As soon as I stepped though the door I saw all the instruments of torture that were in the tape we had watched and realized it had been a promotion advertising tape of the manufacturer.
I sobbed knowing they were there to be used on me and said, "Why did you buy these things? You said I wouldn't be hurt anymore. I don't want to suffer like the girls in the tape."
"You saw these used at their worst. They are adjustable and can cause just tingles."
I looked at them with dread then decided it was possible for all of them to be used without terrible pain except the broom thing.There was no way sharp broomstraws being driven into your pussy could be adjusted but when I said that he had a ready answer.
"Oh. I didn't get that for you. Kay and Buffy are very competitive. I thought they would challenge each other to see who could stay on their toes the longest. I'll prove to you they can be just thrilling. I'll help you on the hobby-horse and will adjust the speed to what you want."
Since he had gone to all this trouble and expense I thought I should at least try it.
I stood in the stirrups of the hobby-horse and slowly let myself down on the big dildo. I was wet almost instantly as I felt the lumps sliding next to my clit as the lips were pulled in by it's size.
Dick took my feet and spread them widely to tie my legs to the bar going through the horses head which let me keep my balance while I squirmed on the dildo.
He turned a switch and the horse began going up and down. This along with my squirming had me really excited and soon I was saying "Faster" until my butt was bouncing off the saddle while I felt tingles envelop my pussy when he turned on the electricity. I said "More tingle!" until the shocks were enough to cause my muscles to tense at each upward thrust. I saw Dick taking off his clothes and just as I went into my first great orgasm he lifted me off the horse to bend me over it to fuck me doggy-style to bring on more until he grunted and flooded me with sperm.
While we laid on the cool floor recuperating I hugged him and said, "You were right. The little pain from the shocks were perfect to get me over. Should we try something else?"
"My God. You are insatiable but you will just have to wait. I am having a grand opening party tonight. You can try more then if you want to."
That frightened me. I had noticed that the people seemed to want to hurt me more at each session and I knew after my punishment session that there were limits to the amount of pain I could convert to excitement.
"I am frightened of them. They hurt me worse each time.Please don't let them hurt me. Just you."
"You suffered enough last time. I thought I would just let you watch or whip this time."
I really looked forward to giving the girls an idea of what they had put me through but I should have known I would get too excited just to watch.
Before the party he said, "I thought you should be properly dressed for your role as dominitrix." and gave me a tiny leather bikini bottom festooned with chains and a top with holes cut out to pull my breasts though to make them firm balls. I went to a mirror and noticed that the bikini bottom also had a hole to display my "A" scar. All three of my "A,s" were prominently displayed which I think was deliberate to bring back my shame and guilt for cheating on him. He said, "There is more to the outfit if you want it." He took a large gold chain out of his pocket with a plaque in the middle that said "I belong to Dick."
"Oh I do want it. I want everyone to know I belong to you and will never cheat on you again. It seems short for a necklace. Is it a choker?"
"No. It is attached to your nipples."
I took it from him and discovered what looked like two large gold safety pins at the ends. It was so heavy I did not think the opening between the wires of the pins could hold it then it dawned on me that the sharp point of the pins would have to go through my nipples.
Gee.. My nipples would have to be pierced to wear this. You know how sensitive my nipples are."
"Yes but it shouldn't be any worse than when you picked up thumb-tacks with them. You didn't seem to mind that very much."
The only thing I could remember about that was the fact I eventually had great orgasms. I decided it would be worth the pain to prove I would be loyal.
"Yes. I want them."
"You know it will hurt?"
"Yes but I want you and everyone to know I am your willing slave."
He used a large darning needle to make the hole and it seemed to take forever for him to slowly push and wriggle the needle through the tough but sensitive nipple. I was whimpering at the first and would like to have changed my mind but I was committed now. The second seemed even worse but surprisingly there was only a drop of blood when I released my clenched eyes to watch him put on the chain.
I went to the mirror to look at myself.The chain was beautiful and I looked very sexy. My outhrust boobies made my waist look even smaller and my erect nipples were carrying the chain proudly.
Our guests arrived later and I was a star again. Everyone said I looked lovely and tugged at the chain to my nipples. Kay said, "These are great! You could use them to tie her." I shuddered at the thought of the way I jerked at my bonds at hard lashes. I would have to use all my willpower to avoid tearing my nipples.
When everyone had a drink Dick led them to the basement. They were really impressed. Along with the equipment he had installed four remote controlled cam corders on each wall with spotlights with pink lenses to make us look good as well as the gas torches to make the place seem like a real dungeon.
He took them around to demonstrate each item and had the girls touch the electric dildo and the barrel to show them how the electicity could be low enough to cause an exciting tingle. He watched them jerk their hands away when the electricity went from tingle to pain. He told them the number on the control each had let go and they agreed they might be able to take one more higher number. He didn't bother to explain the splintery whipping post that had caused me so much pain since they had seen it before and ignored a split-cedar fence post I assumed would be set up later as a shorter whipping post.
All four girls wanted to ride the hobby horse and thought the stretching table and winch would make their bodies look great. Dick suggested a contest. The girls could choose either of the stretching devises and the one who took the most lashes after being stretched would win a guaranteed maximum orgasm on the hobby horse. All of them agreed the stretching table would make their tender pussies and ass-hole too vulnerable so chose being stretched by the winch with their ankles tied to the concrete block. The three losers would draw cards to see who would be put on the stretching table for pussy lashes, Ride the barrel, or straddle the broom for five minutes.
Even the contest brought orgasms since none of them were stretched to the point the concrete block left the floor and they just used the thong whip. In my new role I got to whip them too but even though I hit harder than the men their bodies were just red when they quit with Kay as the winner.
Dick gave her a monster orgasm with the horse and as consolation said the other girls could ride it too after they paid their penalty.
There wasn't much penalty. The girl that got the stretching table was not stretched to the maximum and they just used the pussy-whip which just excited her to the point she could hardly wait to get on the horse.
The girl on the barrel actually asked for more electricity and more speed as she went into orgasm and Muffy with her ballet training easily stayed on her toes only letting herself down to gently prick her pussy to bring on her excitement for the horse. The moment the straws hit her pussy she was hit on the butt making the straws drag through her pussy which brought her back up on her toes until the five minutes were up.