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“She could if she had help.”

“You mean that story about following the colonel might be a bunch of baloney that she made up for our benefit?”

“What if they operated as a team and that’s why she went ballistic over his dinner date with June?”

“She loves him so much that she agreed to help him kill Simon to avenge his granddaughter? Why would he poison Mars? Or kill Otis?” Nina sounded doubtful.

No matter whom I considered, it always came back to the same thing. Lots of people held grudges against Simon, but when Otis and Mars were factored in, nothing made sense.

Nina gripped my sleeve. “Quick!” She opened the gate to the colonel’s service alley.

The dogs ran in, eager to sniff MacArthur’s territory. Nina and I followed.

She closed the gate behind us and we peered over the top.

A figure in a dark coat ambled up our street.

“Not Francie again,” I groaned.

“I don’t think so. Not this time.”

Apparently my unbridled suspiciousness was infectious. Even Nina had begun to overreact.

“It’s not illegal to stroll. I think you’re losing . . .” I stopped mid-sentence. The person on the other side of the street had slowed to study the houses. Not uncommon in Old Town, except in frigid weather. An icy finger ran down my spine when he observed my house. The light in the kitchen glowed, backlighting my parents and Hannah as they sat at the table in front of the bay window.

“I have to warn them.” I reached for the gate latch.

Nina held her arm out to stop me. “There’s a second person.”

The one observing my family made no effort to hide. But another figure darted along the sidewalk among shadows where the streetlights didn’t reach. I suspected Francie immediately. But a quick look at her house revealed someone passing behind closed curtains. This time Francie was in the clear.

The person watching my house turned toward us, ostensibly to observe Nina’s house. Nina and I gasped at the same time.



Dear Sophie,

My boyfriend says there’s nothing that compares with sleeping on a feather bed. Is that a mattress filled with feathers? Or is he confused and sleeping on a comforter?

—Featherless in Ferrum

Dear Featherless,

A feather bed is similar to a down comforter, but you sleep on top of a feather bed. It goes over the top of your mattress. Some people put them under their fitted sheets but I use mine on top because I like the way it fluffs up around me. Either way, be sure to place it inside a duvet cover that can be removed to be washed. I have to agree with your boyfriend—there’s nothing quite like snuggling into a lofty feather bed on a cold night.

When you shop for one, be sure you don’t feel any nasty quills that could jut out. It should be lightweight but never thin. Ideally, it should loft up like a cloud.


The brisk wind blew her hair back, leaving no doubt about her identity. The streetlight illuminated Natasha’s face.

“Where’s the other guy?” whispered Nina.

I’d lost track of him, too. “We should tell her she’s being followed.”

“What if it’s Mars?”

I hesitated. What if Mars thought she was the killer? What if he suspected her of having an affair? “What if it’s not Mars?”

Natasha ambled to the end of the block and stopped again.

“This is creepy,” said Nina. “It’s like she’s casing the neighborhood for burglary.”

I still couldn’t locate the second person. Where had he gone? Natasha abruptly changed direction and headed back—toward us. I opened the gate and let Daisy out first. If the mysterious stalker prowled nearby, Daisy would surely pick up his scent and growl. Nina followed me through the gate and the two of us met Natasha on the sidewalk in the middle of our block.

She might believe I poisoned Mars, but I had to tell her the truth in case she was in danger. “Natasha,” I whispered, “someone’s following you.”

“Probably a fan. They’re so cute. It happens to me all the time.”

“Do your fans stick to the shadows so they won’t be seen?” I asked.

“Sophie, haven’t you had enough drama? Do you mean to scare me? I can’t imagine why you’d make up such a thing.”

“She’s telling you the truth,” protested Nina.

Natasha pulled her coat tight around her. “Then where is he now? I don’t see anyone out here but you two.”

“Exactly what are you doing here?” Nina didn’t ask, she demanded. “It’s a little cold for an evening walk.”

Natasha released a sigh. “If you must know, I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I guess the murders and the attempt on Mars’s life have taken a toll on me. I thought a brisk walk might help me calm down and sleep.”

The news that she was being followed probably didn’t do much to calm her nerves. “Maybe we should walk you back to the hotel,” I said.

Natasha turned on her sweet TV persona. “Don’t you worry your little head about me. I’ll be fine.” With a quick wave of a gloved hand, she strode away in a big hurry.

“Did you buy it?” asked Nina.

“Not a word.”

“Me, either. I’m going to call the police about that other guy. The least they can do is drive through the neighborhood a few times.”

“June is going to visit Mars tomorrow morning. Natasha will be out at an important appointment.”

“We should follow her.”

Exactly what I was thinking. “Eight thirty in the morning early enough?”

“Have coffee ready.”

The bright lights of an oncoming vehicle lit the street. I swiveled around but still didn’t see the person who’d been following Natasha. I could only hope our presence discouraged him and that he wasn’t tailing Natasha now.

We watched as the oncoming car pulled over to the curb and parked and the colonel stepped out and walked around the car to open the passenger door like a gentleman. I felt a weight fall off me when June hopped out, safe and sound.

She waved at us. “Hi, girls.”

The colonel escorted her to the front door of my house. They kept their voices too low for me to make out what they were saying, but there was no mistaking the good-night kiss they shared.

Nina elbowed me like we were little kids spying on a big sister. “Isn’t that sweet?” she whispered. She turned and punched me in the shoulder. “Why didn’t we introduce him to my monster-in-law? She’d have forgotten all about me.”