Now suppose that a programmer writes two procedures that both directly access errno. One of these is run locally; the other is run remote. Since the compiler does not (and may not) know which variables and procedures are located where, no matter where errno is stored, one of the procedures will fail to access it correctly. The problem is that allowing local procedures unconstrained access to remote global variables, and vice versa, cannot be implemented, yet prohibiting this access violates the transparency principle (that programs should not have to act differently due to RPC).
A second problem is weakly-typed languages, like C. In a strongly-typed language, like Pascal, the compiler, and thus the stub procedure, knows everything there is to know about all the parameters. This knowledge allows the stub to marshal the parameters without difficulty. In C, however, it is perfectly legal to write a procedure that computes the inner product of two vectors (arrays), without specifying how large either one is. Each could be terminated by a special value known only to the calling and called procedure. Under these circumstances, it is essentially impossible for the client stub to marshal the parameters: it has no way of determining how large they are.
The usual solution is to force the programmer to define the maximum size when writing the formal definition of the server, but suppose that the programmer wants the procedure to work with any size input? He can put an arbitrary limit in the specification, say, 1 million, but that means that the client stub will have to pass 1 million elements even when the actually array size is 100 elements. Furthermore, the call will fail when the actual array is 1,000,001 elements or the total memory can only hold 200,000 elements.
A similar problem occurs when passing a pointer to a complex graph as a parameter. On a single CPU system, doing so works fine, but with RPC, the client stub has no way to find the entire graph.
Still another problem occurs because it is not always possible to deduce the types of the parameters, not even from a formal specification or the code itself. An example is printf, which may have any number of parameters (at least one), and they can be an arbitrary mixture of integers, shorts, longs, characters, strings, floating point numbers of various lengths, and other types. Trying to call printf as a remote procedure would be practically impossible because C is so permissive. However, a rule saying that RPC can be used provided that you do not program in C would violate transparency.
The problems described above deal with transparency, but there is another class of difficulties that is even more fundamental. Consider the implementation of the UNIX command
sort <f1 >f2
Since sort knows it is reading standard input and writing standard output, it can act as a client for both input and output, performing RPCs with the file server to read/7 as well as performing RPCs with the file server to write f2. Similarly, in the command
grep rat <f3 >f4
the grep program acts as a client to read the file f3, extracting only those lines containing the string "rat" and writing them to/4. Now consider the UNIX pipeline
grep rat < f5 | sort >f6
As we have just seen, both grep and sort act as a client for both standard input and standard output. This behavior has to be compiled into the code to make the first two examples work. But how do they interact? Does grep act as a client doing writes to the server sort, or does sort act as the client doing reads from the server grep? Either way, one of them has to act as a server (i.e., passive), but as we have just seen, both have been programmed as clients (active). The difficulty here is that the client-server model really is not suitable at all. In general, there is a problem with all pipelines of the form
p1 <f1 | p2 | p3 > f2
One approach to avoiding the client-client interface we just saw is to make the entire pipeline read driven, as illustrated in Fig. 2-29(b). the program p1 acts as the (active) client and issues a read request to the file server to get f1. The program p2, also acting as a client, issues a read request to p1 and the program p3 issues a read request to p2. So far, so good. The trouble is that the file server does not act as a client issuing read requests to p3 to collect the final output. Thus a read-driven pipeline does not work.
In Fig. 2-29(c) we see the write-driven approach. It has the mirror-image problem. Here p1 acts as a client, doing writes to p2, which also acts as a client, doing writes to p3, which also acts as a client, writing to the file server, but there is no client issuing calls to p1 asking it to accept the input file.
Fig. 2-29. (a) A pipeline. (b) The read-driven approach. (c) The write-driven approach.
While ad hoc solutions can be found, it should be clear that the client-server model inherent in RPC is not a good fit to this kind of communication pattern. As an aside, one possible ad hoc solution is to implement pipes as dual servers, responding to both write requests from the left and read requests from the right. Alternatively, pipes can be implemented with temporary files that are always read from, or written to, the file server. Doing so generates unnecessary overhead, however.
A similar problem occurs when the shell wants to get input from the user. Normally, it sends read requests to the terminal server, which simply collects keystrokes and waits until the shell asks for them. But what happens when the user hits the interrupt key (DEL, CTRL-C, break, etc.)? If the terminal server just passively puts the interrupt character in the buffer waiting until the shell asks for it, it will be impossible for the user to break off the current program. On the other hand, how can the terminal server act as a client and make an RPC to the shell, which is not expecting to act as a server? Clearly, this role reversal causes trouble, just as the role ambiguity does in the pipeline. In fact, any time an unexpected message has to be sent, there is a potential problem. While the client-server model is frequently a good fit, it is not perfect.
An underlying assumption intrinsic to RPC is that communication involves only two parties, the client and the server. Sometimes there are circumstances in which communication involves multiple processes, not just two. For example, consider a group of file servers cooperating to offer a single, fault-tolerant file service. In such a system, it might be desirable for a client to send a message to all the servers, to make sure that the request could be carried out even if one of them crashed. RPC cannot handle communication from one sender to many receivers, other than by performing separate RPCs with each one. In this section we will discuss alternative communication mechanisms in which a message can be sent to multiple receivers in one operation.
2.5.1. Introduction to Group Communication