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“Come in Captain Walker, come in?” Richard said as he held the radio up to his ear.

“Go ahead, we’re receiving you loud and clear,” Captain Walker replied.

“We’re on our way,” Richard announced.

“Roger that, we’ll meet you at the same location as before. What’s your ETA?”

“Give us forty-eight hours to reach the rendezvous point, we’re on foot,” Richard replied.

“10-4, be advised that there is a winter storm advisory for the higher mountains. There are also reports that the Augs have mobilized additional tanks and artillery, so watch your step if you head out of the mountains to avoid the storm,” Captain Walker advised.

“Understood, I have some bad news…”

“Don’t say any more,” Captain Walker interrupted. The Augs may be listening. We’ll talk face to face soon enough…over and out.” Richard turned off the radio and just as he was about to go back in the tunnel, Josephine came running over to him.

“Thank God you’re alright,” she said with teary eyes.

“I’m fine,” Richard replied. “I was terrified that I had lost you when I saw what happened to the camp,” Richard exclaimed.

“When the first shells hit, most of us were already inside. Ethan and a couple others helped those who were not…” Josephine remarked as she wiped her face.

“They were all very brave, and saved many lives,” Richard replied as he held Josephine’s hand.

“Any luck?” Jake asked as he came out to check on them.

“Yes, I spoke to the leader of the Black Horse Troopers and they will meet us at the base of Chief Mountain. From there, they will take us north to their main encampment. They have advised me that the weather is supposed to deteriorate in the mountains over the next few days so we may be forced to drop into the foothills to avoid it,” Richard cautioned.

“Do you think it would wise to get within the Aug’s reach?” Jake replied.

“If the storm is bad, we may have no other choice.”

“Maybe we should wait until the storm passes?” Jake suggested.

“I think we should leave now. If the storm is as bad as it sounds, we’ll be stuck here if the passes get too much snow, ” Richard replied.

“Alright, I’ll let everyone know we’re heading out now.”

“You were right about Dr. Stone, he is an evil, vile man without a shred of decency,” Josephine admitted once Jake was gone.

“I am sorry he betrayed your trust, the next time I see him will be the last,” Richard promised.

“I think that would be best,” Josephine added with a vengeful tone in her voice.

After a few moments, Jake reappeared and one by one the survivors climbed out of the tunnel and got their first look at the destruction. Each one gasped as the moonlight revealed a landscape befitting another world. A few of them broke out in tears while others cried when they saw the bodies in the rubble.

“We’re ready to go… lead the way,” Jake announced once everyone was outside.

“Alright,” Richard replied, as he looked over the bedraggled group of shell-shocked survivors. “I know this attack has discouraged and disheartened many of you. I know the loss of Ethan, Mark, and Sue has dealt us yet another emotional blow, but we are not alone in this fight. There are dozens of clans to the north working together. We are going to join forces with them, and like the phoenix, we shall rise from the ashes and exact our revenge.” Richard felt as if his words of encouragement were lacking, but Josephine patted him on the back once they departed.

Chapter 16

Richard led the clan to the base of Mt. Gold where he decided to stop and let everyone rest for the remainder of the night. The following morning brought cooler temperatures and after the blue sky clouded over, it started to snow. Richard pushed on, hoping the snow would let up, but conditions only worsened. By midday, the ground was covered in six inches of heavy wet snow, and Richard stopped at a fork in the trail to assess the situation.

“Are you’re still planning to follow the divide trail?” Jake asked as he made his way over to Richard.

“No, the storm is getting worse, I’m going to head down into the foothills so we can avoid the worst of it,” he replied.

“I thought Captain Walker said the Augs had increased their patrols along the foothills?” Jake questioned.

“They have, but freezing to death is not an option that I’m willing to consider. All we have left from the attack on Granite Mountain is a few thin animal skin tents, and some worn out blankets. That’s not enough to protect us if the temperature really drops overnight,” Richard insisted.

“I think we should continue along the divide trail, we are over halfway to the meeting place, and the weather doesn’t seem all that bad. Besides, we don’t know how long the Black Horse Troopers will wait for us,” Jake argued.

“I’d rather be late, than not arrive at all!” Richard replied.

“Why risk being captured by the Augs? Let’s push on as originally planned,” Jake contended.

“I’m not going to fight the weather, we’re dropping down out of the mountains now!” Richard insisted.

“I’m not,” Jake replied in an insolent tone. “Staying along the divide is far better than being attacked by the Augs again.”

“Jake you have asked me to lead the clan, yet you’re questioning my every move, why is that?” Richard asked.

“I don’t want to be captured by the Augs, and we don’t have the firepower to repel them,” Jake replied.

“I think you’re overreacting, the odds are we won’t even see any Augs since we’re only going to be down there for one night,” Richard asserted.

“Bull shit, you’re leading us right towards them, and I won’t be part of it. The safest route is through the mountains where we can’t be captured or killed,” Jake said in an angry tone.

“Pull yourself together!” Richard replied sharply. “The storm is more likely to kill us than the Augs!”

“Screw you! I’d rather stay up here where it’s safe than follow you down into the enemies’ lair!” Jake retorted.

“I’m not going to argue with you, do what you want!” Richard replied, throwing his hands up into the air.

Jake stormed off, and then after a few minutes of cursing, he waved his arms and shouted for the clan to gather around him.

“Richard wants to head down into the foothills where we are almost certain to be captured or killed by the Augs. I think we should stay up here and face the storm rather than the Augs. Now who’s with me?” Jake said in an optimistic tone. A dozen or so clan members raised their hands until Richard stepped in and interrupted the spectacle.

“Jake may want to face the storm, but it’s a risky plan. We do not have an adequate number of tents, blankets, and warm clothing to protect us if the storm gets worse. The best course of action is to drop down into the foothills and avoid the worst of it. Yes, we will be within the Aug’s reach, but I believe the risk of discovery is very low. I leave it up to each of you to decide which path is best, but remember, the smaller the group, the lower our chances of survival,” Richard warned.

Jake stormed around in a circle like a vulture waiting to land while the clan members talked amongst themselves. Then he blurted out, “I’m not going down there, follow me if you want to live, or follow Richard if you want to die!” Then he abruptly broke away from the group and started heading north along the divide trail. Four clan members followed after him, but as Jake looked back over his shoulder to see who was loyal, his son Sean was noticeably absent from the group. “What’s wrong Sean,” Jake yelled out in a hostile tone. “Are you afraid of a little snow?” Sean looked over at Richard without responding. “Fine, stay behind you little pussy, but Richard is leading you to your death, you’ll see. Don’t forget what happened to your brother Matt, he followed Richard too!” Sean did not budge. He loved his father, but he was acting irrational, and his gut instinct was telling him to trust Richard. As he stood there stewing in feelings of guilt and betrayal, an icy blast of wind and snow obscured his view, and when the wind subsided, his father was gone.