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Rainer, Peter

Ramstein Air Force Base

Rancho Santa Fe, California

RAND Corporation


Reagan, Ronald

Republican Party

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)

Rhee, Syngman

Rice, Condoleezza

Risen, James

Roberts, Julia

Robeson, Mastin

Robson, Eleanor

Rocchi, James

Roddy, Melissa

Roh Tae Woo


Rome, ancient

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

Rumsfeld, Donald

Russia, post-Soviet. See also Soviet Union

Sabri, Naji

Safire, William

Salman, Prince, of Saudi Arabia

Sanchez, Loretta

San Diego, California

San Diego Union-Tribune

satellite intelligence

Saudi Arabia

Saudi General Intelligence Department (Istakhbarat)

Saudi Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice

Saunders, Frances Stonor

Scahill, Jeremy

Scheuer, Michael F.

Schlesinger, James

School of the Americas

Schröder, Gerhard

Schuster, Angela M. H.

Schwarzennegger, Arnold

Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

Scott, A. O.

2nd Infantry Division


secret prisons


September 11, 2001, attacks (9/11)

sexual violence

Shakespeare, William

Shia Muslims

Shining Path

Shorrock, Tim

Sierra Leone

signals intelligence


60 Minutes (TV show)

Smith, Haviland

Socialist Party (Japan)

Social Security

Solomon, John

Somoza, Anastasio

Sorkin, Aaron

Sorrows of Empire, The (Johnson)

South America

South Asia

South Korea

bases in

South Korean National Assembly

South Korean Supreme Court

South Vietnam

Soviet-Afghan War (1979–89)

Soviet empire

Soviet Union (USSR)

atheism of, vs. Islam

CIA and

Cold War and

demise of, and end of empire

military spending

space warfare


Spangdahlem Air Force Base

Special Forces

Spiegel, Peter

Spies for Hire (Shorrock)

Spinney, Franklin “Chuck,”

Sprey, Pierre M.

Stalin, Joseph

standing armies


State Department

defense spending and

Pakistan and

private contractors and

state terrorism

Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs)

Steadman Review (1977)

Strategic Air Command

“Streamlining Review” (Defense Science Board)

Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)

Studies on Persianate Societies (journal)

Stuttgart, Germany, base



suicide option

Sullivan, Martin


Sun Fun Products

Sunni Muslims



Taguba, Anthony

Tailhook Association



Tallil Air Base (Nasariyah)



Team B

Tenet, George

terrorism. See also specific events


3rd Brigade

3rd Marine Division

Third World


Titan Corporation

Tomsen, Peter

Top Gun Enterprises

Top Gun (film)

Toronto Globe and Mail


Total Information Awareness Program

Total System Performance Responsibility initiative

trade deficits. See also current accounts

Treasury Department

Triple Canopy

Truman, Harry S.



Turan, Kenneth


Turki, Prince, of Saudi Arabia

Turse, Nick

Twetten, Thomas

U-2 aircraft


Uniform Code of Military Justice

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

United Fruit Company

United Kingdom. See Great Britain

United Nations

Security Council Resolution 1483 (2003)

U.S. Air Force

U.S. armed forces (military). See also Defense Department; military bases; private contractors; and specific branches, base locations, and wars


control of government by

disabled veterans and

looting of Iraq and

rape of women in

U.S. Army

U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Congress

incumbency and

military spending and

private contractors and

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Forces Korea

U.S. House of Representatives

Appropriations Committee

Defense Appropriations Subcommittee

Foreign Affairs subcommittee

U.S. House of Representatives (cont’d)

Intelligence Oversight Committee

National Security Subcommittee

Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

U.S.-Japanese Security Treaty

U.S. Marine Corps

Civil Affairs Bureau

U.S. Navy

U.S. Senate

Armed Services Committee

Military Construction Subcommittee

U.S. Supreme Court

Ur archaeological site





Veterans Affairs Department

Vicenza, Italy, base


Vietnam War

Vikan, Gary

Vinnell Corporation

Wag the Dog (film)

Wahhabi fundamentalists

Warner, John

Washington Post



weapons of mass destruction

Weiner, Tim

West Africa

Western Europe

Westmoreland, William

Wheeler, Winslow

Wilkes, Brent

Williams, Tennessee

Wilson, Charlie

Wilson, Woodrow

Wisner, Frank

Wohlstetter, Roberta

Wolfowitz, Paul

Wolin, Sheldon S.


Afghanistan and

overseas bases and

rights of

Woods, Thomas E., Jr.

Woolsey, James

“World Factbook” (CIA)

World Monuments Fund

World War I

World War II

Wrecking Crew, The (Frank)

Wynne, Michael W.

Yokosuka, Japan, base

Yongsan Garrison

Young, Don

Zahir Shah, king of Afghanistan

Zawahiri, Ayman al-

Zawhar Kili missile attack

Zia-ul-Haq, Mohammed

Zimansky, Paul


Chalmers Johnson is the author or editor of seventeen books on subjects ranging from revolution to Chinese and Japanese politics, the high-speed growth of the East Asian economies, and his Blowback Trilogy on American imperialism and militarism. For thirty years he was a professor of international politics at the University of California, Berkeley and San Diego. From 1967 to 1973, he also served as a consultant to the Office of National Estimates of the CIA.

The American Empire Project

In an era of unprecedented military strength, leaders of the United States, the global hyperpower, have increasingly embraced imperial ambitions. How did this significant shift in purpose and policy come about? And what lies down the road?

The American Empire Project is a response to the changes that have occurred in America’s strategic thinking as well as in its military and economic posture. Empire, long considered an offense against America’s democratic heritage, now threatens to define the relationship between our country and the rest of the world. The American Empire Project publishes books that question this development, examine the origins of U.S. imperial aspirations, analyze their ramifications at home and abroad, and discuss alternatives to this dangerous trend.