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198. Optical Excitation of the Mercury Spectrum. Phil. Mag., 50 (1925), 774

199. Improved Grating for Vacuum Spectrographs (with Th. Lyman). Phil. Mag., 2 (1926), 310

200. Structure of Cadmium and Zinc Resonance Lines. Phil. Mag., 2 (1926), 611

201. Self-Reversal of the Red Hydrogen Line. Phil. Mag., 2 (1926), 876

202. Optical Excitation of Mercury with Controlled Radiating States and Forbidden Lines. Phil. Mag., 4 (1927), 466

203. The Physical and Biological Effects of High Frequency Sound Waves of Great Intensity (with A. L. Loomis). Phil. Mag., 4 (1927), 417. At the end of this paper is clearly disclosed what is now called "electric-fever"; namely, the heating of animals in high-frequency electric fields

204. Variation of Intensity Ratios of Optically Excited Spectrum Lines with the Intensity of the Exciting Light. Nature, 120 (1927), 725

205. Spectra of High-frequency Discharges in Super-vacuum Tubes (with A. L. Loomis), Nature, 120 (1927), 510

206. Rotational Structure of the Blue-Green Bands of Na2 (with F. W. Loomis). Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 1126; Phys. Rev., 32 (1928), 223

207. Optically Excited Iodine Bands with Alternate Missing Lines (with F. W. Loomis). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 231; Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 705; Nature, 121 (1928), 283

208. Fluorescence of Mercury Vapour (with V. Voss). Nature, 121 (1928), 418; Proc. Roy. Soc., 119 (1928), 698

209. Factors Which Determine the Occurrence of the "Green-Ray." Nature, 121 (1928), 501

210. Factors Governing the Appearance of the "Forbidden Line" 2656 (with E. Gaviola). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 271

211. Wave-length Shifts in Scattered Light. Nature, 122 (1928), 349

212. The Fluorescence Spectrum of Sodium Vapor in the Vicinity of the D Lines (with E. L. Kinsey). Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 793

213. New Effects in the Optical Excitation of Vapours. J. Frank. Inst., 205 (1928), 481

214. Anti-Stokes Radiation of Fluorescent Liquids. Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 310

215. Power Relation of the Intensities of the Lines in the Optical Excitation of Mercury (with E. Gaviola). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 352

216. Raman Spectra of Scattered Radiation. Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 729

217. Photosensitised Band Fluorescence of OH, HgH, NH, H2O and NH3, Molecules (with E. Gaviola). Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 1191; Phys. Rev., 31 (1928), 1109

218. Raman Lines Under High Dispersion. Phil. Mag., 6 (1928), 1282

219. Excitation of the Raman Effect. J. Frank. Inst., 208 (1929), 617

220. Raman Effect in Gases I, HCl and NH3. Phil. Mag., 7 (1929), 744; Nature, 123 (1929), 166, 279

221. Raman Effect by Helium Excitation. Phil. Mag., 7 (1929), 858

222. Chromium Echelette Gratings for Infra-Red. Phil. Mag., 7 (1929), 742

223. Ozone Absorption During Long Arctic Night. Nature, 123 (1929), 644

224. Densitometer Curves of the Green Mercury Line. Phil. Mag., 8 (1929), 205

225. Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. Part II, Excitation of Raman Spectra. Trans. Far. Soc., 25 (1929), 792

226. Spectra of High Frequency Discharge in O2 and CO. Phil. Mag., 8 (1929), 207

227. Raman Lines of Mercury in Arc Improbable. (Criticism of reported results.) Nature, 125 (1930), 464

228. Plasmoidal H. F. Oscillatory Discharges in "Non-Conducting" Vacua. Phys. Rev., 35 (1930), 673

229. Raman Effect in HCl Gas (with G. H. Dieke). Phys. Rev., 35 (1930), 1355

230. Improved Technique for the Raman Effect. Phys. Rev., 33 (1929), 294; 36 (1930), 1421

231. Raman Spectra of Benzene and Diphenyl. Phys. Rev., 36 (1930), 1431

232. Ball Lightning. Nature, 126 (1930), 723

233. Stereophotographic Models of Electron Motion in Stark Effect. Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 346

234. Selective Thermal Radiation of Coloured and Pure Fused Quartz. (Quartz Containing Neodymium). Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 487

235. Nuclear Spin of Potassium (with F. W. Loomis). Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 854

236. Absorption Spectra of Salts in Liquid Ammonia. Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 1648

237. Raman Effect for Benzene Substitution Products. Phys. Rev., 38 (1931), 2168

238. Analysis of Complicated Band Spectra with the Aid of Magnetic Rotation Spectra (with G. H. Dieke). Nature, 128 (1931), 545

239. Raman Spectra of a Series of Normal Alcohols and Other Compounds (with G. Collins) Phys. Rev., 42 (1932), 386

240. Remarkable Optical Properties of the Alkali Metals. Phys. Rev., 44 (1933), 353; 43 (1933), 779, 1052

241. Influence of Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide upon the Absorption Spectrum of Mercury Vapor (with H. W. Straub) Phys. Rev., 44 (1933), 1030

242. Raman Spectrum of Heavy Water. Nature, 133 (1934), 106; Phys. Rev., 45 (1934), 392

243. Raman Spectrum of Heavy-Water Vapor. Phys. Rev., 45 (1934), 732

244. Ultra-Violet Absorption of Heavy Water Vapour (with J. Franck) Phys. Rev.45 (1934), 667

245. Comment on Paper by Langsdorf and Dullridge on Optical Rotation of Unpolarized Light. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 24 (1934), 4

246. The Purple Gold of Tut-Ankhamun. Brit. J. Egyp. Arch., 20 (1934), 62

247. Physical optics, 3rd edition (1934). London & New York: Macmillan

248. Raman Spectrum of Heavy Chloroform (with D. H. Rank). Phys. Rev., 47 (1935), 792; 48 (1935), 63

249. Far Ultra-Violet Absorption Spectra and Ionisation Potentials of Benzenes C6H6 and C6D6 (with W. C. Price). J. Chem. Phys., 3 (1935), 439

250. Raman Spectrum of Heavy Benzene C6D6. J. Chem. Phys., 3 (1935) 444; Phys. Rev., 48 (1935), 488

251. Anomalous Diffraction Gratings. Phys. Rev., 48 (1935), 928

252. Fluorescence of Chlorophyll in Its Relation to Photochemical Processes in Plants and Organic Solutions. (with J. Franck). J. Chem. Phys., 4 (1936), 551

253. Optical and Physical Effects of High Explosives. Proc. Roy. Soc, 157 A (1936), 249

254. Raman Spectra of Deuteroparaldehyde and Paraldchyde. J. Chem. Phys., 5 (1937), 287

255. Recent Improvements in Diffraction Gratings and Replicas. Nature, 140 (1937), 723

256. Spectrum of the Arc in Hydrogen (with G. H. Dieke). Phys. Rev., 53 (1938), 146

257. Optical Properties of Alkali Metals (with C. Lukens). Phys. Rev., 54 (1938), 332

258. Negative Bands of N14 - N15 (with G. H. Dieke). J. Chem. Phys., 6 (1938), 734

259. Nuclear Spin of N15 (with G. H. Dicke). J. Chem. Phys., 6 (1938), 308