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82. Bemerkung über die Selbstumkehrung der Wasserstofflinien. Phys. Zs., 7 (1906), 926

83. Fluorescence, Magnetic Rotation and Temperature Emission Spectra of Iodine Vapour. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 329

84. The Intensification of Glass Diffraction Gratings and the Diffraction Process of Colour Photography. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 585

85. Abnormal Polarization and Colour of Light Scattered by Small Absorbing Particles. Phil. Mag., 12 (1906), 147

86. Atlas of Absorption Spectra (with H. S. Uhler). Carnegie Institution Publication, 71 (1907)

87. Eine Interferenz methode zur Auffindung von Gesetzmässigkeiten in linienreichen Spektren. Phys. Zs., 8 (1907), 607

88. Die Temperaturstrahlung des Joddampfes. Phys. Zs., 8 (1907), 517

89. Ein einfaches Wassergeblase zum Betriebe von Gebläselampen. Phys. Zs., 8 (1907), 517

90. A Simple Treatment of the Secondary Maxima of Grating Spectra. Phil. Mag., 14 (1907), 477

91. Modification in the Appearance and Position of an Absorption Band Resulting from the Presence of a Foreign Gas. Astrophys. Jour., 26 (1907), 41

92. The Magnetic Rotation of Sodium Vapour at the D Lines. Phil. Mag., 14 (1907), 145

93. A Hydraulic Analogy of Radiating Bodies for Illustrating the Luminosity of the Welsbach Mantle. Phys. Rev., 24 (1907), 436; Nature, 75 (1907), 558

94. Note on the Photography of Very Faint Spectra. (Increased sensitivity of plate by pre-exposure.) Astrophys. Jour., 27 (1908), 379

95. Polarized Fluorescence of Metallic Vapors and the Solar Corona. Astrophys. Jour., 28 (1908), 75

96. Anomalous Magnetic Rotatory Dispersion of Neodymium. Phil. Mag., 15 (1908), 270

97. On the Existence of Positive Electrons in the Sodium Atom. Phil. Mag., 15 (1908), 274

98. The Resonance Spectra of Sodium Vapour. Phil. Mag., 15 (1908), 581

99. On the Emission of Polarized Light by Fluorescent Gases. Phil. Mag., 16 (1908), 184

100. On a Method of Showing Fluorescent Absorption Directly if It Exists. (Disproving claims of certain observers.) Phil. Mag., 16 (1908), 940

101. An Extension of the Principal Series of the Sodium Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 16 (1908), 945

102. The Fluorescence and Magnetic Rotation Spectra of Potassium Vapor (with T. S. Carter). Phys. Rev., 27 (1908), 107

103. The Resonance and Magnetic Rotation Spectra of Sodium Vapor Photographed with the Concave Grating (with F. E. Hackett). Astrophys. Jour., 30 (1909), 339

104. The Complete Principal Series in the Sodium Spectrum (50 lines). Astrophys. Jour., 29 (1909), 97

105. The Mercury Paraboloid as a Reflecting Telescope. Astrophys. Jour., 29 (1909), 164

106. The Selective Reflexion of Monochromatic Light by Mercury Vapor. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 187

107. The Damping of Mercury Waves. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 194

108. The Absorption, Fluorescence, Magnetic Rotation and Anomalous Dispersion of Mercury Vapour. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 240

109. On the Flow of Energy in a System of Interference Fringes. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 250

110. The Ultra-violet Absorption, Fluorescence, and Magnetic Rotation of Sodium Vapour. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 530

111. High Purity Interference Phenomena of Chlorate of Potash Crystals. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 535

112. Talbot's Fringes and the Echelon Grating. Phil. Mag., 18 (1909), 758

113. Note on the Theory of the Greenhouse. Phil. Mag., 17 (1909), 319

114. The Ultra-violet Absorption Spectra of Certain Metallic Vapors and Their Mixtures (with D. V. Guthrie). Astrophys. Jour., 29 (1909), 211

115. The Moon in Ultra-violet Light, and Spectro-selenography. Popular Astronomy, No. 172 (1910); Monthly Notices, Roy. Astr. Soc., 70 (1919), 226

116. Lichtschwebungen und Dopplereffekt. Phys. Zs., 11 (1910), 503, 671, 851

117. Optische Täuschungen und doppelte Umkehrung von Spektrallinien. Phys. Zs., 11 (1910), 822

118. Determination of Stellar Velocities with the Objective Prism. Astrophys. Jour., 31 (1910), 376

119. Additional Notes on Radial Velocities with Objective Prism. Astrophys. Jour., 31 (1910), 460

120. Determination of Absolute Wavelengths with Objective Prisms (with E. C. Pickering). Harv. College Obs. Circ., 154 (1910)

121. Isolierung langwelliger Wärmestrahlung durch Quarzlinsen (with H. Rubens). Sitz. phys. math. Cl., Dec. 1910, 1122

122. The Cathode-Ray Fluorescence of Sodium Vapor (with R. H. Galt). Astrophys. Jour., 33 (1911), 72

123. Nickeled Glass Reflectors for Celestial Photography. Astrophys. Jour., 34 (1911), 404

124. A New Radiant Emission from the Spark. Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 707; Phys. Zs., 11 (1910), 823

125. Some Experiments on Refraction by Non-homogeneous Media. Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 712

126. The Echelette Grating for the Infra-red. Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 770

127. Groove-Form and Energy Distribution of Diffraction Gratings (with Augustus Trowbridge). Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 886

128. Note on Infra-red Investigations with the Echelette Grating (with Augustus Trowbridge). Phil. Mag., 20 (1910), 898

129. Focal Isolation of Long Heat-Waves (with H. Rubens). Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 249

130. Recent Experiments with Invisible Light. A "Friday Evening Discourse." Roy. Inst. Gt. Bt. (1911), 1

131. The Resonance Spectra of Iodine. Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 261

132. Transformation of a Resonance Spectrum into a Band Spectrum by Presence of Helium (with J. Franck). Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 265

133. The Destruction of the Fluorescence of Iodine and Bromine Vapour by Other Gases. Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 309

134. The Influence upon the Fluorescence of Iodine and Mercury of Gases with Different Affinities for Electrons (with J. Franck). Phil. Mag., 21 (1911), 314

135. The Resonance Spectra of Iodine Vapour and Their Destruction by Gases of the Helium Group. Phil. Mag., 22 (1911), 469

136. Bemerkungen zu der A. Heurungschen Arbeit: Untersuchungen über die magneto-optischen Effekte bei Chlor und Jod. Ann. d. Phys., 37 (1912), 594

137. Diffraction Gratings with Controlled Groove Form and Abnormal Distribution of Intensity. Phil. Mag., 23 (1912), 310; Phys. Zs., 13 (1912), 261

138. Selective Reflexion, Scattering and Absorption by Resonating Gas Molecules. Phil. Mag., 23 (1912), 689; Phys. Zs., 13 (1912), 353

139. Preliminary Note on the Electron Atmospheres of Metals. Phil. Mag., 24 (1912), 316

140. Resonance Spectra of Iodine by Multiplex Excitation. Phil. Mag., 24 (1912), 673; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 177