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23. Equilibrium Figures Formed by Floating Magnets. Phil. Mag., 46 (1898), 162

24. The Anomalous Dispersion of Cyanin. Phil. Mag., 46 (1898), 380

25. Some Experiments on Artificial Mirages and Tornadoes. Phil. Mag., 47 (1899), 349

26. An Application of the Diffraction Grating to Colour Photography. Phil. Mag., 47 (1899), 368

27. Photography of Sound Waves by the "Schlieren Methode." Phil. Mag., 48 (1899), 218

28. Dark Lightning. Nature, Sept. 14, 1899, 460

29. Diffraction Process of Color Photography. Science, 9 (1899), 859; Photog. Jour., 24 (1900), 256; Jour. Soc. Arts., (1900), 285

30. On the Cause of Dark Lightning and the Clayden Effect. Jour. Phot. Soc., Phila., Nov. 8, 1899, 69

31. Zone Plate Photography. Photog. Jour., 24 (1900), 248

32. Photography of Sound Waves. Photog. Jour. of Roy. Photo. Soc. London., 24 (1900), 250

33. An Application of the Method of Striae to the Illumination of Objects Under the Microscope. Phil. Mag., 50 (1900), 347

34. The Photography of Sound Waves and the Demonstration of the Evolutions of Reflected Wave Fronts with the Cinematograph. Phil. Mag., 50 (1900), 148; Smithsonian Report for 1900 (1901) 359; Chem. News, 81 (1900), 103; Proc. Roy. Soc., A 66 (1900), 283

35. Artificial Representation of a Total Solar Eclipse. Nature, 63 (1901), 250; Science, 13 (1901), 65

36. Vortex Rings. Nature, 63 (1901), 458

37. Pseudoscopic Vision Without a Pseudoscope. Nature, 64 (1901), 351; Science, 14 (1901), 185

38. The Anomalous Dispersion of Cyanin (with C. E. Magnusson). Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 36

39. The Problem of the Daylight Observation of the Corona. Astrophys. Jour., 12 (1901), 281

40. The Nature of the Solar Corona. Astrophys. Jour., 13 (1901), 68

41. The Anomalous Dispersion of Carbon. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 405

42. On the Propagation of Cusped Waves and Their Relation to the Primary and Secondary Focal Lines. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 589

43. On the Production of a Bright-Line Spectrum by Anomalous Dispersion and Its Application to the "Flash-Spectrum." Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 551; Naturwissensch. Rundschau, 16 (1901), 394; Astrophys. Jour., 13 (1901), 63

44. On Cyanine Prisms and a New Method of Exhibiting Anomalous Dispersion. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 624

45. A Mica Echelon Grating. Phil. Mag., 1 (1901), 627

46. Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapour. Proc. Roy. Soc., 69 (1901), 157

47. On the Fluorescence and Absorption Spectrum of Sodium Vapour. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 359

48. A Suspected Case of Resonance of Minute Metallic Particles for Light Waves. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 396

49. Surface Colour. Phys. Rev., 14 (1902), 315

50. Prisms and Plates for Showing Dichromatism. Phys. Rev., 15 (1902), 121

51. The Invisibility of Transparent Objects. Phys. Rev., 15 (1902), 123

52. Absorption, Dispersion, and Surface Colour of Selenium. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 607

53. Production of a Magnetic Field by a Flight of Charged Particles. Phil. Mag., 3 (1902), 659

54. Cooling of Gases by Expansion. Science, 16 (1902), 592

55. The Kinetic Theory of the Expansion of Compressing Gas into a Vacuum. Science, 16 (1902), 909

56. On a Remarkable Case of Uneven Distribution of Light in a Diffraction Grating Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 4 (1902), 396

57. On the Electrical Resonance of Metal Particles for Light Waves. Second Communication. Phil. Mag., 4 (1902), 425; Phys. Zs., 4 (1903), 338

58. The Clayden Effect and the Reversal of Spectrum Lines. Phil. Mag., 4 (1902), 606

59. Screens Transparent Only to Ultra-Violet Light and Their Use in Spectrum Photography. Phil. Mag., 5 (1903), 257; Phys. Zs., 4 (1903), 337; Astrophys. Jour., 17 (1903), 133

60. On Photographic Reversals in Spectrum Photographs. Explanation of Dark Lightning. Astrophys. Jour., 17 (1903), 361

61. On the Anomalous, Dispersion, Absorption and Surface Colour of Nitrosodimethyl Aniline with a Note on the Dispersion of Toluine. Phil. Mag., 6 (1903), 96; Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci., 39 (1903), 51

62. Electrical Resonance of Metal Particles for Light Waves. Third Communication. Phil. Mag., 6 (1903), 259

63. Fluorescence and Absorption Spectra of Sodium Vapour (with J. H. Moore). Phil. Mag., 6 (1903), 362; Astrophys. Jour., 18 (1903), 94

64. Some New Cases of Interference and Diffraction. Phil. Mag., 8 (1904), 376

65. The Achromatization of Approximately Monochromatic Interference Fringes by a Highly Dispersive Medium, and the Consequent Increase in the Allowable Path-difference (with a note by Lord Rayleigh). Phil. Mag., 8 (1904), 324

66. Scintillations of Radium. Science, 19 (1904), 195

67. The N Rays (Letter exposing delusion). Nature, 70 (1904), 530

68. A Quantitative Determination of the Anomalous Dispersion of Sodium Vapour in the Visible and Ultra-Violet Regions. Phil. Mag., 8 (1904), 293; Phys. Zs., 5 (1904), 751; Am. Acad. Arts Sci., 40 (1904), 365

69. Apparatus to Illustrate the Pressure of Sound Waves. Phys. Rev., 20 (1905), 113; Phys. Zs., 6 (1905), 22

70. Intensity of Grating Spectra. Astrophys. Jour., 21 (1905), 173; Phys. Zs., 6 (1905), 238

71. The Magnetic Rotation of Sodium Vapor (with H. W. Springsteen). Phys. Rev., 21 (1905), 41

72. Physical Optics (Textbook). Macmillan Company, New York. London, 1905

73. The Scintillations Produced by Radium. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 427

74. The Magneto-Optics of Sodium Vapour and the Rotatory Dispersion Formula. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 408

75. The Fluorescence of Sodium Vapour and the Resonance Radiation of Electrons. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 513

76. Anomalous Dispersion of the Magnetic Rotation of the Plane of Polarization. Phil. Mag., 10 (1905), 725; Phys. Zs., 6 (1905), 416

77. The Meteorological Optics of Prof. J. M. Pernter: Review. Monthly Weather Review, 1906

78. Fluorescence and Magnetic Rotation Spectra of Sodium Vapor, and Their Analysis. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 499; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 42 (1906), 235

79. Fluorescence and Lambert's Law. Phil. Mag., 11 (1906), 782

80. Interference Colours of Chlorate of Potash Crystals and a New Method of Isolating Heat Waves. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 67

81. Fish-Eye Views and Vision Under Water. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 159