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“You made the decision,” Richard said in a fatherly tone. “Two weeks ago I was caught in a storm much like this one, and had it not been for Dakota, I might not have made it.”

“That’s what I don’t understand about my dad, he knows just how dangerous the weather can be, yet he’s going right into the worst of it. It’s not like him to be so irresponsible, and endanger the lives of others just to prove a point. I think he might be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder resulting from the attack last night,” Sean concluded.

“Has your father ever been in a major attack like that before?” Richard asked.

“No, we’ve had a few skirmishes with the Augs near the old settlement, but they always tucked tail and ran when we fired at them. I guess the combination of the attack last night coupled with the news about Matt must have affected him more than anyone realized,” Sean surmised.

“After we drop down into the foothills and set up camp, I’ll take Dakota back up and see if I can catch up with them. Maybe I can convince them to turn around before it’s too late,” Richard offered.

“That would mean a lot to me…. perhaps he will have come to his senses by then,” Sean replied with a concerned look on his face.

“I hope so,” Richard said as he patted Sean on the shoulder. Then he led the remainder of the clan down the trail leading towards the foothills.

“What was that all about?” Josephine asked as they walked along together.

“Jake and a few others refused to go with us,” he replied.

“I know, but why?”

“Jake thinks we will be captured by the Augs if we camp in the foothills tonight.”

“See Richard, I told you he was acting strange and making irrational decisions while you were gone,” Josephine remarked.

“You were right, he is not himself. Sean seems to think it’s post traumatic stress resulting from the loss of his son and the attack on the settlement,” Richard replied.

“I would agree. He thought we were invincible up there. You can’t imagine all the hard work he poured into that settlement, just to see it all wiped away in one attack. It was a devastating blow to his ego, and I think it left him feeling vulnerable and exposed,” Josephine concluded.

“I was thinking I might go back for him once we settle in for the night… it would mean a lot to Sean,” Richard said in a hesitant tone.

“You promised that you would not leave me. Let Sean go after his dad if he wants to, but you should stay with the clan. They need someone to reassure them that things will be alright during this difficult time,” Josephine insisted.

“Okay, but Sean will have to take Dakota if he’s going to have any chance of catching up with them,” Richard replied.

“Are you okay with that?” Josephine asked.

“It’s up to Dakota. I think he’ll let Sean ride him, but if not, I’m not going to force him,” Richard replied.

“You’re giving Dakota the same amount of respect as a person?” Josephine questioned.

“He deserves it, horses have suffered as much, or even more than we have,” Richard remarked.

“You’re good person,” Josephine said as she reached for Richard’s hand.

“I’m just trying to do what’s right,” he replied.

“That’s all anyone can ask of you,” Josephine said as they continued down the trail.

The snow gradually let up once they reached the foothills, but Richard pushed on a little further. He wanted to find a sheltered location that would be easy to defend in case the Augs got lucky and actually found them.

“What do think of this spot?” Richard asked when they came upon a small flat-toped knoll that was surrounded by a mixture of fir and pine trees on three sides and a small creek on the other.

“It looks good to me,” Josephine replied.

“Alright everyone, let’s set up here for the night, then we’ll head back into the mountains come morning. If anyone wants my help just ask,” Richard said as he started to unpack his things. A few minutes later Sean came over and stood in front of Josephine’s and Richard’s half erected tent.

“What can I help you with?” Richard asked when he noticed him.

“Are you still planning to go back up after my dad?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, my responsibilities are with the clan, so I’m not going to be able to go. If Dakota will let you ride him, then you are more than welcome to take him and head back up there yourself,” Richard offered.

“I would like to go, but I haven’t ridden a horse in years,” Sean replied.

“Well let’s see if Dakota will let you up on him before we commit to anything more,” Richard said as he whistled a couple of times. Dakota came trotting over and then rested his head on Richard’s shoulder. “Now Dakota, I want you to take Sean for a ride,” Richard said in soft voice. Dakota flicked his ears back and forth as Sean gently grabbed his mane and pulled himself up. Once Sean was firmly seated Richard led Dakota over to the trail and took him up it a short distance. “What do you think?” Richard asked as he looked up a Sean.

“I think I’m good,” Sean replied.

“Okay, he’s a very smart horse, just give him a light tug on the side of his mane in the direction you want to go, and he’ll do the rest. If you want him to stop just pull back on his mane, be firm but gentle. Talk to him, and reassure him if he starts to get edgy. If you find your dad, tell him we found a safe place to camp and try to convince him to come join us. If the storm gets worse, come back immediately. I don’t want to lose you, or Dakota,” Richard exclaimed.

“I’ll come back before dark either way,” Sean promised.

“Good luck, I’ll see you soon,” Richard said as he watched Dakota and Sean disappear up the trail.

“Did Sean leave?” Josephine asked when Richard returned to the tent.

“Yeah,” Richard sighed.

“So Dakota let Sean ride him?”

“He did,” Richard replied with a look of disappointment.

“And your short answers to my questions must mean you are worried about them?” Josephine surmised.

“Yes, you know me all too well,” Richard replied, as he finished helping her erect the tent.

“Well, try not to worry. I’ve known Sean for many years, and he is an experienced outdoorsman. He may be soft spoken, but on the inside he is a survivor just like you and I,” Josephine said as she encouraged him to come to bed.

After several hours, Richard crawled out of his sleeping bag and quietly left the tent. Then he paced around the camp anxiously as the cloudy sky slowly darkened.

“What’s wrong?” Josephine asked when she saw him peek in at her.

“They’re still not back,” he replied in distraught tone. “I’m going to go up the trail a little bit and see if I can find them.”

“It’s getting dark, I’ll come with you,” Josephine replied as she retrieved her coat. As they started up the trail, a figure came running down towards them through the darkness. Richard immediately reached for his pulse rifle until he realized it was Sean.

“What happened? Where’s Dakota?” Richard yelled out.

“Dakota got spooked and bucked me off several miles up the trail,” Sean replied in a distressed tone.

“Why?” Richard demanded.

“He smelled something, or saw something, I don’t really know… but he dumped me off, and then galloped away. I tried to follow after him, but he was just too fast,” Sean replied as his eyes began to water.