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In a similar vein, suppose that two or more clients are using the server of Fig. 2-9(a). After the server has accepted a message from one of them, it is no longer listening to its address until it has finished its work and gone back to the top of the loop to call receive again. If it takes a while to do the work, the other clients may make multiple attempts to send to it, and some of them may give up, depending on the values of their retransmission timers and how impatient they are.

The second approach to dealing with this problem is to have the receiving kernel keep incoming messages around for a little while, just in case an appropriate receive is done shortly. Whenever an "unwanted" message arrives, a timer is started. If the timer expires before a suitable receive happens, the message is discarded.

Although this method reduces the chance that a message will have to be thrown away, it introduces the problem of storing and managing prematurely arriving messages. Buffers are needed and have to be allocated, freed, and generally managed. A conceptually simple way of dealing with this buffer management is to define a new data structure called a mailbox. A process that is interested in receiving messages tells the kernel to create a mailbox for it, and specifies an address to look for in network packets. Henceforth, all incoming messages with that address are put in the mailbox. The call to receive now just removes one message from the mailbox, or blocks (assuming blocking primitives) if none is present. In this way, the kernel knows what to do with incoming messages and has a place to put them. This technique is frequently referred to as a buffered primitive, and is illustrated in Fig. 2-12(b).

At first glance, mailboxes appear to eliminate the race conditions caused by messages being discarded and clients giving up. However, mailboxes are finite and can fill up. When a message arrives for a mailbox that is full, the kernel once again is confronted with the choice of either keeping it around for a while, hoping that at least one message will be extracted from the mailbox in time, or discarding it. These are precisely the same choices we had in the unbuffered case. Although we have perhaps reduced the probability of trouble, we have not eliminated it, and have not even managed to change its nature.

In some systems, another option is available: do not let a process send a message if there is no room to store it at the destination. To make this scheme work, the sender must block until an acknowledgement comes back saying that the message has been received. If the mailbox is full, the sender can be backed up and retroactively suspended as though the scheduler had decided to suspend it just before it tried to send the message. When space becomes available in the mailbox, the sender is allowed to try again.

2.3.6. Reliable versus Unreliable Primitives

So far we have tacitly assumed that when a client sends a message, the server will receive it. As usual, reality is more complicated than our abstract model. Messages can get lost, which affects the semantics of the message passing model. Suppose that blocking primitives are being used. When a client sends a message, it is suspended until the message has been sent. However, when it is restarted, there is no guarantee that the message has been delivered. The message might have been lost.

Three different approaches to this problem are possible. The first one is just to redefine the semantics of send to be unreliable. The system gives no guarantee about messages being delivered. Implementing reliable communication is entirely up to the users. The post office works this way. When you drop a letter in a letterbox, the post office does its best (more or less) to deliver it, but it promises nothing.

The second approach is to require the kernel on the receiving machine to send an acknowledgement back to the kernel on the sending machine. Only when this acknowledgement is received will the sending kernel free the user (client) process. The acknowledgement goes from kernel to kernel; neither the client nor the server ever sees an acknowledgement. Just as the request from client to server is acknowledged by the server's kernel, the reply from the server back to the client is acknowledged by the client's kernel. Thus a request and reply now take four messages, as shown in Fig. 2-13(a).

Fig. 2-13. (a) Individually acknowledged messages. (b) Reply being used as the acknowledgement of the request. Note that the ACKs are handled entirely within the kernels.

The third approach is to take advantage of the fact that client-server communication is structured as a request from the client to the server followed by a reply from the server to the client. In this method, the client is blocked after sending a message. The server's kernel does not send back an acknowledgement. Instead, the reply itself acts as the acknowledgement. Thus the sender remains blocked until the reply comes in. If it takes too long, the sending kernel can resend the request to guard against the possibility of a lost message. This approach is shown in Fig. 2-13(b).

Although the reply functions as an acknowledgement for the request, there is no acknowledgement for the reply. Whether this omission is serious or not depends on the nature of the request. If, for example, the client asks the server to read a block of a file and the reply is lost, the client will just repeat the request and the server will send the block again. No damage is done and little time is lost.

On the other hand, if the request requires extensive computation on the part of the server, it would be a pity to discard the answer before the server is sure that the client has received the reply. For this reason, an acknowledgement from the client's kernel to the server's kernel is sometimes used. Until this packet is received, the server's send does not complete and the server remains blocked (assuming blocking primitives are used). In any event, if the reply is lost and the request is retransmitted, the server's kernel can see that the request is an old one and just send the reply again without waking up the server. Thus in some systems the reply is acknowledged and in others it is not [see Fig. 2-13(b)].

A compromise between Fig. 2-13(a) and Fig. 2-13(b) that often works goes like this. When a request arrives at the server's kernel, a timer is started. If the server sends the reply quickly enough (i.e., before the timer expires), the reply functions as the acknowledgement. If the timer goes off, a separate acknowledgement is sent. Thus in most cases, only two messages are needed, but when a complicated request is being carried out, a third one is used.

2.3.7. Implementing the Client-Server Model

In the preceding sections we have looked at four design issues, addressing, blocking, buffering, and reliability, each with several options. The major alternatives are summarized in Fig. 2-14. For each item we have listed three possibilities. Simple arithmetic shows that there are 34=81 combinations. Not all of them are equally good. Nevertheless, just in this one area (message passing), the system designers have a considerable amount of leeway in choosing a set (or multiple sets) of communication primitives.

Item Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Addressing Machine number Sparse process addresses ASCII names looked up via server
Blocking Blocking primitives Nonblocking with copy to kernel Nonblocking with interrupt
Buffering Unbuffered, discarding unexpected messages Unbuffered, temporarily keeping unexpected messages Mailboxes
Reliability Unreliable Request-Ack-Reply Ack Request-Reply-Ack