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141. Kritische Bermerkung zu der Arbeit des Herrn Steubing über die strahlende Emission seitens des Funken. Phys. Zs., 13 (1912), 32

142. Selective Absorption of Light on the Moon's Surface and Lunar Petrography. Astrophys. Jour., 36 (1912), 75

143. Method of Obtaining Very Narrow Absorption Lines for Investigations in Magnetic Fields (with P. Zeeman). Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 405

144. On the Imprisonment of Radiation by Total Reflexion. Phil. Mag., 25 (1913), 449; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 270

145. The Selective Dispersion of Mercury Vapour at the 2536 Absorption Line. Phil. Mag., 25 (1913), 433; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 191

146. Resonance Experiments with the Longest Heat-Waves. Phil. Mag., 25 (1913), 440; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 189

147. The Satellites of the Mercury Lines. Phil. Mag., 25 (19,3), 443; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 273

148. On the Use of the Interferometer for the Study of Band Spectra. Phil. Mag., 26 (1913), 176. Cf. No. 87

149. Resonance Spectra of Iodine Under High Dispersion. Phil. Mag., 26 (1913), 828; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 1189

150. Polarisation of the Light of Resonance Spectra. Phil. Mag., 26 (1913), 846; Phys. Zs., 14 (1913), 1200

151. Researches in physical optics; with especial reference to the radiation of electrons) Part I. Columbia University Press, 1913.

152. Ratio of the Intensities of the D-Lines of Sodium. Phys. Zs., 15 (1914) , 382

153. Photometric Investigation of the Superficial Resonance of Sodium Vapour (with L. Dunoyer). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 1025

154. Photometric Study of the Fluorescence of Iodine (with W. P. Speas). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 531; Phys. Zs., 15 (1914), 317

155. Separation of Close Spectrum Lines for Monochromatic Illumination. Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 524; Phys. Zs., 15 (1914), 313

156. Intense Sodium Flame. Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 530

157. Radiation of Gas Molecules Excited by Light. Proc. London Phys. Soc., 26 (1914), 185

158. Fluorescence of Gases Excited by Ultra Schumann Waves (with G. A. Hemsalech). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 899

159. The Separate Excitation of the Centers of Emission of the D-Lines of Sodium (with L. Dunoyer). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 1018

160. Magneto-Optics of Iodine Vapour (with G. Ribaud). Phil. Mag., 27 (1914), 1009; Phys. Zs., 15 (1915), 650; Jour. de Phys., 4 (1914), 378

161. Experimental Determination of the Law of Reflexion of Gas Molecules. Phil. Mag., 30 (1915), 300

162. The Effect of Electric and Magnetic Fields on the Emission Lines of Solids (with C. E. Mendanhall). Phil. Mag., 30 (1915), 316

163. Nickelled Glass Mirrors for Ultra-Violet Photography. Astro-phys. Jour., 42 (1915), 365

164. Further Study of the Fluorescence Produced by Ultra-Schumann Rays (with C. F. Meyer). Phil. Mag., 30 (1915), 449

165. Principal Series of Sodium (with R. Fortrat). Astrophys. Jour., 43 (1916), 72

166. Monochromatic Photographs of Jupiter and Saturn. Astrophys. Jour., 43 (1916), 310

167. Scattering and Regular Reflection of Light by an Absorbing Gas (with M. Kimura). Phil. Mag., 32 (1916), 329

168. Condensation and Reflection of Gas Molecules. Phil. Mag., 32 (1916), 364

169. Ionising Potential of Sodium Vapour (with S. Okano). Phil. Mag., 34 (1917), 177

170. Band and Line Spectra of Iodine (with M. Kimura). Astrophys. Jour., 46 (1917), 181

171. Zeeman-effect for Complex Lines of Iodine (with M. Kimura). Astrophys. Jour., 46 (1917), 197

172. Resonance Spectra of Iodine. Phil. Mag., 35 (1918), 236

173. Series Law of Resonance Spectra (with M. Kimura). Phil. Mag., 35 (1918), 252

174. Scattering of Light by Air Molecules. Phil. Mag., 36 (1918), 272

175. Ultra-Violet Light of High Intensity as Beacons and for Secret Signals in War-time. (A complete disclosure of the method of producing what is now called "black light," and a description of its properties and possible uses.) Jour. de Phys. (Paris), 9 (1919), 77. In the same number Wood's apparatus for the determination of the time interval between electrical contact and explosion of machine gun cartridges, exploded electrically and synchronized to fire through airplane propeller, is described by de Watteville.

176. Invisible Light in Warfare. London Phys. Soc. Proc., 31 (1919), 232

177. Resonance Radiation of Sodium Vapour Excited by One of the D-Lines (with F. L. Mohler). Phil. Mag., 37 (1919), 456; Phys. Rev., 11 (1918), 70

178. Optical Properties of Homogeneous and Granular Films of Sodium and Potassium. Phil. Mag., 38 (1919), 98

179. Researches in physical optics; with especial reference to the radiation of electrons) Part II. Columbia University Press, 1919.

180. Light Scattering by Air and the Blue Colour of the Sky. Phil. Mag., 39 (1920), 423

181. Extension of the Balmer Series of Hydrogen, and Spectroscopic Phenomena of Very Long Vacuum Tubes. Proc. Roy. Soc., 97 (1920), 455

182. The Fluorescence of Mercury Vapor (with J. S. van der Lingen). Astrophys. Jour., 54 (1921), 149

183. The Time Interval Between Absorption and Emission of Light in Fluorescence. Proc. Roy. Soc., 99 (1921), 362

184. On Hydrogen Spectra from Long Vacuum Tubes. Phil. Mag., 42 (1921), 729

185. Fluorescence and Photochemistry. Phil. Mag., 43 (1922), 757

186. Atomic Hydrogen and the Balmer Series Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 44 (1922), 538

187. Selective Reflection of λ 2536 by Mercury Vapour. Phil. Mag., 44 (1922), 1105

188. Polarised Resonance Radiation of Mercury Vapour. Phil. Mag., 44 (1922), 1107

189. Spontaneous Incandescence of Substances in Atomic Hydrogen Gas. Proc. Roy. Soc., 102 (1922), 1

190. Destruction of the Polarisation of Resonance Radiation by Weak Magnetic Fields (with A. Ellett). Nature, 111 (1923), 255

191. On the Influence of Magnetic Fields on the Polarisation of Resonance Radiation (with A. Ellett). Proc. Roy. Soc., A 103 (1923), 396

192. Vacuum Grating Spectrograph and the Zinc Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 46 (1923), 741

193. Dialysis of Small Volumes of Liquid. The Lily-pad Dialyser. J. Phys. Chem., 27 (1923), 565

194. Controlled Orbital Transfers of Electrons in Optically Excited Mercury Atoms. Proc. Roy. Soc., 106 A (1924), 679

195. An Experimental Study of Grating Errors and "Ghosts." Phil. Mag., 48 (1924), 497

196. Polarised Resonance Radiation in Weak Magnetic Fields (with A. Ellett). Phys. Rev., 24 (1924), 243

197. Fine Structure, Absorption and Zeeman Effect of the 2536 Mercury Line. Phil. Mag., 50 (1925), 761; Nature, 115 (1925), 461