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"And don't get big headed thinkin' I wanted to sleep with you, because I pretended you were Damien the whole time up there," I said sweetly then walked out the door and slammed it behind me.

"You fucking slut!" I heard Dominic's voice roar.

I heard his brothers shout at each other to grab him. The noise of them shouting stopped when I got a good bit away from his house.

I was so mad at myself; I should have known better than to go to his house. He was just another typical slimy lad who thought about nothing but having sex, and he thought that defending me would get him into my knickers. The fucking sad fact was that if Alec hadn't walked into the bedroom, he would have gotten into my knickers.

Apparently I was that easy!

I was fuming mad all the way home from school, and when I finally did get home, I was completely soaked and freezing. I groaned when I walked into the kitchen of mine and my sister's house.

"Hey," I said to her.

Branna looked at me with a smile on her face only for it to drop and her eyes to widen.

"What the hell happened to your face, Bronagh?" she shouted when I entered the kitchen. She pushed away from her laptop and ran towards me.

I sighed and shook out my body.

"Put the kettle on, it's a long story."

I was the first person in class the next morning, which was the usual. The classroom door was unlocked, so I walked in and sat in my usual seat at my usual desk. I took out my iTouch, put my earphones in my ears, took out a notepad from my bag, and started doodling out some pumpkins, ghosts, and other random scary things. Halloween was only two weeks away. I didn't like the holiday at all, but I was bored and just felt like drawing them.

I yawned after a moment; I was up for ages last night telling Branna about the twins and what my life had been like since they started at school. Branna found some of mine and Dominic's interactions amusing, but she didn't like what he did yesterday. The whole trying to get sex out of me in order to hurt me for hurting him with thumb tacks. She also didn't like what Jason did to me; I had to talk her out of going to his house and beating him with a hammer.

I assured her Dominic's beating was punishment enough. It took her awhile, and even though she wanted to hurt him, she accepted it and put the hammer back in her tool box.

After my yawn, I rubbed my eyes only to hiss in pain. Thanks to Dominic's elbow in the face yesterday my cheekbone and eye were bruised; I actually had a black eye. I didn't know how it was black and blue since he hit me in the cheek but whatever, it was bruised, and there wasn'thin' I could do to hide it. Not even makeup could be applied because it was too painful to touch, so I would be baring all to see.

I didn't even bother to try and hide it by framing my face with my hair because it would still be visible, so I bit another bullet and French plaited my hair back, keeping my hair tight to my head and completely out of my face.

I heard the class bell ring at the same time some students walked into the classroom, and as usual, I didn't look up or acknowledge anyone. I continued to scribble on my notebook but when a shadow fell over my desk, I glanced to my left.

It was only Alannah passing my table by, but when I looked to the left it was at the exact moment Dominic stepped into the classroom with his arm around Destiny's shoulder.

Seriously? He was going to parade around with another girl not even twenty hours after he almost successfully seduced me?

And that fucker had the nerve to call me a slut.

I couldn't help the snort that erupted out of me. Dominic looked at me the same time I snorted, and it gave me a perfect look at his face. His chin was bruised and so was a little of his cheek. Above his eyebrow was cut and bruised also. He looked practically perfect for someone who was in a fight while I got hit once and had the mother of all black eyes.

Typical, fucking typical.

Dominic's eyes were directly on my black eye while he stared at me. Destiny got his attention though when she tickled his belly.

Yes, she actually tickled his belly.

I snorted again as I turned back to my notebook and continued scribbling away. I only looked up when I heard Miss McKesson's voice over my music, so I took out my earphones.

She was calling out names while ticking them off on the attendance sheet.

"Bronagh Murphy," she called out.

"Here," I replied.

She looked up, smiled at me then gasped and actually dropped her pen to the floor.

"What happened to you?" she asked as she moved over to me.

Even though I had a black eye, nobody but Dominic noticed it since I had only looked at him. My other classmates didn't pay attention to me because that was the norm; I didn't bother with them, and they didn't bother with me. Thanks to Miss McKesson though, everyone was looking at me now.

"Holy shite, Bronagh, that's some shiner," Alannah's voice said from my left.

I nodded, because she was right; it was a hell of a shiner.

I looked at Miss McKesson and smiled. "I'm fine, it's nothin'."

"It's not nothin', you have a black eye for goodness sake," she breathed.

I smiled again; her concern was nice.

"I'm honestly fine; it was just a misunderstandin', the other person is dead now."

That lightened up the tension because everyone, including Miss McKesson, chuckled. The tension came right back when she looked around the room and gasped as she looked to the back.

"Nico, what happened to you… this time?" she gasped, again.

I wanted to laugh at the 'this time' part of her question. She knew he was a troublemaker considering the amount of times he rolled into school with bruises and whatnot on his face over the last five, almost six, weeks. His fight with Jason was the only one I had heard of him being in since he and his brother started here so where he got all the bruises from was beyond me.

"Nothin', just shitty decision makin' on my part. Chose to defend someone who wasn't worth it, it was my mistake."

I gritted my teeth and muttered, "You are a mistake."

I didn't mean for this to be audible but it was and my classmates actually oh'd. I meant that Dominic was my mistake and that kissing him was a mistake, but the class probably thought I meant his existence was a mistake, which right now, honestly wasn't that far off the bat with the way I was feeling.

Miss McKesson looked between myself and Dominic for a few moments. "The two of you stay after class."


I wanted to protest, but her tone was a serious one, so I just sighed and put my earphones back in. Class flew by; I noticed Damien entering class about thirty minutes late with another girl from class, Lexi Mars. I was instantly disgusted by the state of her hair and clothes and the shit-eating grin Damien was sporting.

That girl and Damien - because I heard from passing conversations that he had shagged multiple girls since moving here - were the definition of a slut, not me.

When class ended, I didn't move from my seat. I waited for everyone to leave before I took out my earphones.

"As much as the students of this school think us teachers are stupid, we aren't. We heard about the altercation between you and Jason after school yesterday, Nico. Care to explain what that was over?"

"It was over Bronagh," Dominic answered seconds later.