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“This is Mikhail Beryutov, Deputy Director SVR, to whom am I speaking?”

Mikhail could have sworn he heard the woman snap to attention.

“Aleksandra Demietriov, Sir,” came a clipped and respectful Russian response. The laughter had died instantly.

“Where are you, Ms Demietriov?”

“We have just picked up a car at San Antonio Airport and are on our way to Laredo, as per our orders, Sir.”

“Who gave you those orders?”

Mikhail wondered if the line had been cut as no answer was forthcoming. “Hello?” he prompted.

“Sorry, I’m confused Sir,” replied Aleksandra. “The orders are signed by Mikhail Beryutov, Deputy Director SVR. You, Sir.”

It was Mikhail’s turn to be lost for words. Falsifying orders by a Deputy Director of the SVR required serious clout.

“What are your orders once you get in position?” asked Mikhail.

Agent Aleksandra Demietriov turned to her colleague, a far more experienced agent than herself. She covered the mouthpiece and filled in the gaps he had not heard from the conversation, namely the Deputy Director asking what his orders were. His response was instant. He took the phone from his younger colleague and disconnected the call. Agent Pyotr Travkin had worked in America for over 20 years for the SVR and another 10 before that for its predecessor, the KGB. The field trip with the attractive young newbie had taken on a new edge. Never, in his thirty years, had anything like that happened before, not even under Soviet rule. Deputy Directors did not call field agents and certainly never asked what orders the agents had received from them.

He pulled their car over and retrieved the file that had sent them across America at a moment’s notice. He read it again and checked the details more carefully. Everything was in order. Everything, of course, except for the signature or the phone call, one of which had to be false.

Alex’s phone rang again, the number simply said 'International’.

“What do I do, Pyotr?” asked Alex, holding the phone limply.

Pyotr took the phone from her and answered. “We will call you back at headquarters!” he barked into the phone, ignoring the alleged senior member of staff’s protestations.

Mikhail slammed the phone down after being rudely dismissed by the man on the line. Never in all his years had he been spoken to in such a manner. He was a Deputy Director of the SVR. As he reached to call again, his phone rang.

“Yes!” he barked.

“Deputy Director Beryutov?” asked the man who had just hung up on him.

“How dare you hang up on me!” exclaimed Mikhail, furious at Pyotr’s behavior.

“I apologize, Sir.” The deference to Mikhail’s position and apology removed some of Mikhail’s fury almost instantly. “I needed to confirm you were who you said you were. We are in the field and have to take precautions for our safety, Sir.” Pyotr wished he hadn’t been quite as blunt on the earlier call and explained his actions as quickly as he could.

Mikhail reminded himself he was dealing with Agents operating in a foreign country and not scientists working in ultra secure labs and facilities. Calling them out of the blue and asking orders that he had given them would appear rather odd.

“You are right, Agent…?”

“Travkin, Pyotr Travkin, Sir.”

“It is I who should apologize. Of course you had to check I was who I said I was.”

“Thank you for understanding, Sir, but if I may Sir, you called and asked us what our orders were?”

Mikhail didn’t know how to respond. Subterfuge was not his game but he wasn’t about to let the agents know he wasn’t in control.

“I just wanted to check what version you received, the latest version was the correct one.”

As Pytor read the orders to him, Mikhail’s blood ran cold but he remained silent and let Pyotr finish.

“Is that the correct version?”

Mikhail would have no part in it but his name was all over it. “No, it is not, observe and await further orders.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Mikhail put the phone down and breathed, something he hadn’t done since Pyotr had read out his orders. Mikhail was in a game way above his already elevated position.

Chapter 7

Luis knocked loudly on the door and entered. He, as nephew of El Jefe, could interrupt when others could not. El Jefe turned towards the interruption. His orders had been clear and his orders were never disobeyed. He was not to be disturbed. The anger in his face was not missed by Luis.

“I’m sorry, Uncle,” Luis began, averting his eyes as his uncle dismounted the young bride he had been 'breaking in’.

“It had better be good, nephew!” he spat. The use of the word nephew was not wasted on Luis either. If he had not been his nephew, he would already be dead.

Luis watched as the young bride struggled to cover her dignity with the wedding dress that had been lifted to allow his uncle’s entry. Tears streamed from her eyes, no doubt as much for the indignity as for the memory of her young husband, slain just moments after their marriage. Her perfect day had become the last day of her life as she knew it, her husband killed before her eyes, raped by his killer and destined to spend her life repaying her husband’s debts in El Jefe’s whorehouse. Her life, just hours earlier full of so much promise and dreams, was over.

“I’m sorry, Uncle, but we have news from Laredo I thought you should hear immediately!” Luis eyes fell on the young bride, a real beauty and such a waste.

El Jefe turned to the bride. “Out!” he barked, understanding his nephew would not discuss business in front of her.

El Jefe had no concerns over talking business in front of others. He knew that the fear he evoked silenced everybody. Luis, however, was more cautious and never discussed business within the earshot of others, or for that matter in a room he had not personally swept for listening devices. Cell phones had been consigned to emergency use only and never used to discuss trafficking plans. All supply and sales communications were done through encrypted emails, their codes changed daily. Luis was the brains behind his uncle’s brawn. Arrests and interception by authorities had reduced significantly under Luis’ stewardship and profits had increased dramatically.

The bride stood up and stumbled towards the door in her blood stained wedding dress.

“Her husband would have had a true virgin bride!” El Jefe laughed with his nephew.

Luis deplored the actions of his Neanderthal uncle but smiled. He was the power. Without him, Luis was nothing.

With the door closed behind her and with his uncle’s trousers fully fastened, Luis began. “Federales have taken up position outside of the Fox’s woman house!”

“I knew we couldn’t trust that bitch!” exclaimed El Jefe.

“We don’t think she knows they’re there,” explained Luis, taking some of the anger out of his uncle’s reaction.

El Jefe looked quizzically at his nephew, prompting a more detailed explanation.

“They’re taking precautions not to be seen by anybody including the Fox woman and nobody has made contact with her. We have her phones tapped and have her under constant surveillance. She’s clean. If anyone contacts her about Fat Jakes’s drugs, we’ll know!”

El Jefe kicked the base of his bed at the reference to Fat Jake. The bastard had lied through his teeth about every detail of his operation. It was the only time El Jefe had ever been duped by someone he had questioned. The sincerity of the fat man’s lies was astounding and had fooled everybody in the room. What El Jefe would have given to have not killed him that day. The pleasure and time he would take to kill him over again…only this time checking the detail before finally letting the fat bastard die.

Fat Jake had controlled the entire East coast distribution network. Taking his end would have tripled the cartel’s profits overnight. Luis had warned them to keep him alive but as soon as he had talked, El Jefe had killed him and soon afterwards, the bodyguard too. In fact, all links had been extinguished before the network was established. Not that Luis would ever remind his uncle of his warning. Their largest single customer was dead and their profits and turnover had slumped.