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I humourlessly laughed. "No, he stuck his nose in other people's business then blamed it on me because he didn't get what he wanted out of the situation."

"And what did he want out of the situation?" Miss McKesson asked.

I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

Did she really expect me to have a heart to heart with her?

"A lovin' hug," I replied sarcastically.

She looked at Dominic then flicked her eyes between us. "I don't know what is goin' on between you both but sort it out between yourselves and don't bring any more violence into it. No more fightin', leave each other alone if you can't get along, understand?"

I saluted her which made her roll her eyes.

"Go on, the pair of you, get to class."

I stood up and pushed my chair into my desk then quickly left the classroom. The hallways were already emptying because second period had already started, so I quickened my pace until I was pulled back by the arm, bringing me to a halt.

"What's the rush, pretty girl?"

I jerked my arm free from Dominic's hold and started walking to class again.

"Don't fuckin' touch me, you dick," I snapped.

Dominic snorted and caught up with me. "You wanted my dick buried in you to the hilt yesterday, didn't you?"

"Damien's, not yours," I corrected trying not to blush with embarrassment of what was the truth. I did want him yesterday.

What I just said about Damien was an honest to God lie, but Dominic didn't need to know that. I wasn't attracted to Damien at all, even though he was Dominic's clone.

Dominic laughed, clearly amused. "No, you wanted my cock, I could smell how wet you were for me-"

I whirled around and jumped for him, intending to break something on his body, but he caught me mid-air, turned us both, and pressed me against the wall in the corridor. My tiptoes were touching the ground, but not fully because Dominic's body was pressed between my legs, literally pinning me against the wall.

"I like aggressive bitches," Dominic grinned as he brought his bruised face to mine.

"Get off me, now! Miss McKesson said you have to stay away from me!" I snapped.

Dominic smiled and looked down to where his body was pressed against mine. "I'm thinking you're enjoying this, babe."

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm not your babe, your possession, or your aggressive bitch. I'm nothin' to you, now let me go!"

Dominic snorted. "Don't think too highly of yourself, babe. I wanted to get laid by the ice-cold bitch that roams these school's hallways. I wanted to see if the only bit of heat in you was located deep, deep in your pussy-"

"You bastard! I hate you, get off me!" I hissed and tried to slap him, but he grabbed my hands with his.

He rotated his pelvis into me, still grinning. "Give it a minute, I'll get you good and wet enough so I can smell-"

"Oh my God, shut the fuck up!" I growled. "That was a mistake, you said so yourself so just forget it. Let go of me and stay the fuck away from me."

Dominic laughed as he let me drop and watched me stumble a little. He stepped backwards and gestured me towards class with his hands. "I like messing around with you too much to stay away from you, babe." He winked.

"You're a vile, disgustin' creature," I snarled to him as I turned and stormed down the corridor, ignoring some lingering students who got an eyeful and earful of that 'conversation'.

"A vile, disgusting creature who you near enough fucked yesterday!" Dominic called out after me just as I opened the woodwork room door.

Everyone heard him, even Mr. Kelly.

I slammed the door shut behind me. "Move him to a different worktop, sir. I swear to God, I'll stab him if you don't!" I stated to Mr. Kelly, who was just looking at me with wide eyes.

When the door opened to the woodwork room and Dominic strolled in, he headed for my desk, but Mr. Kelly quickly got up to intercept him.

"Actually, Nico, switch seats with Gavin for today. Bronagh seems to be very cross with you, son."


"Sure thing, sir," Dominic replied happily.

The horrible fucking bastard.

I was fuming while I shoved my bag under my desk and stormed to the back room to get an apron. When I came back out, the lads in the room, including Dominic and the sir, were looking at me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothin'," they all replied in unison and busied themselves with whatever was in front of them.

I glared at them all before moving to the supply room and retrieving my wood that I hid so Dominic wouldn't use them on me. He didn't mess with any of my projects, but I wasn't taking any risks, so I hid my stuff just incase.

When I re-entered the room, nobody paid me any attention, which was good so I went to my worktop and penciled out a design on the wood, marking where I would have to saw and sand.

Gavin took his time moving over to my desk.

"Hey, Bronagh." He smiled.

I returned his smile, because it seemed genuine.

"Hey, Gav," I replied, shocking myself that I used the nickname I've heard the other lads in class call him.

I was allowed to call him that though, since he was technically my first proper kiss ever.

"Are you okay? You seem pretty heated."

I sighed. "I'm fine, just that American prick annoyin' me."

Gavin snorted at me, which made me grin; it was nice that someone else agreed Dominic was a prick.

"You do know what he is sayin' to the lads back there, don't you?" Gavin murmured.

I looked to the back of the room and noticed some of the lads were gathered around Dominic, grinning and knuckle touching him.

"What's he sayin'?" I asked.

"That he was very close to findin' heat in you. He called you an ice-cold bitch. Pretty obvious he was sayin' he almost fucked you."

I gaped at Gavin's bluntness then quickly composed myself. "He is lyin'. We kissed, but it was a horrible mistake. He is just blowin' it out of proportion!"

Gavin looked at me for a moment then nodded. "I believe you, he is probably just sore that he didn't get to go all the way with you. His ego is clearly takin' it bad; that's why he is bein' a prick."

I snorted. "He is naturally a prick," I said making Gavin laugh which got the prick's attention.

I looked at Dominic and noticed him glaring at Gavin's back before switching his gaze on me, winking at me and blowing me a kiss.

"Fuck you," I snarled in his direction.

"Now or later?" he replied.

The lads in the class laughed, and laughed hard. I couldn't help it when my eyes filled with tears, so I looked down and quickly grabbed my bag while they fell down my cheeks.

"Bronagh," Gavin sighed when he heard me sniffle.

I didn't look to him or anyone else as I practically ran out of class. I didn't even ask the sir for permission, I just left.

"Nice goin', man. Does makin' girls cry get you hard or somethin'?"

"Fuck you, asshole. Don't be inserting yourself into my business, and while you're at it, don't look or even talk to Bronagh again, I'll kick your ass otherwise."

I didn't hear what Gavin said in response to Dominic. I only heard Mr. Kelly's voice roaring for them to stop whatever it was they were currently doing and to get away from each other.

I was walking briskly down the hallway when I heard a loud bang sound from behind me.


I jumped as I looked over my shoulder; Dominic was jogging towards me. I screamed; I didn't know why but I did, and I did it loudly. Another bang sounded and this time Gavin and Mr. Kelly as well as my other classmates poured from the woodwork room.