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Skull chewed on his lip before stepping aside. "Back room on your left. It might be locked so just knock incase."

I nodded and took off walking down the hallway. I passed nine rooms by the time I reached the one Skull said Damien and Alannah were inside. I cleared my throat, raised my hand and knocked hard on the door. I had to wait outside knocking for a good fifteen minutes, and I couldn't hear a thing from inside the room so when the door suddenly door opened, I almost jumped out of my skin as I flung my hand over my heart. "You scared me, you bastard," I snapped to a shirtless Damien, who only grinned at me.

"Where is she?" I growled.

He raised his eyebrows and stopped grinning. "In the bathroom-"

"Did you have sex with her?" I cut him off.

He narrowed his eyes at me then. "I don't think that is any of your business, Bee."

I glared right back at him and said, "It's me fuckin' business when it's me friend you're fuckin' over."

I pushed by him into the room, and I made it a few steps before he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.

"I didn't fucking rape her!" he snarled.

I almost wet myself, because I had never seen him this mad; I actually had never seen him mad at all.

"Let go of me arm or I'm tellin' Dominic," I said in a tone that left no room for jokes.

Damien shook his head but let me go. "Is that how you deal with problems? You have my brother fix them?"

I was shocked at that and also enraged. "Fuck you, Damien. You know fuckin' well that I deal with me problems meself. I don't need Dominic to defend me from anybody!"

Damien laughed. "Jason Bane and Gavin Collins would disagree."

I shook my head. "You can seriously go and fuck yourself."

He laughed as I turned and stormed over to the side of the room where another door was; I knocked on it and called out, "Alannah?"

"I'm in here," she replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked through the door.

"Yes and no," she replied.

My stomach lurched as I said, "Explain."

"Well, I know I s-said I wasn't goin' to do it but I h-had sex with Damien and it was g-great. A little sore but still great… however, he said that nothin' will come of it, and we can just be friends because he doesn't d-do relationships… I'm s-sad over it."

She was tipsy earlier, but she didn't exactly sound drunk right now; she just sounded really upset. I turned to face Damien, who was looking at the bathroom door with a frown on his face. He looked like it bothered him that he upset Alannah.

I walked forward and pushed him by the chest, and he made no move to fight me off this time. He locked eyes with me and silently willed me to hit him, to hurt him. I didn't touch him again though. I instead looked him up and down, utterly disgusted with him.

"I was very wrong about you. I thought you were a good person; I didn't let what Dominic told me about your past change my opinion of you, because what you did wasn't planned or even thought on. You did it to protect yourself, your brother, and Nala, but this? You knew how much Alannah liked you, you knew she was a virgin and you knew she didn't want to be a one hit wonder, but yet you still pursued her and persuaded your way into her knickers, because she rejected you, and you liked the challenge of pullin' her. You're no fuckin' better than any other scumbag out there who uses girls, and I hope you realise what a cold and cruel person you are for doin' this, Damien Slater!" I made a move to turn away from his stone cold face, but paused and shook my head before I glanced up at him again. I gave him a hard glare as I said, "After hearin' a description of your ma and da from Dominic, it looks like the apple didn't fall too far from the tree after all, because you only think about one person just like they did. Yourself. I bet they are so fuckin' proud."

His face completely dropped, and he looked a little unsteady on his feet like he could fall over at any second. I didn't care though; I turned and went back over to the bathroom to where Alannah was still holed up inside. I gently knocked on the door and gripped the handle when I heard sniffling.

"Lana?" I said softly, using her nickname for the first time. "It's me, can I come in?"

I ignored the banging behind me. I knew Damien had to get dressed, and he was clearly pissed as he banged around the room but, whatever, fuck him.

I entered the bathroom when the door clicked open and locked it behind me. I kicked off my heels, bent down to my knees and then reached forward and engulfed Alannah, who was sitting on the closed lid of the toilet with her head in her hands. When I put my arms around her she cried and wrapped her arms around my back and just held me tight.

"It's goin' to be okay, Lana. You're strong and won't let an annoyin' American prick get you down, right?" I asked.

Alannah sniffled and snorted a little as she pulled back from me to get some tissue to wipe up the snot that was running from her nose.

"You know somethin'? I know Nico is your fella, but I thought he was the prick and Damien was the nice one, but I was so wrong. Nico is honest and has always been himself whether like him or hate him. Damien though… he is like a snake in human form. I hate him."

I hugged her again when fresh tears began to stream down her face; I wanted to kill Damien for doing this to her.

Who could do this to another person and not feel guilty?

Dominic wasn't joking when he said Damien was hollow; he was stone fucking cold!

"If it makes you feel better, Dominic really is a prick."

Alannah started laughing through her tears then pulled back to clean herself up again. I switched from kneeling on my knees to sitting on my arse. I winced making Alannah frown.

"I just realised we both lost our virginity tonight to the twins."

I raised my eyebrows. "Well… at least we can be sore and hate them together."

Alannah started chuckling again, and even though she was still really upset I could already see the wall she was starting to build up around her heart whenever she spat something about Damien. She was never going to forgive him for this, and if she did he would really have to prove himself to her. It wouldn't happen anytime soon though. Alannah seems to be a lot like me so I knew she would hold onto it for years and keep her guard up until her walls get smashed down just like mine did.

"Bee?" Alannah said getting my attention.

I looked to her. "Yeah?"

"Ready to go back outside? I can hear 'RAMPAGE' being cheered now that they stopped the music for the fight."

I was on my feet in seconds and shoving my feet back into my heels. I had completely forgotten about Dominic's fight, fuck! I grabbed Alannah's hand, and we all but ran out of the private room, down the hallway, and around Skull and his buddy. I widened my eyes when I looked to the platform that Dominic was on with a guy twice his size. They were even in height but this man must have been thirty years old and was at least forty pounds heavier than Dominic. The man had muscular arms but his gut looked more flab than ab. It made me grimace when Dominic punched him there, because I doubt he even felt it.

"Fuckin' kill 'em, RAMPAGE, you beaut!"

I couldn't tell which girl shouted it, and I didn't care to pinpoint her either, because she wasn't the only female shouting things like that at my boyfriend. Women a lot older than us were shouting extremely crude things that honestly made my blood boil. Dominic was a man, not a fucking piece of meat… and if he was a piece of meat then he was my piece of meat and I didn't share my food, so these slappers best be backing the fuck off!