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“So I can’t wear fuchsia or dangly earrings anymore. If it makes him happy, I’m willing to do it. But you can wear anything you want. C’mon, I’ll do your makeup.” Despite my misgivings, I let Hannah smudge my eyes with smoky eyeliner.

“Too bad only the killer will see you looking so good.” She giggled. Her words sent a little tremor through me. I didn’t want to be foolhardy. But Nina would have my back.

Mom yelped with glee when I emerged from my bedroom. “Mars will have to come to his senses when he sees you tonight.”

I took her hands into mine. “It’s over with Mars, Mom. You and June have to give up and let us move on with our lives.”

She bit her lip and squeezed my hands. “Well, then, I hope Mars notices how gorgeous you are and that he makes Wolf jealous.”

I hugged my hopeless romantic of a mother. Nothing would ever change her quest to see her daughters happily married. Even if it meant one of them would be married to weird Craig.

The rain had stopped and darkness had descended on Old Town by the time we gathered in the kitchen. While the others donned their coats, I carefully walked through the house, turning out lights.

“I’m taking Daisy to Nina’s to play with Duke while we’re out,” I announced as we left. Daisy and I ran across the wet street to Nina’s while everyone else waited on the sidewalk.

Nina was already wearing her burglar black outfit when she answered the door. “You look great. It’s a pity you’re not going out,” she said, closing the door behind me.

I released Daisy from her leash. “Are you ready?”

“Honey, I’ve got two pairs of binoculars, my phone, and a thermos of coffee upstairs waiting by the window. Who do you think is going to show up?”

Hot air escaped from my mouth and I sagged like a deflating balloon. “The colonel, Mars, Andrew, and Bernie all hated Simon and were at the hotel that day. The only one who scares me is Craig. If you see him going in the house, call the police immediately.”

“Craig? Why would he be the killer?”

“I haven’t been able to get anything out of him. But he went back to the scene of the crime the next day and he acts so strange and creepy. He’s up to something.”

“My money’s still on Natasha. Maybe Simon found out about her affair with Clyde and threatened to tell Mars. Besides, it would be so like her to bring poison in a fancy vial.”

“I don’t know, Nina. I’m still kind of hoping it will be Mrs. Pulchinski.”

“Fat chance. Are you ready for act one?”

I had no choice. It was now or never. I took a deep breath of air and nodded.

Nina swung the door open and I ran outside and across the street.

“Nina’s husband was taken to the hospital in Chicago,” I said, trying to catch my breath. “She’s a complete wreck! You go ahead and I’ll catch up as soon as I can calm her down a little bit and find out what’s going on with her husband.”

“Oh, honey,” said Mom, “maybe I can help.”

“No. We have reservations. Besides, the others will be waiting for you.”

“Let’s go, Mom. Sophie will come soon, I’m sure.” Hannah prodded them along.

I felt guilty as I watched them walk away in the dark. Hannah hooked her arm into Craig’s. The colonel walked beside June. Mom consoled Francie, and Bernie brought up the rear with Dad.

When they were out of sight, I hurried back to Nina’s. After changing into my black outfit, I patted Daisy and Duke and scurried out of Nina’s back door. The alley behind her house was inky and much creepier than I’d expected. The lights from the houses simply didn’t reach that far. I ran behind the Wesleys’ house, turned right, and dashed up the sidewalk. But when I reached our street, I kept going until I hit the entrance to the alley that ran behind my own house. I stopped to catch my breath.

An occasional car drove by. I shivered, only partly from the cold night air. The other part stemmed from my nerves, which were stretched to capacity. Searching the night for any hint of movement, I knew it was time for the final leg of my return home. I fled through the alley, fumbled with the latch on my gate, finally managed to open it, and slid through. I closed it slowly and without noise. Leaning against it, I watched the back of my house for a couple of minutes but it appeared peaceful. No shadows crossed through the sunroom.

I let myself in through the sunroom door and locked it behind me. Tiptoeing, I collected Mars’s Taser from the cabinet in the kitchen where I’d stashed it. Lest anyone see me from the street, I hurried back to the den. Propping the door to the living room ajar so I could see, I picked up my phone to call Nina and let her know I was in place.

The phone was already vibrating.



Dear Sophie,

Our church is sponsoring a turkey dinner for the less fortunate and everyone is supposed to make something. I’m hopeless in the kitchen, but when I tried my usual trick of offering to bring rolls from the bakery, they expected me to bake them myself. I got out of that, but what can I make from scratch that I can’t goof up?

—Praying in Pulaski

Dear Praying,

Offer to make the cranberry sauce. There’s nothing simpler. All you need are cranberries, water, and sugar. The recipe is on the back of every bag of fresh cranberries. Dump all three ingredients together, bring them to a boil, then turn down the heat and let cook for five minutes. Just watch them to be sure they don’t bubble over. They won’t be ruined if they do, but you’ll have a big mess on your hands, so don’t walk away from them. The sauce is delicious hot or cold.


“Sophie,” whispered Hannah, “I’m so sorry. The killer is your pal, Bernie.”

I should have felt fearful or anxious. Instead, sadness enveloped me. “Everyone else is there?”

“Not yet. But Bernie peeled off while we were walking down here. Like he couldn’t wait. He muttered something about having to check on a friend and that he’d catch up with us at the restaurant.”

A friend? Did he go to alert Mrs. Pulchinski? She could come to search the house while he had an alibi, eating dinner with us and the detective in charge of the case. What a coup. “Is Wolf there?”

“Not yet. Mars and Natasha are here, though.”

Had Bernie returned the key he borrowed? What if he hadn’t gone to see Mrs. Pulchinski? What if he doubled back and was already in the house? “Call me back when everyone’s there,” I hissed and hung up.

I had to know about the key. The old floors creaked underneath me when I stood up. I’d never make it to the console in the foyer to check on the key without being heard. Grasping the Taser firmly, I scanned the sunroom and the backyard. When it seemed the coast was clear, I snuck into the dark hallway to the foyer. I couldn’t risk turning on a light. I placed the Taser on the console so I could pull the drawer with both hands. It squeaked when I opened it. Unwilling to pull it completely open, I slid my hand in and felt around.