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Larry looked off over the city lights. “Caroline willingly aided Martha in destroying me, and now it’s my turn to destroy her. I followed them one night when they drove out to Joseph’s, and I saw them give him the Kewpie. Caroline should have minded her own business, just as you should have.”

“So you made the silver wig and wore it when you killed Martha.” Gretchen felt cold fingers of fear. Pale, chilly fear.

“I thought I could get to Martha before she gave the doll to Caroline, but I was too late. Caroline had already hidden the most valuable doll in the collection. I don’t care about the rest of the dolls. I’ll wait until this all dies down, and I’ll sell them in the future, one by one. I can wait. But I need some cash to get by, and the French fashion doll is my ticket.”

That’s why he needed to alter the list, Gretchen realized. He needed to sell off some of the dolls, and he didn’t want them traced back to Martha’s collection.

He came closer. “I thought I killed Caroline when her car left the road. I thought, What a break to see her on the highway. What an opportunity. Eliminate the prime suspect in the murder investigation. Closed case with all the pieces in place.”

“It must have been quite a surprise to find out you almost killed Daisy.” Gretchen glanced around for an escape route or something to use as a weapon. She was trapped between the ledge hanging over a sheer drop and a determined killer with a gun.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. Caroline strikes again, as you can see.” Larry patted the wig with his hand. “A double murderess. Or make that triple, because I hate to inform you, but your dear aunt is next. I assume she knows about the French fashion doll as well, and I consider that deadly information.”

“My mother’s been arrested,” Gretchen said desperately. “You won’t get away with this.”

“It’s time for you to take a little dive.” Larry smirked, gesturing with the gun. “I dislike noise, and would prefer not using this little toy, but I found it in Caroline’s closet. Wasn’t that convenient for me? One more piece of incriminating evidence against her.”

Gretchen thought she saw movement in the gloom, a flash of motion behind Larry. Coyotes would be on the prowl as darkness swept over the desert. And mountain lions.

A dark shadow loomed up behind them, and Gretchen hoped it wasn’t a mountain lion. The cougars were known for occasional attacks on humans, usually young children and dogs, but occasionally an adult.

A fist-sized rock flew through the air and hit Larry on the side of his head. His head snapped forward, surprise registering on his face as he raised his left hand to his face.

He spun away from Gretchen and fired.

Another rock flew out of the gloom, soaring straight and true, striking Larry in the face.

Gretchen, aware that this might be her only chance, hit the ground and rolled away from the ledge toward a pile of rocks. Larry fired wildly into the dark, unable to see his attacker.

Another rock. Another direct hit to his face.

Larry had temporarily forgotten about Gretchen, intent on stopping the assault.

He fired several more times.

Gretchen’s hand found a jagged rock the size of her palm, and she rose and hurled it, striking him in the back.

Another large rock sailed from the shadows.

The onslaught drove Larry backward toward the ledge, and Gretchen continued to edge away.

His head jerked in her direction, and he aimed the gun at her. She flinched as he pulled the trigger.

Gretchen heard a click.

He tried to fire again.

Another click.

Realizing he had used the last bullet, he flung the gun at Gretchen, then took a step in her direction, stumbling to find a solid foothold.

Another rock flew, and Gretchen saw movement. Silver hair shone in the rising moonlight, and she expected to hear the moaning howl of a werewolf rising from the apparition. The vision approached with the wrath of a mother bear protecting her cub. Then Gretchen saw a goddess running forward, Gretchen’s oasis in the desert sands.

Gretchen’s hand found another rock, and she put everything she had into launching it.

“I’ll kill you both,” Larry shouted, his face puffed with rage.

He took a step back, then another, lifting his arm to protect his face, teetering on the brink of the abyss. Another rock hit him, and he flung his arms overhead, struggling to maintain his balance. His foot slipped from underneath him, and Gretchen watched as he fell backwards over the edge.

His screams reverberated through the aptly named Echo Canyon as her mother’s arms encircled her.

Gretchen cried for the first time since arriving in Phoenix, all the anguish of the last week rising inside her and exploding outward. She clung to the warmth of their shared embrace even after they began their descent from Camelback Mountain.


“Larry’s going to live,” Gretchen said when she hung up the phone, incredulous that anyone could survive that fall. “His back is broken, but he was conscious, and he confessed. They released Nacho this morning.”

Gretchen sat at the kitchen table with her mother and Nina. Dogs and cats scampered underfoot.

Caroline clamped her hand to her chest. “You can’t imagine how frightened I was when I saw Larry’s car parked next to the trailhead. I knew he killed Martha, and I was afraid of what I would find up there. I never dreamed it was you.” She cupped Gretchen’s hands in her own.

“You saved my life,” Gretchen admitted. “I don’t know why I missed his car when I started the climb. I must have run right past it.”

“You wanted so badly to believe that you were on your way to meet your mother,” Nina said. “You weren’t thinking about anything else.”

Gretchen agreed. “I’m glad the police released Nacho. They could have charged him with obstruction.”

Caroline took a sip of tea. “When I asked him to stall for time, I didn’t expect him to take such a drastic step. But that’s Nacho…” Her voice trailed off.

Gretchen frowned. “Why did Martha have a note asking you to hide her French fashion doll if you already had the doll?”

“I wondered about that also,” Caroline said. “Martha left the doll in my workshop, and I think after she left, she must have realized that she forgot to leave the note. She ran into Larry on her way back, and he chased her up the trail, so she never had the chance to return and leave the note.”

“What about Joseph?” Gretchen said. “Why did he lie about the Kewpie?”

“I think he was simply afraid of involvement,” Caroline said. “He didn’t want his name added to the list of suspects.”

“Poor Julia,” Nina said. “She didn’t know a thing about it. I don’t know how she’ll run the shop with Larry in prison.”

“Julia’s tough,” Caroline said. “And the club members will help her through it.”

Nina chuckled. “Daisy almost fainted when she heard that she slept through all the excitement.”

Gretchen frowned in thought. “How did you get past the police at the airport? According to Matt Albright, officers were waiting for you.”

Caroline smiled. “I expected a welcoming committee, and I really didn’t want to explain from a jail cell so… let’s just say that Larry isn’t the only one who knows how to throw together a disguise. If Bonnie’s son hadn’t spent so much time drinking lemonade with you, he wouldn’t have been late, and he certainly would have recognized me the moment he saw me. I managed to scoot right past those other officers.”

“I think he likes you,” Nina said.

Nimrod gave a little yip from his poodle purse on the doorknob.