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The alternative is to use a specialized RPC protocol that, unlike IP, does not attempt to deal with packets that have been bouncing around the network for a few minutes and then suddenly materialize out of thin air at an inconvenient moment. Of course, the protocol has to be invented, implemented, tested, and embedded in existing systems, so it is considerably more work. Furthermore, the rest of the world tends not to jump with joy at the birth of yet another new protocol. In the long run, the development and widespread acceptance of a high-performance RPC protocol is definitely the way to go, but we are not there yet.

One last protocol-related issue is packet and message length. Doing an RPC has a large, fixed overhead, independent of the amount of data sent. Thus reading a 64K file in a single 64K RPC is vastly more efficient than reading it in 64 1K RPCs. It is therefore important that the protocol and network allow large transmissions. Some RPC systems are limited to small sizes (e.g., Sun Microsystem's limit is 8K). In addition, many networks cannot handle large packets (Ethernet's limit is 1536 bytes), so a single RPC will have to be split over multiple packets, causing extra overhead.


When large RPCs have to be broken up into many small packets as just described, a new issue arises: Should individual packets be acknowledged or not? Suppose, for example, that a client wants to write a 4K block of data to a file server, but the system cannot handle packets larger than 1K. One strategy, known as a stop-and-wait protocol,is for the client to send packet 0 with the first 1K, then wait for an acknowledgement from the server, as illustrated in Fig. 2-25(b). Then the client sends the second 1K, waits for another acknowledgement, and so on.

The alternative, often called a blast protocol, is simply for the client to send all the packets as fast as it can. With this method, the server acknowledges the entire message when all the packets have been received, not one by one. The blast protocol is illustrated in Fig. 2-25(c).

Fig. 2-25. (a) A 4K message. (b) A stop-and-wait protocol. (c) A blast protocol.

These protocols have quite different properties. With stop-and-wait, if a packet is damaged or lost, the client fails to receive an acknowledgement on time, so it retransmits the one bad packet. With the blast protocol, the server is faced with a decision when, say, packet 1 is lost but packet 2 subsequently arrives correctly. It can abandon everything and do nothing, waiting for the client to time out and retransmit the entire message. Or alternatively, it can buffer packet 2 (along with 0), hope that 3 comes in correctly, and then specifically ask the client to send it packet 1. This technique is called selective repeat.

Both stop-and-wait and abandoning everything when an error occurs are easy to implement. Selective repeat requires more administration, but uses less network bandwidth. On highly reliable LANs, lost packets are so rare that selective repeat is usually more trouble than it is worth, but on wide-area networks it is frequently a good idea.

However, error control aside, there is another consideration that is actually more important: flow control. Many network interface chips are able to send consecutive packets with almost no gap between them, but they are not always able to receive an unlimited number of back-to-back packets due to finite buffer capacity on chip. With some designs, a chip cannot even accept two back-to-back packets because after receiving the first one, the chip is temporarily disabled during the packet-arrived interrupt, so it misses the start of the second one. When a packet arrives and the receiver is unable to accept it, an overrun error occurs and the incoming packet is lost. in practice, overrun errors are a much more serious problem than packets lost due to noise or other forms of damage.

The two approaches of Fig. 2-25 are quite different with respect to overrun errors. With stop-and-wait, overrun errors are impossible, because the second packet is not sent until the receiver has explicitly indicated that it is ready for it. (Of course, with multiple senders, overrun errors are still possible.)

With the blast protocol, receiver overrun is a possibility, which is unfortunate, since the blast protocol is clearly much more efficient than stop-and-wait. However, there are also ways of dealing with overrun. If, on the one hand, the problem is caused by the chip being disabled temporarily while it is processing an interrupt, a smart sender can insert a delay between packets to give the receiver just enough time to generate the packet-arrived interrupt and reset itself. If the required delay is short, the sender can just loop (busy waiting); if it is long, it can set up a timer interrupt and go do something else while waiting. If it is in between (a few hundred microseconds), which it often is, probably the best solution is busy waiting and just accepting the wasted time as a necessary evil.

If, on the other hand, the overrun is caused by the finite buffer capacity of the network chip, say n packets, the sender can send n packets, followed by a substantial gap (or the protocol can be defined to require an acknowledgement after every n packets).

It should be clear that minimizing acknowledgement packets and getting good performance may be dependent on the timing properties of the network chip, so the protocol may have to be tuned to the hardware being used. A custom-designed RPC protocol can take issues like flow control into account more easily than a general-purpose protocol, which is why specialized RPC protocols usually outperform systems based on IP or UDP by a wide margin.

Before leaving the subject of acknowledgements, there is one other sticky point that is worth looking at. In Fig. 2-16(c) the protocol consists of a request, a reply, and an acknowledgement. The last one is needed to tell the server that it can discard the reply as it has arrived safely. Now suppose that the acknowledgement is lost in transit (unlikely, but not impossible). The server will not discard the reply. Worse yet, as far as the client is concerned, the protocol is finished. No timers are running and no packets are expected.

We could change the protocol to have acknowledgements themselves acknowledged, but this adds extra complexity and overhead for very little potential gain. In practice, the server can start a timer when sending the reply, and discard the reply when either the acknowledgement arrives or the timer expires. Also, a new request from the same client can be interpreted as a sign that the reply arrived, otherwise the client would not be issuing the next request.

Critical Path

Since the RPC code is so crucial to the performance of the system, let us take a closer look at what actually happens when a client performs an RPC with a remote server. The sequence of instructions that is executed on every RPC is called the critical path, and is depicted in Fig. 2-26. it starts when the client calls the client stub, proceeds through the trap to the kernel, the message transmission, the interrupt on the server side, the server stub, and finally arrives at the server, which does the work and sends the reply back the other way.

Fig. 2-26. Critical path from client to server.