However, for a LAN-based distributed system, the protocol overhead is often substantial. So much CPU time is wasted running protocols that the effective throughput over the LAN is often only a fraction of what the LAN can do. As a consequence, most LAN-based distributed systems do not use layered protocols at all, or if they do, they use only a subset of the entire protocol stack.
In addition, the OSI model addresses only a small aspect of the problem — getting the bits from the sender to the receiver (and in the upper layers, what they mean). It does not say anything about how the distributed system should be structured. Something more is needed.
2.3.1. Clients and Servers
This something is often the client-server model that we introduced in the preceding chapter. The idea behind this model is to structure the operating system as a group of cooperating processes, called servers, that offer services to the users, called clients. The client and server machines normally all run the same microkernel, with both the clients and servers running as user processes, as we saw earlier. A machine may run a single process, or it may run multiple clients, multiple servers, or a mixture of the two.
Fig. 2-7. The client-server model. Although all message passing is actually done by the kernels, this simplified form of drawing will be used when there is no ambiguity.
To avoid the considerable overhead of the connection-oriented protocols such as OSI or TCP/IP, the client server model is usually based on a simple, connectionless request/reply protocol. The client sends a request message to the server asking for some service (e.g., read a block of a file). The server does the work and returns the data requested or an error code indicating why the work could not be performed, as depicted in Fig. 2-7(a).
The primary advantage of Fig. 2-7(a) is the simplicity. The client sends a request and gets an answer. No connection has to be established before use or torn down afterward. The reply message serves as the acknowledgement to the request.
From the simplicity comes another advantage: efficiency. The protocol stack is shorter and thus more efficient. Assuming that all the machines are identical, only three levels of protocol are needed, as shown in Fig. 2-7(b). The physical and data link protocols take care of getting the packets from client to server and back. These are always handled by the hardware, for example, an Ethernet or token ring chip. No routing is needed and no connections are established, so layers 3 and 4 are not needed. Layer 5 is the request/reply protocol. It defines the set of legal requests and the set of legal replies to these requests. There is no session management because there are no sessions. The upper layers are not needed either.
Due to this simple structure, the communication services provided by the (micro)kernel can, for example, be reduced to two system calls, one for sending messages and one for receiving them. These system calls can be invoked through library procedures, say, send(dest, &mptr) and receive(addr, &mptr). The former sends the message pointed to by mptr to a process identified by dest and causes the caller to be blocked until the message has been sent. The latter causes the caller to be blocked until a message arrives. When one does, the message is copied to the buffer pointed to by mptr and the caller is unblocked. The addr parameter specifies the address to which the receiver is listening. Many variants of these two procedures and their parameters are possible. We will discuss some of these later in this chapter.
2.3.2. An Example Client and Server
To provide more insight into how clients and servers work, in this section we will present an outline of a client and a file server in C. Both the client and the server need to share some definitions, so we will collect these into a file called header.h, which is shown in Fig. 2-8. Both the client and server include these using the
#include <header.h>
statement. This statement has the effect of causing a preprocessor to literally insert the entire contents of header.h into the source program just before the compiler starts compiling the program.
/* Definitions needed by clients and servers. */
#define MAX_PATH 255 /* maximum length of a file name */
#define BUF_SIZE 1024 /* how much data to transfer at once */
#define FILE_SERVER 243 /* file server's network address */
/* Definitions of the allowed operations. */
#define CREATE 1 /* create a new file */
#define READ 2 /* read a piece of a file and return it */
#define WRITE 3 /* write a piece of a file */
#define DELETE 4 /* delete an existing file */
/* Error codes. */
#define OK 0 /* operation performed correctly */
#define E_BAD_OPCODE –1 /* unknown operation requested */
#define E_BAD_PARAM –2 /* error in a parameter */
#define E_IO –3 /* disk error or other I/O error */
/* Definition of the message format. */
struct message {
long source; /* sender's identity */
long dest; /* receiver's identity */
long opcode; /* which operation: CREATE, READ, etc. */
long count; /* how many bytes to transfer */
long offset; /* where in file to start reading or writing */
long extra1; /* extra field */
long extra2; /* extra field */
long result; /* result of the operation reported here */
char name[MAX_PATH]; /* name of the file being operated on */
char data[BUF_SIZE]; /* data to be read or written */
Fig. 2-8. The header.h file used by the client and server.
Let us first take a look at header.h. It starts out by defining two constants, MAX_PATH and BUF_SIZE, that determine the size of two arrays needed in the message. The former tells how many characters a file name (i.e., a path name like /usr/ast/books/opsys/chapter1.t) may contain. The latter fixes the amount of data that may be read or written in one operation by setting the buffer size. The next constant, FILE_SERVER, provides the network address of the file server so that clients can send messages to it.
The second group of constants defines the operation numbers. These are needed to ensure that the client and server agree on which code will represent a READ, which code will represent a WRITE, and so on. We have only shown four here, but in a real system there would normally be more.