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Overlapping Groups

As we mentioned earlier, a process can be a member of multiple groups at the same time. This fact can lead to a new kind of inconsistency. To see the problem, look at Fig. 2-35, which shows two groups, 1 and 2. Processes A, B, and C are members of group 1. Processes B, C, and D are members of group 2.

Fig. 2-35. Four processes, A, B, C, and D, and four messages. Processes B and C get the messages from A and D in a different order.

Now suppose that processes A and D each decide simultaneously to send a message to their respective groups, and that the system uses global time ordering within each group. As in our previous example, unicasting is used. The message order is shown in Fig. 2-35 by the numbers 1 through 4. Again we have the situation where two processes, in this case B and C, receive messages in a different order. B first gets a message from A followed by a message from D. C gets them in the opposite order.

The culprit here is that although there is a global time ordering within each group, there is not necessarily any coordination among multiple groups. Some systems support well-defined time ordering among overlapping groups and others do not. (If the groups are disjoint, the issue does not arise.) Implementing time ordering among different groups is frequently difficult to do, so the question arises as to whether it is worth it.


Our final design issue is scalability. Many algorithms work fine as long as all the groups only have a few members, but what happens when there are tens, hundreds, or even thousands of members per group? Or thousands of groups? Also, what happens when the system is so large that it no longer fits on a single LAN, so multiple LANs and gateways are required? And what happens when the groups are spread over several continents?

The presence of gateways can affect many properties of the implementation. To start with, multicasting becomes more complicated. Consider, for example, the internetwork shown in Fig. 2-36. It consists of four LANs and four gateways, to provide protection against the failure of any gateway.

Fig. 2-36. Multicasting in an internetwork causes trouble.

Imagine that one of the machines on LAN 2 issues a multicast. When the multicast packet arrives at gateways G1 and G3, what should they do? If they discard it, most of the machines will never see it, destroying its value as a multicast. If, however, the algorithm is just to have gateways forward all multicasts, then the packet will be copied to LAN 1 and LAN 4, and shortly thereafter to LAN 3 twice. Worse yet, gateway G2 will see G4 's multicast and copy it to LAN 2, and vice versa. Clearly, a more sophisticated algorithm involving keeping track of previous packets is required to avoid exponential growth in the number of packets multicast.

Another problem with an internetwork is that some methods of group communication take advantage of the fact that only one packet can be on a LAN at any instant. In effect, the order of packet transmission defines an absolute global time order, which as we have seen, is frequently crucial. With gateways and multiple networks, it is possible for two packets to be "on the wire" simultaneously, thus destroying this useful property.

Finally, some algorithms may not scale well due to their computational complexity, their use of centralized components, or other factors.

2.5.3. Group Communication in ISIS

As an example of group communication, let us look at the ISIS system developed at Cornell (Birman, 1993; Birman and Joseph, 1987a, 1987b; and Birman and Van Renesse, 1994). ISIS is a toolkit for building distributed applications, for example, coordinating stock trading among all the brokers at a Wall Street securities firm. ISIS is not a complete operating system but rather, a set of programs that can run on top of UNIX or other existing operating systems. It is interesting to study because it has been widely described in the literature and has been used for numerous real applications. In Chap. 7 we will study group communication in Amoeba, which takes a quite different approach.

The key idea in ISIS is synchrony and the key communication primitives are different forms of atomic broadcast. Before looking at how ISIS does atomic broadcast, it is necessary first to examine the various forms of synchrony it distinguishes. A synchronous system is one in which events happen strictly sequentially, with each event (e.g., a broadcast) taking essentially zero time to complete. For example, if process A sends a message to processes B, C, and D, as shown in Fig. 2-37(a), the message arrives instantaneously at all the destinations. Similarly, a subsequent message from D to the others also takes zero time to be delivered everywhere. As viewed by an outside observer, the system consists of discrete events, none of which ever overlap the others. This property makes it easy to understand system behavior.

Fig. 2-37. (a) A synchronous system. (b) Loose synchrony. (c) Virtual synchrony.

Synchronous systems are impossible to build, so we need to investigate other types of systems, with weaker requirements on time. A loosely synchronous system is one like that of Fig. 2-37(b), in which events take a finite amount of time but all events appear in the same order to all parties. In particular, all processes receive all messages in the same order. Earlier, we discussed essentially the same idea under the name consistent time ordering.

Such systems are possible to build, but for some applications even weaker semantics are acceptable, and the hope is to be able to capitalize on these weak semantics to gain performance. Fig. 2-37(c) shows a virtually synchronous system, one in which the ordering constraint has been relaxed, but in such a way that under carefully selected circumstances, it does not matter.

Let us look at these circumstances. In a distributed system, two events are said to be causally related if the nature or behavior of the second one might have been influenced in any way by the first one. Thus if A sends a message to B, which inspects it and then sends a new message to C, the second message is causally related to the first one, since its contents might have been derived in part from the first one. Whether this actually happened is irrelevant. The relation holds if there might have been an influence.

Two events that are unrelated are said to be concurrent. If A sends a message to B, and about the same time, C sends a message to D, these events are concurrent because neither can influence the other. What virtual synchrony really means is that if two messages are causally related, all processes must receive them in the same (correct) order. If, however, they are concurrent, no guarantees are made, and the system is free to deliver them in a different order to different processes if this is easier. Thus when it matters, messages are always delivered in the same order, but when it does not matter, they may or may not be.