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I hated when he called me that, it was a stupid nickname.

"I don't even look p-pretty," I replied, groggily overlooking the comment about me needing him, there was no way in hell I would admit to that. Ever.

Dominic's reply was a chuckle as he hoisted me into his arms and carried me off somewhere. My last coherent thought before everything went black was that Dominic was going to cut me and my sister up into little pieces, and his brothers would help.

Except Damien, because he was nice.


That was all I could feel in my head and body as I blinked my eyes open only to squeeze them shut seconds later. It wasn't bright; my room was actually dark indicating the curtains were pulled, so that wasn't what hurt my head. No, the pounding in my head was caused by my own doing, and the nasty taste in my mouth pretty much confirmed I did this to myself.

Alcohol, I thought, and almost wished bad things upon Branna for taking me out last night.

I relaxed into my bed, stirring a little but carefully sat up.

"Branna?" I called.

The last thing I remembered from last night was Ryder offering to help me with her. I remembered Dominic talking to me but then things went black.

"Lie back down, I wasn't done cuddling that body of yours yet," a husky male voice said, making me scream at the top of my lungs.

I scrambled off my bed only to fall from the bed and land arse first on the floor. I cried out in pain but quickly got to my feet with my arms raised ready to fight off my attacker.

"Are you actually planning to fight me with your eyes closed?" the voice asked, sounding amused now.

I forced my eyes to fully open, and when they landed on the owner of the voice, I gasped and then screamed again.

"What… what am I… what am I-"

"You're currently stuttering which is making it hard to understand you. Your accent is thick as it is, add stuttering to the loop, and you're practically speaking Chinese."

I was offended.

"Fuck you," I snapped. "What am I doin' here? In your house, in your room, in your fuckin' bed?"

Dominic grinned, and my stomach lurched at the sight.

"Please, don't tell me we… we… did… it."

"It? What would it be, pretty girl?" Dominic asked as he raised both his hands behind his head and grinned at me.

I hated that my eyes flicked down to his chest; I could see his arm muscles flex as they were raised behind his head and also the tattoo that curled from around his back onto the side of his waist, up to his shoulder and down his right arm.

"Enjoying the view?"

I snapped my eyes up to Dominic's and glared. "Did we have sex?" I growled.

Dominic fully smiled. "No, we didn't. If we did, you would remember it because you would have been fully sober during it."

I let out a huge breath of relief.

I didn't have sex with him, thank God.

"Thank you, Jesus," I said to the heavens then looked back down and snarled at Dominic, who was sizing me up with his eyes.

"How dare you put me in your bed when I wasn't in me right mind? How fuckin' dare you-"

"How dare I?" Dominic suddenly snapped and jumped from the bed to his feet and stalked towards me.

I was pissed at him, but I noticed he was in just his boxers and that he had a couple of bruises on his chest, shoulders, and his face. They were all obviously from the fight last night.

"You were the one who was so drunk she couldn't stand. You were trying to help your sister when you could barely stand yourself. And just so you know, bitch, you wanted in my bed instead of partying downstairs with everyone else. You told me you wanted me to sleep with you and hold you. You asked for that, not fucking me."

I was wide-eyed by the time he finished speaking; my throat felt a little dry as I swallowed.

"I don't believe you-"

"Well, you better start because it's true!" he growled as he got in my space and lowered his head to mine, scaring the crap out of me.

"I was drunk, so that's why I said whatever I did last night. I can't remember it so it didn't happen-"

"It happened, and you liked it. You fucking purred when I cuddled you."

I purred?

What the fuck did he think I was, a cat?

"Humans don't purr-"

"Baby, you made a rumbling purr sound because you were so relaxed and content in my arms. Whether you like it or not, you enjoyed sleeping with me!"

I narrowed my eyes to slits. "I was drunk."

"That's your excuse? You acted like you did because you were drunk?"

Eh, yes!

"Obviously, Dominic, I can't stand you so I would have to be drunk out of me mind to willingly crawl into your bed and want you to touch me!"

His silver eyes flared.

"Fuck you, Bronagh, you're being a real cunt-"

I punched him, directly in the face. I surprised myself with my sudden action of violence, but I couldn't stop it.

No motherfucker called me a cunt!

I didn't even care if he hit me back, it wouldn't be about a male hitting a female because at this stage I put my hands on him more than any person should to another person, but this prick asked for it.

I turned to storm out of Dominic's room, but a hand gripping my hair hard and an arm came around my waist, halting my movements.

"Let me go!" I shouted, my hands flying to grab the hand on my hair.

"No," he growled in my ear, "because you hit me again."

"You called me a cunt, so I don't give a flyin' fuck!" I screamed.

His teeth, yes, his teeth, latched onto my neck and bit down. I knew it wouldn't have been hard enough to break the skin, but it hurt; it hurt a fucking lot.

I screamed again and swung my hands back, punching at any piece of him I could hit.

"I'll kill you!" I swore.

He suddenly released me with his mouth and hands, so I swirled around and literally jumped on him with my hands swinging.

We collided and fell back onto his bed; I was on top for about three seconds before Dominic rolled us over and pinned me under him. I was acutely aware that I was in just my dress from last night, and it had risen up to the very top of my thighs showing off my underwear and bare thighs.

"Blue lacy? I would have pegged you for the granny type of panties-"

"Get off!" I screamed and tried to kick him since he had my arms pinned down, but he pressed himself between my legs to stop me from hurting him that way.

"Calm down, you aren't doing any good acting like a psychopathic bitch-"

"Oh, my God, do you know anythin' about women or people in general? Don't insult someone when tryin' to calm them down because it has the opposite effect you fuckin' retard!"

I ignored the fact that I should take my own advice because Dominic was just as mad as me right now and calling him names wouldn't make him any happier.

He shook his head, hissing at me. "I could honestly throttle you right now, you're un-fucking-real!"

"If it wasn't illegal, I'd murder you!" I snarled back.

Dominic's lip curled then before he shook his head and chuckled lightly. "Right back at ya, pretty girl."

I growled, and he glared back at me.

He lowered his head down to mine, and I held my breath when the tip of his nose touched mine, making my heart pound into my chest.