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He could watch her dark amber eyes that were blurry with arousal, and he could see her lips tremble an instant before her head arched back and the throaty moan escaped her.

Undone, he pressed his lips to the symbol of what she was, and felt the heart that thundered for him beneath it. His cop. His Eve. His miracle.

He gave himself over to it, surrendered himself to her.

Her pulse was nearly back to normal when he rolled so she was sprawled over his chest instead of pinned under his weight. From that vantage point, she folded her arms and propped her chin on them to study his face.

He certainly looked relaxed at the moment, she thought, all loose and satisfied, like a guy about to take a nice little nap.

“Pink toenails and boob tats. What is it with men?”

His lips curved, though he didn’t yet open his eyes. “We’re so easily played. Really, we’re at the mercy of the female, with all her mysterious wiles.”

“You’re at the mercy of your glands.”

“That as well.” He sighed happily. “Praise God.”

“So you really go for all that stuff? The potions and lotions and paints and all that?”

“Eve. Darling Eve.” He opened his eyes now and stroked a hand over her hair. “I go for you. That should be obvious.”

“But you get off on all the jazz.”

“With or without the jazz.” He scooted her up until he could brush his lips to hers. “You’re my own.”

Her lips twitched. “Your own what?”


“Slick talker,” she murmured and gave in to nuzzle him. “You’re some slick talker. Just so you know, I’m not keeping the tattoo, even if it turns you into my sex slave. Just a few days, and that’s it.”

“Your body, your choices. But I can’t say I’d want you to make it permanent. Something about the surprise of it certainly flicked a switch in me. A bit baffling, really.”

“Maybe I’ll surprise you every now and again.”

“You always do.”

She liked knowing that, and gave him a quick pat on the cheek before she rolled away. “Restorative period’s over.”

“There’s no surprise in that.”

“Get some clothes on, civilian, and report.”

“I’m not entirely sure I used up my full thirty minutes. Someone was in a bit of a hurry.”

She picked up his pants, threw them into his face. “Cover up that pretty ass of yours, pal. You said you needed to speak to me before you were overcome by my pink toenails. What about?”

“Before I get to that, I’d like to express the hope that you remain barefoot as much as possible the next several days. And moving on,” he said with a laugh when she sent him a steely stare. “Feeney and I both agree we need more jocks in the lab. With just the two of us this restoration may take weeks at best.”

“McNab will be back tomorrow.”

“So that’s three of us, except when at least one of us is pulled off for something else. If you want answers, Eve, you have to give us the tools to get them.”

“Why isn’t Feeney, as head of EDD, requesting this?”

“Because I lost the bloody flip, which wouldn’t have happened if I’d gotten my hands on the coin long enough to switch it for one of my own. But he said-I believe this is a direct quote-‘you don’t get bit by the same dog twice.’ Which is his colorful way of saying he’s aware I’ve rigged a coin toss on him before.”

“He’s no easy mark.”

“He’s not, no. And neither of us is green when it comes to electronics, nor are we slackers. As much as it pains both of us to admit it, we need help. I’ve some in mind who-”

“If you’re thinking Jamie Lingstrom, forget it. I’m not dragging a kid into an unstable situation like this.”

“I wasn’t. Jamie’s in classes, and I’m set on his remaining there. I want Reva. She’s already aware of the situation,” he continued before Eve could speak. “She’s one of the best, her clearance is top level, and she already knows what’s going on.”

“Because she’s one of the elements. It’s a tricky business to bring in one of the prime elements. To bring in another civilian.”

“She won’t have to be brought up to speed, which saves us all time. She has a personal investment so she’ll work harder than anyone. She’s not a suspect, Eve, but another kind of victim.” He paused, and his tone was cooler when he continued. “Shouldn’t a victim have a right to stand for herself, as much as to have someone stand for her, if the opportunity’s there?”

“Maybe.” They were veering toward it, toward that gulf with the jagged edges. She wanted to step back from it, and worse, pretend it wasn’t there. But the gap was building even as she stood with her body still warm from him.

“Did you run this by Feeney?”

“I did. And circled the same ground you and I are dancing on now. Then I showed him her qualifications. He’s anxious to work with her.”

“You seduced him.”

That made him smile, just a little. “That’s a bit of an uncomfortable image for me. I prefer that I convinced him. Regarding Reva, and Tokimoto.”

“Another of yours. Another civilian?”

“Yes, and there are several reasons for the choice. First, civilians with as high a security rating as these two are less likely to leak something to the media. Don’t blow,” he said, mildly, when she showed her teeth. “These choices would be less likely to leak than any others. Reva for obvious reasons, and Tokimoto because he’s in love with her.”

“Well, fucking A.”

“She doesn’t know it,” Roarke continued without missing a beat. “And he may never move in that direction, but the facts are the facts. Due to his feelings for her, and his natural interest in the work, he’ll put more energy and effort into it than most. Love does that sort of thing to you.”

When she didn’t respond to that, he turned to open a panel, and the minifridgie behind it. He took out a bottle of water. Opened it, sipped.

It wet his throat, but didn’t cool the anger that was starting to build. “Aside from that, if you bring in cops, you have to do the paperwork, deal with the budget, clear them for this level of operation, and so on. I have a bigger budget than the NYPSD.”

“You have a bigger budget than Greenland.”

“Perhaps, but the point is I have a vested interest in solving this problem, and protecting my Code Red contract. I’ve quite a bit to lose if we don’t find the answers with some expediency. Because of that, because of what was done to a friend of mine, because I know what the bloody hell I’m about in this area, I’m recommending we bring in the best people for the job.”

“You don’t have to get pissy about it.”

“I feel pissy about it. About the whole shagging thing. I don’t sit easy when people I care about are in this kind of turmoil, and it’s fucking frustrating to be picking my way through the holy mess of those units working toward retrieval, and to be doing that, spending my time there instead of spending it finding out exactly who was responsible for what happened in Dallas.”

A small, hard ball of ice dropped in her belly. And there it was, the big, glowing elephant in the room she’d hoped to ignore, and it was trumpeting. “That’s what’s under it, isn’t it? All of it.”

“Aye, that’s under it and over it, it’s around it and through it.”

“I want you to put it away.” Her voice stayed calm even as her belly clenched. “I want you to put it aside before you cross a line I can’t ignore.”

“I have my own lines, Lieutenant.”

“That’s right, that’s right. Lieutenant.” She picked up her badge that lay on the dresser, and slapped it down again. “Dallas, Lieutenant Eve, NYPSD. You can’t stand there and talk about doing murder to a murder cop and expect me to ignore it and pretend it’s nothing.”

“I’m talking to my wife.” He slammed the bottle down so water sloshed out and onto the glossy surface of the table. “A woman I vowed to cherish. There’s no cherishing, there’s no living with myself if I stand back and do bloody nothing. If I fold my hands while those responsible for what happened to you go on with their lives as if that was nothing.”