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"I shagged Nico last night," she said as casually as saying hello.

Why the hell did that feel like being kicked in the stomach?

"Congratulations," I said forcing my tone to come off as flat and bored.

Destiny cocked an eyebrow. "You aren't bothered that I shagged your fella?"

"He is not me fella and regardless of what you seen on Saturday and what Dominic is sayin', I didn't have sex with him." I was going to move around her when I paused and glared at her. "And it's disgustin' that you thought he was me boyfriend and yet you're actin' so proud that you shagged him. Honestly, why would you brag about being a slut and a home wrecker?" I questioned.

I wished I had kept my mouth shut, because I knew she was going to shout at me before she even opened her mouth.

"I am not a slut, you're just jealous of me!" she screamed.

The whole hall went quiet. I felt my hand twitch and my blood boil, how fucking dare she scream in my face and say I was jealous of her.

"Are you jokin'? You bragged only last week that you rode five lads in the one week. If that isn't a slut, then I don't know what is! And why in God's name would I be jealous of you? You just openly told me you shagged Dominic last night even though you thought I was his girlfriend, you're a pathetic, STD riddin' little knacker and if you don't get out of me face, I'm goin' to-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence because with a roar she came at me, but unlike last time when I was attacked, I wasn't unsuspecting and afraid, I was ready and mad. I lifted my arms and shoved Destiny back away from me and leaned my head to the left, avoiding the hand that reached out to grab me. She landed back on her arse with a thud.

"Cat fight!" one of the lads shouted.

"Stop!" Mr. Rivers yelled.

"First and last warnin', stay the fuck away from me, Destiny," I snarled and she whimpered on the ground and cowered back like I was about to jump on her.

I wasn't going to hit her but whoever lifted me away from where I stood wasn't taking any chances.

"You're a magnet for trouble, Bee."

I began laughing. "All this shite only started happenin' when you and your evil twin rolled into town!"

Damien snorted into my ear then murmured, "Fights, mad girls, sex, parties… all that crap happens in every town we go to."

Did that mean they moved around a lot?

"Well, I don't want any part of it, yet somehow I got dragged into it!"

"Because Dominic wants you."

"He can't have me!"

Damien chuckled again. "And that is one of the reasons why he won't leave you alone."

I groaned. "I hate men."

Damien laughed then moved on when Gavin appeared in front of me.

"You okay? Do you need anythin'?" he asked me, a frown on his face.

"Straight to the principal's office Bronagh and Destiny, now!"

I cringed at Mr. Rivers' roar.

I groaned and said to Gavin, "Yeah, I need an ambulance because when me sister hears about this she is gonna kill me."

"You're so lucky you weren't suspended again!"

I kept my head down as I got into the back of Ryder's Jeep; it was like the Slater family car since all the lads drove it at one time or another.

"Dame, sit in the middle, I'm not listenin' to them two tear at each other's throats."

I completely and totally ignored Branna. She was making me take a ride home from Ryder knowing Dominic was going to be in the car, and I was mad at her for it. I was also mad that she was mad at me over what went down with Destiny. I mean, I explained exactly what happened, and she was still pissed at me. I buckled my seatbelt, hugged my school bag to my chest and looked out of the car window.

"What were you thinkin', Bronagh?"

I clenched my school bag and ignored her again.

Branna twisted around in her seat and looked at me, her eyes narrowed. "Answer me!"

I swallowed, looked at her then calmly said, "I was thinkin' that I'm sick and tired of people walkin' all over me like I'm a doormat just because I'm quiet; I was stickin' up for meself!"

Branna shook her head. "By fuckin' fightin'?"

I lost it.

"I didn't fight her! She got in me face and tried to humiliate me by braggin' that she shagged that STD carryin' prick over there and then she said I was jealous of her! Plus, she was the one who came at me; I pushed her away from me in an attempt to defend meself unless you wanted me to let her beat me up like Micah did?"

Her eyes flashed; she only recently learned that Micah was the one who beat me up a couple of weeks ago, and that I had lied when I said I didn't know who hurt me. She understood my reasons, but she was still upset about that.

"You know I never want that to happen to you again, your fuckin' stomach is still only healin' from what that Micah girl done to you!"

I felt his eyes on me.

"What did she do to your stomach?" he asked me.

I ignored him.

I wasn't talking to him, because once again what happened was because of him; Destiny tried to rub having sex with him in my face.

"It was black and blue from that girl kickin' her when she was on the ground. The bruises are nearly faded but it's takin' a long time for them to heal."

I growled at Branna. "It's none of his business because that was his fault, this is his fault, everything is his fault."

I couldn't believe my voice cracked at the end of my sentence. I was going to cry; I knew it and so did everyone else. I looked out the window as Ryder began to pull out of the space he had parked in the school car park. I bit down on my lip and prayed that my tears would dry up, but they didn't.

When I blinked, they fell onto my cheeks and then a little sniffle came from my nose.

Damien sighed next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. He didn't say a word or pull me into a side hug, he just left his arm around me for comfort. I usually didn't like anything like this. I could tell he didn't either but I was glad of it because it made me feel a little bit better.

The car journey wasn't long so I wiped my face as discreetly as I could when Ryder pulled up to mine and Branna's house.

"Later, Bee," Damien said.

I glanced at him and gave him a little smile then flicked my surely red and puffy eyes to Dominic and narrowed then. "I hate you," I growled before turning and getting out of the car, closing the door and stalking up the garden.

"Bye, sweetie," I heard Branna say, and it made me scoff.

Ryder was bigger than both Branna and me put together. There was no way in hell a man his size could be called sweetie, it was just wrong. I thought this over while I rooted through my bag for my keys. When I found them I unlocked the door and headed straight for my room. I heard Branna follow me, and it made me inwardly groan. I needed to lie down and just be on my own for a while, but apparently she wasn't going to let that happen.

When I got into my room, I kicked off my shoes and began to take off my uniform. I pulled on some pyjama trousers under my school skirt then took off the shirt once the trousers were up. I settled on my bed once I had a tank top on and gestured for Branna - who was leaning against my door - into the room.