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“Yeah, we’ve been roughing it for a few days now,” Ethan remarked.

“Roughing it?” Richard laughed. “You’ve gone soft living at the Granite Mountain estates. This place is pure luxury. You have air conditioned rooms, a nice panoramic view of the mountains, and there’s plenty of ice for all your drinks.”

“You’re a funny guy,” Ethan retorted with a chuckle as he and Sean lifted up the wooden pole that their doe was tied to, and continued on. Richard and Josephine followed them on horseback until they reached the meadow where Dakota stopped to eat.

After Jake butchered his deer, he went over and helped Ethan and Sean with theirs, while a few clansmen started a fire to cook the meat. Richard looked on as his clan and Jake’s worked together seamlessly. It was obvious that the two had become one.

“What are you thinking about?” Josephine asked as she sat next to Richard by the large fire pit.

“I was thinking about the similarities of our existence now and how it compares to life a thousand years ago. It seems that our society has reverted back to a more primitive state where we live day by day. The funny thing is, that as I sit here watching everyone gathered around the campfire, I’ve come to realize that we don’t need that much to be happy. Once our basic needs are satisfied, we are just as content living like this as we were back when our lives were filled with all the modern conveniences we could buy,” Richard concluded.

“You know, I never gave it much thought, but you’re right. My life now seems just as fulfilling as it did when I was a pharmacist. It’s true that there are hardships living like this, but in return there is a certain level of pride in doing things for yourself and working closely with others. What I have given up in materialistic comforts, I have replaced with a deeper connection to nature and the members of our clan,” Josephine remarked, as she reached for Richards’s hand.

“That’s certainly true, and despite all of the unfortunate events that have occurred over the last year, had those not happened, I would have never met you,” Richard said with a smile as he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

“You know, it’s going to be awhile before they have everything cooked. We might have time for a nap?” Josephine remarked, uncertain if he was reading her intentions correctly.

“Are you inviting me to your quarters?” Richard asked, pretending to be confused by her offer.

“I am, if you are willing,” Josephine replied in a flirtatious tone.

“I still haven’t taken you out on a date or made good on my dinner promise,” Richard replied.

“We’ll call the horseback ride a date, and you can come back later and grab us some food when dinner is ready,” Josephine said with a promiscuous look.

“Room service it is,” Richard said with a smile as he followed her into the tunnel.

Early the next morning Richard pulled back the fur covers and quietly got out of bed, careful not to disturb her. Then he gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and pulled the covers back over her naked body. After quietly putting on his clothes, he made his way over to Dr. Stone’s room and searched it while he was out. After mulling through everything a couple of times, he tiptoed back down the tunnel to Josephine’s room.

“Where have you been?” she asked as he walked into her room.

“I went looking for the radio in Dr. Stone’s quarters,” Richard replied innocently.

“Did you find it?” Josephine asked.

“No, but he may have it hidden somewhere else,” Richard admitted.

“You searched his room, what more can you do?”

“I was thinking I might go look for his helicopter to see if the radio is still in it,” Richard suggested.

“After that, will you leave him alone?” she asked.

“If the radio is found, I’ll drop the issue,” Richard promised.

“You’re trip back to the old settlement comes with the risk of being captured by the Augs,” Josephine said with a disapproving look.

“I’ll be careful, and as promised, you are welcome to come with me,” Richard replied, but Josephine only glared at him and did not respond to his offer. “It’s just a quick trip to confirm my suspicions,” Richard added.

“I’m not going with you, it’s unfair to burden Dakota with two riders,” Josephine remarked.

“So you’re letting me go by myself?” Richard asked hesitantly.

“You are free to do what you want. If you’re asking whether or not I approve, I don’t. If you promise me that you will not engage the Augs if you see them, or do anything else heroic, then I will worry less in your absence,” Josephine replied.

“I can promise that,” Richard said.

“When are you planning to leave me?” Josephine asked.

“The sooner I go, the sooner I will be back in your arms,” Richard replied.

“Alright, then kiss me, and go if you must, but do not expect me to let you off this easily next time. A promise is a promise, and I will hold you to your word,” Josephine insisted.

“I love you,” Richard said as he kissed her good-bye.

Josephine remained in bed long after Richard had left. She was irritated with him, but at the same time she knew he would not rest until he found the radio. She also knew his instincts were sharp, and if he was concerned about something, it was likely for a good reason.

“Have you seen Richard?” Jake asked, when he saw Josephine coming out of her room.

“He left a little while ago,” she replied.

“Will he be back soon?” Jake asked.

“In a few days,” she sighed. “He’s gone back to the old settlement to look for Dr. Stone’s helicopter. Apparently, there is supposed to be a radio in it, but he’s concerned that Dr. Stone took it, and might use it to contact the Augs,” Josephine said in an unhappy tone.

“He doesn’t like him very much, does he?” Jake remarked.

“No. He blames him for the death of his friends and family,” Josephine replied.

“Well, Dr. Stone certainly has altered history, but if he had not invented augmentation, I’m sure someone other idiot would have,” Jake remarked.

“Perhaps, I just wish Richard would settle down,” Josephine said with a sigh.

“He is a good man, and I am happy the two of you are together. Unfortunately, he has dedicated his life to fighting the Augs, and that’s going to make him difficult to live with. On the bright side, if anyone has the strength to make the relationship work, it’s you,” Jake remarked.

“I just hope he stays out of trouble,” Josephine frowned.

“He’ll be fine, you’ll see,” Jake said as he patted her on the shoulder before leaving.

Chapter 14

Richard located the helicopter two miles southeast of the old settlement. After a brief search inside the chopper, he found the Satcom radio under the front seat on the floor. Richard turned the radio on and it automatically scanned the frequency spectrum for a satellite-linked signal. Within a few moments, the radio locked on to an open channel and Richard heard a few broken words through background noise.

“There’s another one… on the hill… fire!”

Richard climbed up on Dakota’s back and held the radio up in the air hoping the signal would improve.

“Just one left at bearing 237!”

“Roger that… target acquired… fire… that’s another kill for the 163rd!”

Richard’s couldn’t believe his ears, Augs never expressed emotion like that, and he knew they must have been human.

“Hello, hello… can you hear me?” Richard said as he depressed the transmit button on the side of the radio.

“Who is this?” a voice replied abruptly.

“This is Richard of the northern clan,” he responded, unsure how to properly identify himself.