All of these calls operate by first determining whether CDS or GDS is needed. X.500 names are handled by GDS; DNS or mixed names are handled by CDS, as illustrated in Fig. 10-24. First let us trace the lookup of a name in X.500 format. The XDS library sees that it needs to look up an X.500 name, so it calls the DUA (Directory User Agent), a library linked into the client code. This handles GDS caching, analogous to the CDS clerk, which handles CDS caching. Users have more control over GDS caching than they do over CDS caching and can, for example, specify which items are to be cached. They can even bypass the DUA if it is absolutely essential to get the latest data.
Fig. 10-24. How the servers involved in name lookup invoke one another.
Analogous to the CDS server, there is a DSA (Directory Server Agent) that handles incoming requests from DUAs, from both its own cell and from remote ones. If a request cannot be handled because the information is not available, the DSA either forwards the request to the proper cell or tells the DUA to do so.
In addition to the DUA and DSA processes, there are also separate stub processes that handle the wide-area communication using the OSI ASCE and ROSE protocols on top of the OSI transport protocols.
Now let us trace the lookup of a DNS or mixed name. XDS does an RPC with the CDS clerk to see if it is cached. If it is not, the CDS server is asked. If the CDS server sees that the name is local, it looks it up. If, however, it belongs to a remote cell, it asks the GDA to work on it. The GDA examines the name of the remote cell to see whether it is specified as a DNS name or an X.500 name. In the former case it asks the DNS server to find a CDS server in the cell; in the latter case it uses the DSA. All in all, name lookup is a complex business.
In most distributed systems, security is a major concern. The system administrator may have definite ideas about who can use which resource (e.g., no lowly undergraduates using the fancy color laser printer), and many users may want their files and mailboxes protected from prying eyes. These issues arise in traditional timesharing systems too, but there they are solved simply by having the kernel manage all the resources. In a distributed system consisting of potentially untrustworthy machines communicating over an insecure network, this solution does not work. Nevertheless, DCE provides excellent security. In this section we will examine how that is accomplished.
Let us begin our study by introducing a few important terms. In DCE, a principal is a user or process that needs to communicate securely. Human beings, DCE servers (such as CDS), and application servers (such as the software in a automated teller machine in a banking system) can all be principals. For convenience, principals with the same access rights can be collected together in groups. Each principal has a UUID (Unique User IDentifier), which is a binary number associated with it and no other principal.
Authentication is the process of determining if a principal really is who he/she/it claims to be. In a timesharing system, a user logs in by typing his login name and password. A simple check of the local password file tells whether the user is lying or not. After a user logs in successfully, the kernel keeps track of the user's identity and allows or refuses access to files and other resources based on it.
In DCE a different authentication procedure is necessary. When a user logs in, the login program verifies the user's identity using an authentication server. The protocol will be described later, but for the moment it is sufficient to say that it does not involve sending the password over the network. The DCE authentication procedure uses the Kerberos system developed at M.I.T. (Kohl, 1991; and Steiner et al., 1988). Kerberos, in turn, is based on the ideas of Need-ham and Schroeder (1978). For other approaches to authentication, see (Lamp-son et al., 1992; Wobber et al., 1994; and Woo and Lam, 1992).
Once a user has been authenticated, the question of which resources that user may access, and how, comes up. This issue is called authorization. In DCE, authorization is handled by associating an ACL (Access Control List) with each resource. The ACL tells which users, groups, and organizations may access the resource and what they may do with it. Resources may be as coarse as files or as fine as data base entries.
Protection in DCE is closely tied to the cell structure. Each cell has one security service that the local principals have to trust. The security service, of which the authentication server is part, maintains keys, passwords and other security-related information in a secure data base called the registry. Since different cells can be owned by different companies, communicating securely from one cell to another requires a complex protocol, and can be done only if the two cells have set up a shared secret key in advance. For simplicity, we will restrict our subsequent discussion to the case of a single cell.
10.6.1. Security Model
In this section we will review briefly some of the basic principles of cryptography, the science of sending secret messages, and the dce requirements and assumptions in this area. let us assume that two parties, say a client and a server, wish to communicate securely over an insecure network. What this means is that even if an intruder (e.g., a wiretapper) manages to steal messages, he will not be able to understand them. Stronger yet, if the intruder tries to impersonate the client or if the intruder records legitimate messages from the client and plays them back for the server later, the server will be able to see this and reject these messages.
The traditional cryptographic model is shown in Fig. 10-25. The client has an unencrypted message, P, called the plaintext, which is transformed by an encryption algorithm parametrized by a key, K. The encryption can be done by the client, the operating system, or by special hardware. The resulting message, C, called the ciphertext is unintelligible to anyone not possessing the key. When the ciphertext arrives at the server, it is decrypted using K, which results in the original plaintext. The notation generally used to indicate encryption is
Ciphertext = {Plaintext} Key
that is, the string inside the curly brackets is the plaintext, and the key used is written afterward.
Cryptographic systems in which the client and server use different keys (e.g., public key cryptography) also exist, but since they are not used in DCE, we will not discuss them further.
Fig. 10-25. A client sending an encrypted message to a server.
It is probably worthwhile to make some of the assumptions underlying this model explicit, to avoid any confusion. We assume that the network is totally insecure, and that a determined intruder can capture any message sent on it, possibly removing it as well. The intruder can also inject arbitrary new messages and replay old ones to his heart's content.