, Stephen

Hussein, Saddam

Hutchison, Kay Bailey

Imperial Hubris (Scheuer)

imperial overstretch. See also empire and imperialism; military bases

imperial presidency


Independent (London)




coup of 1958

coup of 1965

industrial policy

intelligence. See also specific agencies

flaws in

number of agencies for

private contractors and

secrecy and spending on

Intelligence and Research Bureau (INR)

International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders

international law

International Olympic Committee

international treaties

“inverted totalitarianism,”

Invisible History (Fitzgerald and Gould)


coup of 1953

revolution of 1979

Iran-Contra affair


ancient history of

antiquities laws

covert actions and

elections and

Iraqi Central Bank

Iraqi Ministry of Religious Endowments

Iraqi National Library and Archives (Baghdad)