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The second philosophy gives up immediately and reports back failure. This way is called at most once semantics and guarantees that the rpc has been carried out at most one time, but possibly none at all.

The third philosophy is to guarantee nothing. When a server crashes, the client gets no help and no promises. The RPC may have been carried out anywhere from 0 to a large number of times. The main virtue of this scheme is that it is easy to implement.

None of these are terribly attractive. What one would like is exactly once semantics, but as can be seen fairly easily, there is no way to arrange this in general. Imagine that the remote operation consists of printing some text, and is accomplished by loading the printer buffer and then setting a single bit in some control register to start the printer. The crash can occur a microsecond before setting the bit, or a microsecond afterward. The recovery procedure depends entirely on which it is, but there is no way for the client to discover it.

In short, the possibility of server crashes radically changes the nature of RPC and clearly distinguishes single-processor systems from distributed systems. In the former case, a server crash also implies a client crash, so recovery is neither possible nor necessary. In the latter it is both possible and necessary to take some action.

Client Crashes

The final item on the list of failures is the client crash. What happens if a client sends a request to a server to do some work and crashes before the server replies? At this point a computation is active and no parent is waiting for the result. Such an unwanted computation is called an orphan.

Orphans can cause a variety of problems. As a bare minimum, they waste CPU cycles. They can also lock files or otherwise tie up valuable resources. Finally, if the client reboots and does the RPC again, but the reply from the orphan comes back immediately afterward, confusion can result.

What can be done about orphans? Nelson (1981) proposed four solutions. In solution 1, before a client stub sends an RPC message, it makes a log entry telling what it is about to do. The log is kept on disk or some other medium that survives crashes. After a reboot, the log is checked and the orphan is explicitly killed off. This solution is called extermination.

The disadvantage of this scheme is the horrendous expense of writing a disk record for every RPC. Furthermore, it may not even work, since orphans themselves may do RPCs, thus creating grandorphans or further descendants that are impossible to locate. Finally, the network may be partitioned, due to a failed gateway, making it impossible to kill them, even if they can be located. All in all, this is not a promising approach.

In solution 2, called reincarnation, all these problems can be solved without the need to write disk records. The way it works is to divide time up into sequentially numbered epochs. When a client reboots, it broadcasts a message to all machines declaring the start of a new epoch. When such a broadcast comes in, all remote computations are killed. Of course, if the network is partitioned, some orphans may survive. However, when they report back, their replies will contain an obsolete epoch number, making them easy to detect.

Solution 3 is a variant on this idea, but less Draconian. It is called gentle reincarnation. When an epoch broadcast comes in, each machine checks to see if it has any remote computations, and if so, tries to locate their owner. Only if the owner cannot be found is the computation killed.

Finally, we have solution 4, expiration, in which each RPC is given a standard amount of time, T, to do the job. If it cannot finish, it must explicitly ask for another quantum, which is a nuisance. On the other hand, if after a crash the server waits a time T before rebooting, all orphans are sure to be gone. The problem to be solved here is choosing a reasonable value of T in the face of RPCs with wildly differing requirements.

In practice, none of these methods are desirable. Worse yet, killing an orphan may have unforeseen consequences. For example, suppose that an orphan has obtained locks on one or more files or data base records. If the orphan is suddenly killed, these locks may remain forever. Also, an orphan may have already made entries in various remote queues to start up other processes at some future time, so even killing the orphan may not remove all traces of it. Orphan elimination is discussed in more detail by Panzieri and Shrivastava (1988).

2.4.5. Implementation Issues

The success or failure of a distributed system often hinges on its performance. The system performance, in turn, is critically dependent on the speed of communication. The communication speed, more often than not, stands or falls with its implementation, rather than with its abstract principles. In this section we will look at some of the implementation issues for RPC systems, with a special emphasis on the performance and where the time is spent.

RPC Protocols

The first issue is the choice of the RPC protocol. Theoretically, any old protocol will do as long as it gets the bits from the client's kernel to the server's kernel, but practically there are several major decisions to be made here, and the choices made can have a major impact on the performance. The first decision is between a connection-oriented protocol and a connectionless protocol. With a connection-oriented protocol, at the time the client is bound to the server, a connection is established between them. All traffic, in both directions, uses this connection.

The advantage of having a connection is that communication becomes much easier. When a kernel sends a message, it does not have to worry about it getting lost, nor does it have to deal with acknowledgements. All that is handled at a lower level, by the software that supports the connection. When operating over a wide-area network, this advantage is often too strong to resist.

The disadvantage, especially over a LAN, is the performance loss. All that extra software gets in the way. Besides, the main advantage (no lost packets) is hardly needed on a LAN, since LANs are so reliable. As a consequence, most distributed operating systems that are intended for use in a single building or campus use connectionless protocols.

The second major choice is whether to use a standard general-purpose protocol or one specifically designed for RPC. Since there are no standards in this area, using a custom RPC protocol often means designing your own (or borrowing a friend's). System designers are split about evenly on this one.

Some distributed systems use IP (or UDP, which is built on IP) as the basic protocol. This choice has several things going for it:

1. The protocol is already designed, saving considerable work.

2. Many implementations are available, again saving work.

3. These packets can be sent and received by nearly all UNIX systems.

4. IP and UDP packets are supported by many existing networks.

In short, IP and UDP are easy to use and fit in well with existing UNIX systems and networks such as the Internet. This makes it straightforward to write clients and servers that run on UNIX systems, which certainly aids in getting code running quickly and in testing it.

As usual, the downside is the performance. IP was not designed as an end-user protocol. It was designed as a base upon which reliable TCP connections could be established over recalcitrant internetworks. For example, it can deal with gateways that fragment packets into little pieces so they can pass through networks with a tiny maximum packet size. Although this feature is never needed in a LAN-based distributed system, the IP packet header fields dealing with fragmentation have to be filled in by the sender and verified by the receiver to make them legal IP packets. IP packets have in total 13 header fields, of which three are usefuclass="underline" the source and destination addresses and the packet length. The other 10 just come along for the ride, and one of them, the header checksum, is time consuming to compute. To make matters worse, UDP has another checksum, covering the data as well.