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Doctor: “This picture should not be here now. The Fall of the Arcadia, the second city of the Gallifrey”.

Clara: “But is that possible? Oil painting. 3D”.

It was bigger on the inside. A real part of time. It was time, where was another Doctor, another body, that he did not told. He had many faces and many lives. But he did not recognized all of them. He tried to forget one of them. He was one of the faces of Doctor, who participated in the Time War. And that day when he did it. He destroyed everything.

The last day of the Time War. That war ended with the battle of the Time Lords with the Daleks. And in that battle fought with a man, whose hands were stained with blood, the one who commited the crime, plunged the entire Universe into darkness. It was awful, Daleks destroyed everything and everybody. He killed everybody on his old TARDIS. He ran away, leaving a message, a waiting to the Daleks.

He stole the weapons of mass destruction - “The Second”.  He wandered much further than Time War. To the desert. To an old hut. Took it out of the bag.and he saw the spirit of one of the companions of the Doctor, another of course - Rose. She was sitting inside this weapon. He left TARDIS far from here, so she could not see the End. And suddenly Doctor realised that the spirit of Rose was the interface.

Elizabeth I is letter to Doctor:

“My beloved, I hope the painting called “The Fall of the Gallifrey”has proved you that it is Elizabeth I that wrote you, remember you swore to protect the peace of my Kingdom. Appoint you were supposed to be the manager of the lawer gallerey, where all mortal danger thretening England. If the walls are disturbed, I wish that you were called. Good luck! My kind husband!”

A long time ago Doctor knew Elizabeth I, he was a bit confused and but continue thinking about her.

England 1562: when Elizabeth I saw that somebody can help you she always start to beg. First, he throght that she was a zygon. But it was a horse. Then they ran away and the zygon turned into Elizabeth I. Doctor tried to understand who is who, but then there was a crack in time and fez fell out.

He was taken to the gallery, and there he saw the broken picture that was painted by the artist of the Time Lords. Dut it was broken inside. At this moment, suddenly apperead a vortex in time. And he threw back the fez, which he found in the gallery. And he jumped back, with the words: “Geronimo!”

And Doctor to the that time, where Doctor and two Elizabeth I. But everything that was in real at past, now it was just in his subconscious.

Two Doctors began to talk between themselves. Elizabeth I  ran to the opposite side. One of Doctors started to talke to Clara throught the funnel. Clara asked, whether he could return? Doctor threw the fez into the vortex, and it fell into another Universe to third Doctor. who was in the Time War. Then Doctor asked second Doctor what will happen after that. because he already fell it. They had quarreled and they mixed the polarity of the sonic screwdrivers, that Doctor from the Time War was there. He asked who had lost the fez? Two Doctors was looking for a third Doctor. They were all surrounded due to the fact that Eliza-

beth I was otherwise they would turn them into toads. Eventually they were concluded into the London Tower.

They were closed and even sonic screwdrivers were unable to help them. Meanwhile Osgood, the guys figured out who broke the statue. These were zygons. At this point they want to life and only Osgood managed to escape. An zygon turned into second Osgoods. The ttrue Osgood deceived the zygon and ran away.

Clara and Keit has appeared inside the record office, where he was a manipulator of time. Everyone who was there was zygons. But Clara quickly focused, used the paddle and went to England in 1562. Three Doctors  have trouble they were not able to open the door and remind the doctor who recently survived the Time War about the last day. And here the Doctor from the Time War asked:

“How many children were on Gallifrey?”

First Doctor: “Do not know”

Second Doctor: “2 047 000 000 children”

They were still thinking  how to get out, but it was not easy. Then Clara came and just open the door. At the same time comes Elizabeth I in the form zygon, according to the Doctor, and said : “Come on the show, what will happen to the Earth. ”

Significantly  world during Time War. Zygons can move in 3D picture.  The Doctor doubted that Elizabeth I was real, but in fact she is real. The TARDIS was taken, and Elizabeth I copy was killed. Elizabeth I's will help Doctor only if he will return and marry Elizabeth I. She was left their for her own security.Three Doctors and Clara went to record office. Inside the office the real Keit set to self-destruct in five minutes and spoke with Keit copies. Thanks to the Cube of Stasis and they will be able to get to the Tower throught the picture “The Fall of the Gallifrey”. It was gust brought thert. In just a few seconds they broke the glass and far left of the picture. First and second Doctors said that within 2 hours no one in the roomcaild remember if she is human or zygon. And Kate, along with a copy shaple asked, to cancel the detonation. Doctor said: “World Peace!”

Old Doctor returned to the arms and a large red button. In the end, thanks to Cube of stasis Doctors joint efforts and took Gallifrey in the painting, a real slice of time. An the end, the painting was called “The End of the fall of Gallifrey”.





Clara asks me sometimes if  I dream.

Of course, - I do

And what are you dream?, - she continues.

As other people. I dream about where I will go.

She always laughs at his words. But you are not going anywhere, you just wander. It is not so. Everything has changed. I have a new distantce, my path is th

e same as you, like everyone else. It took many years, many lifes, but at last I know where I wanted to go. I wanted to go HOME, but by a circuitous route.....Doctor Who.