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"Oh, that will make her less angry!"

"Fuck you, you cheatin' bastard!" I screamed as I turned to look through the banisters.

Ryder and Dominic where leaned up against the hall wall observing me being viciously attacked by my so-called sibling and didn't do a single thing to stop it. They actually looked fucking amused, the pricks.

"Stop that, stop being such a little-"

"Such a little what? Huh? Why are you defendin' Dominic? If you say it's because you are shaggin' his brother, I'm disownin' you and never talkin' to you again!" I snarled.

Branna stopped her attack on me but didn't move off me.

"I'm not defendin' him, I still think he is a little cocky shite who needs a good clout now and then, but I do think you should let him explain himself."

"I think 'like' is putting things a little too strongly now after being attack with dishes-"

"Shut up, you see red whenever Damien talks about her and her could-be-or-could-not-be-boyfriend Gavin."

"He is not her boyfriend, how many damn times do I have to keep saying that? I told you what went down last night!" Dominic snapped to his brother.

I was gaping at him.

How dare he speak for me.

Gavin wasn't my boyfriend but still!

"How do you know he isn't me boyfriend now? I could have went to him today for all you know!" I glared at him.

He turned his head to me and smirked. "Because I told him today before school that if he touched you, I'd kill him. I might have also mentioned something about you being mine."




"What is wrong with you? I'm not somethin' you own. You can't tell people to not touch me-"

"I can and I will," he cut me off.

I looked back at Branna who was grinning.

"What are you grinnin' about?" I growled.

She shrugged, still practically on top of me. "He wants you to be together for good. He wants to explain what you saw in school today but is worried you will attack him since you usually do when he makes you mad."

"I do not!" I bellowed.

"You do!" Branna smiled.

"Like you can talk. He had to get stitches over you last night!"

Branna shrugged. "You hit him more."

"I do not!"

Branna and Ryder laughed. "You do," they said in unison, then smiled at each other.

All thoughts of Dominic were forgotten when I noticed how they looked at each other, it was with longing or love or something. It was a bit creepy.

"Do you both love each other?"

Branna snorted as she looked away from Ryder and looked back to me.

"I do love him," Branna beamed.

Oh, my Jesus.

"And he loves me."

Oh, my God.

"And we're goin' to live together."

Oh, my Moses.

"Then get married and have babies."

Holy Mary, Mother of God.

"WHAT?" I screamed into Branna's face, wiping the smile from it. "You're engaged to that?" I pointed a trembling hand to Ryder, who avoided making eye contact with me.

"Him, not that!" Branna growled.

I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"I can't believe you would do this to me! If you marry him, that bastard will never be out of me life. Never!" I cried.

Tears legit fell from my eyes, and I didn't care that Ryder or Dominic could see.

Branna's bottom lip quivered. "Stop it, Bronagh. I'm not doin' this to hurt you, babe. I love you more than anythin'; you're me sister but your problems with Dominic have nothin' to do with Ryder."

"Only the fact that they're related," I snapped through my sobs.

Branna sighed. "You're only cryin' because you're mad at Dominic because you thought he was kissin' Destiny in school today-"

"Branna!" I screamed cutting her off.

She closed her mouth while I could practically hear the cunt across from me smiling. He obviously told her what happened before I could. I pushed Branna off me, turned and scrambled up the stairs.

"I'm not goin' to your poxy weddin', and he isn't movin' in here because this is my house too. You can move out if you want to be with 'em that much, and screw you Dominic, I wasn't upset because that would mean I have to care about you, and I don't, I hate you!" I screamed as I ran up the stairs and down the hallway to my bedroom, slamming the door so hard behind me that the walls shook a little.

I dove onto my bed, put my face in my pillow, and screamed. I was panting by the time I was done and just lying motionless on my bed.

My world and life as I knew it was ending. Branna was engaged to Ryder.

En-fucking-gaged to Ryder!


I heard my bedroom door open and inwardly rolled my eyes.

"Leave me alone, Branna," I muttered. "I don't wanna talk to you."

The bottom of my bed dipped down the centre, then next to me, as she crawled up on my bed beside me. I heard shoes hit the floor, and I sighed out loud.

I turned my head. "I said leave me be, Bran - get out!" I screamed when Dominic's silver, grey eyes stared back to me instead of Branna's blue ones.

"No," Dominic smirked.

I reached out to punch him in the face, but he caught my hand, pulled me to him and crushed his lips onto mine. I widened my eyes in shock.

What in God's name was happening?

"Dominic, stop it!" I growled into his mouth.

He ignored me and simply took advantage of my open mouth to slip his tongue inside. I honestly thought about biting him, but I was afraid his blood would get in my mouth if I did that.

"Shut up and kiss me, baby. Just fucking kiss me!" Dominic snarled as he sucked my bottom lip into his mouth.

I squeezed my eyes shut and forced myself not to kiss him back.

Think of the first time he kissed you, what did that lead to? Him trying to seduce to and fingering you in the hospital. Think of him bullying you, teasing you, making fun of you, torturing you every day in school and him loving every second of it. Think of him with Destiny and Lexi and Sammy and Jenny and Ciara and-

"Stop thinking and kiss me," Dominic growled again.

I opened my eyes and shook my head. "No," I replied, licking my lips and tasting him on them. "You're up to no good, I know you well enough to know you don't like me like you think you do. You hate me just as much as I hate you and you're tryin' to-"

"I'm trying to kiss my girl, that's all," Dominic cut me off.

"Your girl?" I gasped trying to pull away from me him, but he didn't let me move.

Did he not take me seeing him almost kissing Destiny as a big fat fucking break up?

Dominic grinned. "You've been my girl since you slapped me across the face two days after I met you. No girl has ever hit me before for touching their ass, but you did and you insulted me to no end and openly professed your hatred for me every day you encountered me after that. I like it in a weird, twisted way. You don't fall for my bullshit, Bronagh, you're yourself with me. You don't act the way you think I want you to act just so we can hook up. You avoid me at all costs and refuse to look at me most days; you're amazing."

I gaped at him. "You're so fucked up. You actually like me because I hate you?"

Dominic laughed. "No, I like you because you stay true to yourself and aren't in the slightest bit fake. You're also really gorgeous and have a great ass, but those things are just a plus. I really just like you for you."

Dominic Slater, my arch enemy, had just admitted to liking me. I knew he had liked me for a while now, and after last night I definitely knew, but hearing him saying it out loud like this for the first time still made me a little weak.