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“I was afraid they would become more aggressive if I hit their production facility, but what choice did I have after they pushed us to the brink of extinction?” Richard admitted.

“You did the right thing, and your efforts might help us turn the tide. I am curious though, how have you eluded infection?” Captain Walker asked.

“We stumbled onto a small clan living pretty far south of the border that found a natural protectant. It’s an obscure little fern that if taken daily kills the larva before it has a chance to implant. The down side is that it also prevents females from becoming pregnant. Kind of a win-lose solution,” Richard remarked.

“Amazing… I wish we had known about that fern, then we could have gone down there and attacked the facility long ago.”

“Well, it’s in rubble now,” Richard added.

“What I can’t believe is that you and your friends pulled it off without any armored support,” Captain Walker admitted.

“We were very lucky, but we had the element of surprise, and we were also fortunate enough to have located the cache of weapons that you left behind in Simms. Those two things gave us the advantage we needed,” Richard said with a thankful smile.

“I noticed you had one of our rifles,” Captain Walker commented as he glanced at Richard’s side. “We hid the excess supplies there, thinking we could retrieve them at a later date, but it proved to be out of our reach. I’m sure glad you and your friends found them however.”

“It made all the difference,” Richard acknowledged. “So, you mentioned that there are other clans living further north?”

“Yeah, there are literally dozens of small groups living in the far northern parts of Canada. As I mentioned before, we have been using our radios to communicate information and help each other survive by trading food, medicines, fuel, you name it,” Captain Walker revealed.

“We tried to go north, but the mosquitoes over-took us and we ran out of food. That’s when I concocted the suicidal attack plan,” Richard said as he looked away.

“Perhaps your clan would like to come north and join with us?” Captain Walker offered.

“I appreciate the offer, but I doubt they will want to move. The clan just recently finished building a mountain stronghold out of the Aug’s reach,” Richard replied.

“Okay, but if things change, call me on your radio. Oh, and one more thing, if you ever do come north, be prepared to receive a hero’s welcome,” Captain Walker revealed.

“What are you talking about?” Richard replied in a confused tone.

“Whether you realize it or not, you have a considerable following. Your attack on the production facility gave people hope when they thought there was none, and united them against our enemy. People want to fight back against the Augs, Richard, but the leader they idolized is a distant rumor, a figment of their imagination. Without your direct involvement, the momentum will fade, and the clans will go their separate ways,” Captain Walker admitted.

“There is no way my actions have bolstered that kind of support, you’re kidding, right?” Richard scoffed.

“Not at all. If you come join with us, you will see the hope in their eyes and the will to fight in their hearts. You and I both know that we’re going to need every available person to come together in order to defeat the Augs,” Captain Walker pleaded.

“I will radio you when I get back to my clan and let you know if they are willing to join forces. I’m just not sure if they will want to leave after putting so much effort into the new settlement,” Richard replied.

“That’s understandable, but there is strength in numbers, and we can offer military grade support,” Captain Walker replied.

“I appreciate the offer, and I will contact you in a day or two to let you know the outcome,” Richard promised.

“I will be listening for you, but don’t divulge anything too important, when you use the radio, the Augs can hear us, just as we can hear them,” Captain Walker warned.

“Understood,” Richard replied as he whistled for Dakota to come over. As the horse approached, Richard noticed a strange expression on Captain Walker’s face and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I know that horse,” he replied as if he had just seen a ghost. Dakota neighed and flicked his ears, but he would not leave Richard’s side.

“You know him?” Richard asked.

“Yes, he was under my care at Fort Harrison. He was the base commander’s horse and I was one of his trainers. When the Augs sent out the order to turn in our horses at Great Falls for ‘processing’, I loaded him and the other seven cavalry horses into the trailer. Then I drove them towards Great Falls, but before I reached the city, I let them all go near the national forest. I was hoping they could make it on their own, but I never expected to see any of them again,” Captain Walker said as he stared at the cavalry brand on Dakota’s flank in disbelief.

Dakota snorted and stomped when Captain Walker touched his side, and it was clear he wasn’t going anywhere without Richard.

“He remembers me, but I think he remembers the hours of training I put him through more,” Captain Walker admitted as Dakota backed away from him.

“You don’t want him back do you?” Richard asked hesitantly.

“Oh gosh no, I have a tank to take me places,” Captain Walker joked. “I am curious though, did you also find the other horses?”

“No, I’m sorry he’s the only one, but I didn’t find him, Dakota found me. I spent a night in Simms on my way back from the production facility, and the next morning I woke to find him in the room with me. He hasn’t left my side since. I’m not overly familiar with horses, but he is a remarkable creature who has saved my life on several occasions,” Richard admitted as he rubbed Dakota’s neck.

“That’s odd, because he was the most ill tempered, stubborn horse I have ever had to train for the military. In fact, I am certain he liked to do things just to make me look bad on purpose,” Captain Walker exclaimed.

“Really? He’s always been such a help to me,” Richard said with a doubting look.

“Well maybe he’s changed his tune for you, but let me tell you what he did while I was in charge of him. One hot summer day I left I him tied up for moment outside the base commander’s office so I could refill his water trough. While I was gone, he untied his reigns, went inside the commander’s office, and dropped a steamy load of road apples right on his desk. You can only imagine the smell those created after a few hours in the heat. When the commander discovered the lovely gift, he thought I was playing a practical joke on him. Needless to say, I was cleaning latrines for a month after that incident. Another time he busted out of his paddock and led me on a thirty minute chase around the fort,” Captain Walker joked.

“I’m surprised you didn’t turn him into Great Falls for processing,” Richard replied with a laugh.

“Yeah, it crossed my mind, but in all truth you have to be a horse person to train them, so despite his efforts to humiliate me, he was never going to be Aug food.”

“Yeah, he’s a really good horse and I would be lost without him,” Richard said as he patted him again.

“Well Richard, it’s been a pleasure to meet you, but we had better get back before it gets too late. Remember what I said about your influence, and consider all that we might accomplish if we work together.”

“I will,” Richard replied. Then he hopped up on Dakota and headed south.

Chapter 15

Richard was anxious to get back to the clan and tell them about the Black Horse Troopers. He couldn’t wait to see the expressions on their faces when they realized they were not alone and that there were literally a dozen other clans living in Canada. Richard hoped that Jake and the others would want to join forces with the Black Horse Troopers, but he knew it would be a tough sell.