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"Come on, Drake!" I cheered, making Branna whoop and some people around us chuckle.

There was a low chant of Drake that somehow turned into The Destroyer, and that got the announcer's attention.

"Seems as though Drake has got his fighting nickname, he is The Destroyer," the voice boomed getting loud screams in return.

We started to chant 'The Destroyer'.

Drake seemed to get a boost of confidence from our chanting because he speared Dominic to the ground and began pounding on him.

"Woohoo," I cheered and clapped my hands together.

Every punch Drake landed on Dominic, in my mind, was payback for all the bullshit he had put me through since he first started school with his brother.

My smile was wiped from my face when Dominic got his leg up under Drake and kicked his body off him. Dominic jumped to his feet and kicked Drake to the floor when he tried to stand back up. Dominic pounced on him then and unleashed a series of bullet fast punches to Drake's guarded head and unguarded chest and stomach. I had seen him like this before when he fought with Gavin in school, it was like he lost it completely and went crazy with punches and other hits.

"Whoa! Nico is goin' on a bit of a rampage here, this might be over quick folks!" the voice stated.

The chant 'Rampage' was heard then, and I instantly knew that was going to be Dominic's fight nickname. It made me scowl, because it was a good nickname that suited him.

I glared hard at Dominic's back that was now covered in a layer of sweat. One punch later, and the same beep that started the fight, ended it.

Dominic got off Drake and turned his body in my direction; his eyes found me, and he glared hard at me while smirking at my shocked expression. I couldn't believe he just destroyed The Destroyer!

"Rampage wins; The Destroyer cannot continue. Give it up for, RAMPAGE!"

I scoffed while everyone around me went crazy; Dominic lifted his arms above his head in victory as he continued to smirk down at me.

I gave him the finger and mouthed, "Fuck you!"

He winked at me, which I scoffed at again then turned to Branna, who was looking between myself and Dominic with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked her.

"He purposely looked at you after he kicked the shite outta that lad. I think he has a thing for you."

I rolled my eyes. "He just wanted to make sure I saw him win. He is a cocky bastard like that," I assured her to which she shrugged in response.

When Dominic and a battered Drake got down from the platform, the voice announced two more fighters that looked older than Dominic and Drake. It continued like this for two more fights until all the fights were over. I was shocked that I was cheering and screaming when whoever I was rooting for won or lost. It was exciting in a twisted sort of way; I mean I was getting enjoyment out of lads kicking the shite out of each other but so was everyone else here. I wasn't alone; they were all just as sick and twisted as me.

When the fights were over, it was past two in the morning because aside from Dominic's fight, there were no knockouts until twenty minutes or more into each fight. Yeah, that's right, these things actually went on that long.

My vision was making me see double and my head was dizzy so I got a glass of water from the bartender before Branna and I started to leave. I came to the conclusion that I was drunk when I fell walking up the stairs of Darkness and then burst out laughing. Branna was drunk as well, but she seemed to be walking fine and only laughing a little when I did or said something stupid.

"Come on, let's get home," Branna announced when we got outside.

I waved to Skull, who didn't look so much like a serial killer to me anymore with his smiling, happy face. "That was deadly!" I shouted to him.

He laughed and waved. "Get home safe, ladies."

"We will." Branna waved back to him.

Branna had her arm around me as we walked down the path with people in front and behind us.

"Hey babe," a voice said from my left.

I looked to the voice and instantly beamed.

"Drake!" I shouted. "You're The Destroyer! I saw you fight tonight; you were deadly!"

His face was pretty busted up but he was still smiling, which meant he couldn't be hurting that bad. "I got me arse handed to me but thanks, I'll get better once I get a decent practice routine."

I nodded my head. "I bet you will."

He grinned at me and glanced to Branna. "Do you and your friend wanna come to a party?"

Branna perked up. "A party? Where?" she asked making Drake chuckle.

"In Upton, Nico is havin' a party to celebrate his win tonight."

I instantly scowled. "We can't go."

Drake frowned. "Why?" he asked.

"Because Dominic and I hate each other plus me sister here punched him in the face earlier tonight so we won't be invited," I snorted then cracked up when Branna cackled when she remembered what she did.

"I'm sure Nico won't mind you comin'," Drake continued as his eyes flicked over my shoulder.

I was chuckling now. "No, seriously, he would mind a lot."

"I wouldn't mind at all, pretty girl."

I froze.

Why did he appear at the most unnecessary times?

Seriously, he was like fucking herpes.

"Go fuck yourself, Dominic."

Drake raised his eyebrows as he looked over my shoulder and asked, "She your misses, man?"

I erupted into laughter like what he said was the funniest thing ever.

"His misses? In his fuckin' dreams-"

"Yeah, she's mine."

Drake nodded his head, though he didn't look happy anymore. "I'll catch you around then, babe. See you back at yours, man."

"Yeah bro, later."

I spun around, taking Branna with me, to face Dominic… and all his brothers.

I glared at all of them, except Damien, and then lifted my free hand that wasn't wrapped around Branna and pointed it into Dominic's red and slightly swollen face while he folded his arms across his chest and looked at me with a raised eyebrow and smirk playing on his swollen lips.

"Listen here, y-you little cock suckin' cunt, I am not yours. I am n-not anythin' to you and if you so much as hint t-that I am again, I'll kick the shite outta you and then stab you in the e-eye with a pen-"

I cut myself off when I heard Branna heave and felt her body droop.

"No Branna, don't do this. Don't you p-puke on me or die, I can't carry you home; I'm w-weak as shite!"

When I heard the lads laugh, I looked up and growled.

"Fuck all of you, except you Damien, you're n-nice," I said, making Damien laugh and Dominic growl.

"Give me her, I'll carry her back to the house."

I looked at Ryder when he spoke. "Eh, no, she thinks you're a p-prick - as do I - and will punch you if she realises you're w-with her."

Ryder smirked and looked down to Branna as he said, "I'll take my chances."

I rolled my eyes and swayed a little because the movement made me feel dizzy again.

"I got you."

I felt the weight of Branna's body leave my arms, and I forced my eyes open and glared at the silver ones staring down at me. "Let. Me. Go," I growled.

"Okay," Dominic said and let me go, only to grab me again when my knees buckled from under me.

He laughed as he lifted me up and held me against his hard body. "Looks like you need me, pretty girl."