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What do the Doctor and his companions get up to when we’re not watching? All sorts of things – and here’s just a small, random selection.

The Doctor and Susan visited the planet Quinnis ‘in the Fourth Universe’ four or five journeys before The Edge of Destruction and nearly lost the TARDIS.

They also saw the metal seas of Venus. (Marco Polo)

Some time before An Unearthly Child, they encountered telepathic plants on the planet Esto. If you stood between the plants they made a screeching sound when they detected another mind. (The Sensorites)

They experienced a Zeppelin air raid during the First World War. (Planet of Giants)

The Doctor visited the planet Dido before the events of The Rescue.

He also visited Rome prior to The Romans and claimed to have taught the Mountain Mauler of Montana how to fight.

He’d had a previous encounter with the Celestial Toymaker. (The Celestial Toymaker)

He was present at the Relief of Mafeking in 1900. (The Daleks’ Master Plan)

The Doctor watched the ‘magnificent folly’ of the Charge of the Light Brigade. (The Evil of the Daleks)

Prior to the events of The Abominable Snowmen, the Doctor visited the Det-Sen monastery at various times – at least once in his second body – and commented that the place always seemed to be in some kind of trouble. In 1630 he took the bell known as the Holy Ghanta into his care.

The Doctor once holidayed on Dulkis, finding it an extremely peaceful place. (The Dominators)

The Cyber Controller recognised the Doctor from a previous encounter on ‘Planet 14’. (The Invasion)

The Doctor compared a noise he heard during the Inferno drilling project to the sound of Krakatoa in 1883. (Inferno)

The Vandals were apparently ‘quite decent chaps’. (Invasion of the Dinosaurs)

The Doctor once crashed a Medusoid’s mind probe by insisting that he was on the way to meet a giant rabbit, a pink elephant and a purple horse with yellow spots. The machine didn’t believe him, even though he was telling the truth, as the unlikely trio of animals were delegates for the third Intergalactic Peace Conference. The Medusoids, a race of monopod, hairy jellyfish with claws and teeth, used up all their mind probes trying to get to the truth. (Frontier in Space)

The Doctor was made a noble of Draconia after helping the 15th Draconian Emperor in the 21st century. (Frontier in Space)

A captain in Cleopatra’s bodyguard taught the Doctor how to fence. (The Masque of Mandragora)

Prior to the events of The Face of Evil, the Doctor tried to use his own brainwaves to repair the Mordee computer that became Xoanon.

The Doctor witnessed moving mines on Korlano Beta. (The Robots of Death)

He saw the Fifth World War and was with the Filipino army in the final advance on Reykjavik in the 51st century. (The Talons of Weng-Chiang, The Unquiet Dead)

The Doctor once angered the Droge of Gabrielides so much that a bounty of an entire star system was placed on his head. (The Sun Makers)

The Doctor has visited both Aberdeen and Blackpool. (Underworld)

He has seen opera singer Nellie Melba’s party piece. (The Power of Kroll)

The Doctor learnt how to walk over hot coals from firewalkers in Bali. (The Armageddon Factor)

The Doctor witnessed the Big Bang. (Destiny of the Daleks)

Tryst’s mentor, Professor Stein, was a friend of the Doctor’s. (Nightmare of Eden)

The Doctor told Seth that he’d been to the ‘charming’ planet Aneth, just not yet. (The Horns of Nimon)

The Fourth Doctor visited Tigella and met Zastor 50 years prior to the events of Meglos.

The Logopolitans offered to complete the TARDIS’s chameleon conversion on his previous visit to Logopolis. (Logopolis)

The Doctor once played for New South Wales cricket team, taking five wickets. He used to bowl a very good chinaman (a left -handed googly in case you were wondering). (Castrovalva, Four to Doomsday)

The Second Doctor once faced the terrible Zodin, a woman of rare guile and devilish cunning whose race was covered in hair and hopped like kangaroos. The Brigadier wasn’t involved. (The Five Doctors, Attack of the Cybermen)

The Doctor recognised Silurian battle cruisers and the Myrka and thought Icthar was dead. (Warriors of the Deep)

The Doctor had visited Androzani Minor previously. (The Caves of Androzani)

Azmael was the best teacher the Doctor ever had. His fourth incarnation got Azmael drunk at their last meeting. (The Twin Dilemma)

Before leaving Gallifrey, the Doctor attended the inauguration of the Space Station Camera. (The Two Doctors)

He had also visited Seville before the events of The Two Doctors.

The Third Doctor and Jo Grant saved the planet Karfel from disaster and reported Magellan (aka the Borad) to the Inner Sanctum for unethical experimentation on the Morlox creatures. When greeting the Doctor, Tekker commented that there were ‘only the two of you’, to which the Doctor replied that he was ‘travelling light this time’, indicating that there may have been more than just the Doctor and Jo on board the TARDIS back then. (Timelash)

The agronomist Arthur Stengos was an old friend of the Doctor. (Revelation of the Daleks)

Before the events of The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp, the Doctor and Peri visited Thordon, where the Mentors of Thoros Beta had supplied the primitive warlords with energy weapons.

Captain ‘Tonker’ Travers got wrapped up in ‘a web of mayhem and intrigue’ when he met the Sixth Doctor. The Doctor at least saved Travers’ ship. (The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids)

The Doctor met a Stigorax in 25th-century Birmingham. (The Happiness Patrol)

On 23 November 1638, the Doctor launched a rocket sled containing a Validium statue of Lady Peinforte into space. (Silver Nemesis)

The Doctor visited Windsor castle when it was being built. (Silver Nemesis)

The Doctor defeated Fenric at chess in the third century, banishing him to a shadow dimension. The Time Lord also met the Ancient One in the far future. (The Curse of Fenric)

The Ninth Doctor was photographed in the crowd when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, and his picture was drawn on the island of Sumatra soon after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. (Rose)

On the eve of the Titanic’s maiden voyage, the Ninth Doctor had his photo taken with the Daniels family in Southampton. They subsequently missed the trip (Rose) but the Doctor later recalled sailing on an ‘unsinkable’ ship – he ended up clinging to an iceberg. (The End of the World)

The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan once tried to get through the TARDIS doors – and failed. (Rose)

He pushed boxes at the Boston Tea Party. (The Unquiet Dead)

The Doctor vaporised the 51st-century weapons factories on Vilenguard by making the main reactor go critical. There’s a banana grove there now. (The Doctor Dances)

Rose visited Justicia, the Glass Pyramid of San Kaloon, and a planet called Woman Wept, where she witnessed the sea freeze in the middle of a storm on a beach a thousand miles across. She walked with the Doctor under a hundred-foot wave at midnight. (Boom Town)

Before arriving on the Game Station, the Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack had been to Raxacoricofallapatorius, then Kyoto, Japan in 1336, from which they only just escaped. (Bad Wolf)