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A fileset can be moved from one machine to another to balance the load, both in terms of disk storage and in terms of number of requests per second that must be handled. When a fileset is copied but the original is not deleted, a duplicate is created. Duplicates are supported, and provide both load balancing and fault tolerance. Only one copy is writable.

Cloning, as described above, just copies the status information (a-nodes) but does not copy the data. Duplication makes a new copy of the data as well. A clone must be in the same disk partition as the original. A duplicate can be anywhere (even if a different cell).

Backup and restore are functions that allow a fileset to be linearized and copied to or from tape for archival storage. These tapes can be stored in a different building to make it possible to survive not only disk crashes, but also fires, floods and other disasters.

The fileset server also can provide information about filesets, manipulate fileset quotas, and perform other management functions.

The fileset location server manages a cell-wide replicated data base that maps fileset names onto the names of the servers that hold the filesets. If a fileset is replicated, all the servers having a copy can be found.

The fileset location server is used by cache managers to locate filesets. When a user program accesses a file for the first time, its cache manager asks the fileset location server where it can find the fileset. This information is cached for future use.

Each entry in the data base contains the name of the fileset, the type (read/write, read-only, or backup), the number of servers holding it, the addresses of these servers, the fileset's owner and group information, information about clones, cache timeout information, token timeout information, and other administrative information.

The replication server keeps replicas of filesets up to date. Each fileset has one master (i.e., read/write) copy and possibly one or more slave (i.e., read-only) copies. The replication server runs periodically, scanning each replica to see which files have been changed since the replica was last updated. These files are replaced from the current files in the master copy. After the replication server has finished, all the replicas are up to date.

The Basic Overseer Server runs on every server machine. Its job is to make sure that the other servers are alive and well. If it discovers that some servers have crashed, it brings up new versions. It also provides an interface for system administrators to stop and start servers manually.


DCE is a different approach to building a distributed system than that taken by Amoeba, Mach, and Chorus. Instead of starting from scratch with a new operating system running on the bare metal, DCE provides a layer on top of the native operating system that hides the differences among the individual machines, and provides common services and facilities that unify a collection of machines into a single system that is transparent in some (but not all) respects. DCE runs on top of UNIX and other operating systems.

DCE supports two facilities that are used heavily, both within DCE itself and by user programs — threads and RPC. Threads allow multiple control streams to exist within one process. Each has its own program counter, stack, and registers, but all the threads in a process share the same address space, file descriptors, and other process resources.

RPC is the basic communication mechanism used throughout DCE. It allows a client process to call a procedure on a remote machine. DCE provides a variety of options for a client to select and bind to a server.

DCE supports four major services (and several minor ones) that can be accessed by clients. These are the time, directory, security, and file services. The time service attempts to keep all the clocks with a DCE system synchronized within known limits. An interesting feature of the time service is that it represents times not as single values, but as intervals. As a result, it is possible that when comparing two times it is not possible to say unambiguously which came first.

The directory service stores the names and locations of all kinds of resources and allows clients to look them up. The CDS holds local names (within the cell). The GDS holds global (out-of-cell) names. Both the DNS and X.500 naming systems are supported. Names form a hierarchy. The directory service is, in fact, a replicated, distributed data base system.

The security service allows clients and servers to authenticate each other and perform authenticated RPC. The heart of the security system is a way for clients to be authenticated and receive PACs without having their passwords appear on the network, not even in encrypted form. PACs allow clients to prove who they are in a convenient and foolproof way.

Finally, the distributed file system provides a single, system-wide name space for all files. A global file name consists of a cell name followed by a local name. The DCE file system consists (optionally) of the DCE local file system, Episode, plus the file exporter, which makes all the local file systems visible throughout the system. Files are cached using a token scheme that maintains the traditional single-system file semantics.

Although DCE provides many facilities and tools, it is not complete and probably never will be. Some areas in which more work is needed are specification and design techniques and tools, debugging aids, runtime management, object orientation, atomic transactions, and multimedia support.


1. A university is installing DCE on all computers on campus. Suggest at least two ways of dividing the machines into cells.

2. DCE threads can be in one of four states, as described in the text. In two if these states, ready and waiting, the thread is not running. What is the difference between these states?

3. In DCE, some data structures are process wide, and others are per thread. Do you think that the UNIX environment variables should be process wide, or should every thread have its own environment? Defend your viewpoint.

4. A condition variable in DCE is always associated with a mutex. Why?

5. A programmer has just written a piece of multithreaded code that uses a private data structure. The data structure may not be accessed by more than one thread at a time. Which kind of mutex should be used to protect it?

6. Name two plausible attributes that the template for a thread might contain.

7. Each IDL file contains a unique number (e.g., produced by the uuidgen program). What is the value of having this number?

8. Why does IDL require the programmer to specify which parameters are input and which are output?

9. Why are RPC endpoints assigned dynamically by the RPC daemon instead of statically? A static assignment would surely be simpler.

10. A DCE programmer needs to time a benchmark program. It calls the local clock time procedure (on its own machine) and learns that the time is 15:30:00.0000. Then it starts the benchmark immediately. When the benchmark finishes, it calls the time procedure again and learns that the time is now 15:35:00.0000. Since it used the same clock, on the same machine, for both measurements, is it safe to conclude that the benchmark ran for 5 minutes (±0.1 msec)? Defend your answer.

11. In a DCE system, the uncertainty in the clock is ± 5 sec. If source file has time interval 14:20:30 to 14:20:40 and its binary file has time 14:20:32 to 14:20:42, what should make do if called at 14:20:38? Suppose that make takes 1 sec to do its job. What happens if make is called a second time a few minutes later?

12. A time clerk asks four time servers for the current time. The responses are