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I gripped onto him as I felt my heart hammer into my chest. "He can call you whenever and tell you to leave here at any time to go to a different country to fight then, right? If he has done it in the past then he can do it again-"

"Bronagh!" Dominic snapped and shook me. "Listen to me very carefully, I am not leaving you. Ireland is the last country I am fighting in. I already told Marco this, and he has agreed because he was getting bored with my fights since I always win. Apparently it's not exciting unless I have an even match, and I'm fighting like an animal to please him. We're all getting released from him after my current circuit is over. Another few weeks, and it's all done with."

I sat up and just looked at him. "So that's it? Marco is going to let your family off the hook that easily? Damien killed his nephew."

Dominic shrugged. "Men like Marco don't care about family or honour. He knew that Ryder was planning to get us out of New York whether Damien wanted to leave or not, and after Trent was killed it was the perfect pitch for him to play and keep us with him."

I pulled a face. "I hate him already, and I haven't even met him."

Dominic pulled my head down to his. "You won't ever meet him either."

I nodded my head. "Good."

He brushed a light kiss over my mouth before pulling back. "Do you understand why I do what I do now?" he asked.

I nodded. "You're protectin' your brother."

Dominic kissed my forehead. "I knew you would understand once I told you everything."

I gave him a hard look. "That is everythin', right? There is nothin' else you're keepin' from me?"

Dominic shook his head. "You know everything about my past, most of it isn't even mine, it's Damien's, but you still know about it."

I nodded my head and released a huge breath. "I do understand it, but I'm still processin' it. It's a big pill to swallow."

Dominic rubbed my crossed legs. "I know, baby."

I remained quiet for a moment then asked, "Are you and Damien goin' to school as a cover for the 'family business' to make your family look normal?"

Dominic snorted. "No, we want to go to school. It's the only normal thing in our lives that we can control."

I nodded my head then thought of his brothers.

"What do the other lads do for Marco if you fight for him?"

Dominic chewed on his lip before he said, "Kane is his debt collector and what Marco calls his bruiser. If someone is late on payments or just in need of a 'talking' to, then Kane is the man Marco sends in to get the job done."

I gasped. "But Kane is lovely!"

Dominic grinned a little. "You've seen his scars, he didn't get them from being lovely."

Holy shite!

Kane with his big beautiful smile hurt people for this Marco creep. It was his bit to help keep Damien safe, I got that, but still, it was beyond shocking!

"Alec, what does he do? If you tell me that the flirt hurts people then I will go to the corner and just cry."

Dominic laughed. "Alec, fight people? Get real, he fucks Marco's problems away, literally."

I stared at Dominic. "You better fuckin' explain that."

Dominic rubbed his eyes. "Marco deals in things from drugs to weapons to all types of entertainment, including, but not limited to, fighting and sex."

I stared at him still waiting for him to get to Alec's role in all this.

Dominic laughed and scrubbed his face. "Alec is an escort for Marco's clients, Bronagh. Usually the wives or husband of his clients, his job is to keep them happy."

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

Dominic jumped with fright then laughed. "Out of everything I just told you, that is what freaks you out?"

No, but still!

"Alec is gay?" I asked, shocked beyond belief.

Dominic shook his head. "He is bisexual."

Oh, my God.

"I did not pick up on that at all, I thought he was straight," I stated.

Dominic snickered. "He loves pussy and cock, the greedy fucker simply can't choose between them."

I blinked at him then opened my mouth to speak only to close it again. Dominic laughed at this while I just sat next to him in shock.

"So you're an underground fighter; Kane is a bruiser and Alec is an… escort. Am I right so far?" I asked then shook my head.

There was a sentence I never thought I would hear myself say.

"Yeah, and Ryder runs drugs and weapons for Marco, so he is technically a drug and weapons dealer."

Oh, my fucking God!

"And Damien?" I squeaked.

"And Damien's nothin', he isn't involved with Marco. It's part of our deal to keep him safe. He keeps out of everything while we deal with it."

I blew out a breath. "Thank God one of you is normal."

Dominic moved and had me on my back with himself nestled between my legs in only a few seconds. "What's not normal about me, pretty girl?" he teased.

"You're supposed to be an eighteen-year-old foreign exchange student, not a secret underground fighter who is tied up with one of the most dangerous men in the entire world!" I wasn't shocked that my eyes filled with tears, and neither was Dominic because he had a bit of a grin on his face when my tears fell, which made me think of him as a huge bastard.

Dominic pressed his forehead to mine. "I was wondering when the tears were going to come. I'm surprised you got through me telling you everything without crying."

I sniffled, "Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Dominic laughed at me which made me lightly chuckle.

He kissed my nose. "I know this shit is crazy and hard to believe and hard to accept, but I need you to trust me, okay? I know what I'm doing; I can handle this."

"I do trust you. I can't believe all this shite, but I trust you on it."

He kissed me then and kissed me hard, but stopped when I reached down and not so gently gripped his dick in my hand and squeezed.

"Fuck! Why are you doing that?" he shouted.

I released him and grinned when he whimpered a little on top of me.

"You just told me some of the most shocking things I have ever heard my entire life and you're trying to kiss me like that while I'm trying to process it? Get fucked, you bloody eejit," I snapped.

Dominic was laughing and wincing at the same time when he rolled off me and cupped himself. "I live you, pretty girl," he said through his pain.

I rolled my eyes and turned over. "Live you too, Fuckface."

"This is the first time you have come to school on a Monday with no fresh bruises on your face in weeks," Miss McKesson said to me as I entered her classroom on Monday morning.

I was a little surprised that she was in class already; I am usually the first person in here.

I forced a smile to the miss, but didn't say anything to her.

She nodded her head towards the door. "Will you pop down to the main hall and give Alannah and some others a hand with some things down there?"